Regarding linux cp same directory Similar files in another directory and rename?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/regarding-linux-cp-same-directory-similar-files-in-another-directory-and-rename.html
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Regarding linux cp same directory Similar files in another directory and rename?


I need copy some zip files(tea.zip, flower.zip, dog.zip) of "test" directory to "good" directory and rename them,I wish to use a command to complete the operation.

source: /home/test/,tea.zip, flower.zip, dog.zip

purpose: /home/good/,tea_ok.zip,flower_ok.zip, dog_ok.zip

1) How to write command at linux's ssh?

cp /home/test/[tea,flower,dog].zip /home/good/[tea,flower,dog]_ok.zip


2) How to in bash?

Supplement:I need copy files,not move,and copy to different directory ,rename them.

It's intuitive to wirte this code.

mv /home/test/{tea,flower,dog}.zip  /home/{tea,flower,dog}_ok.zip

But it's wrong unluckily.

I think a consecutive command in shell can't fulfil your requirement.

You'd better write a simple shell script.

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