Girls' Angle: A Math Club for Girls

 2 years ago
source link: http://www.girlsangle.org/
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Welcome to Girls' Angle!

Girls' Angle is...

  • a math club for girls
  • a comprehensive approach to math education for girls
  • a producer of math educational content
  • a supportive community for women and girls who study, use, and create mathematics.
  • a nonprofit founded in 2007

Our Mission

To foster and nurture girls' interest in mathematics and empower them to be able to tackle any field no matter the level of mathematical sophistication.


Read our latest issue of the Girls' Angle Bulletin! For a content summary, please visit our blog. Visit the Bulletin page to access this and past issues.

Congratulations to all participants at the 14th Buckingham, Browne, and Nichols Upper School Math Collaboration! Super job!

Congratulations to all participants at the Trinity Math Collaboration for third graders! Also, congratulations and many thanks to Maia Posternack for organizing and running the event.

Congratulations to all participants at the joing Ottoson/Gibbs School Math Collaboration! An awe-inspiring achievement

Congratulations to all participants at the PROMYS Girls' Math Circle Math Collaboration! A monumental performance for the ages!

Congratulations to Josh Sher for winning the Thirst For Firsts puzzle raffle! We also had a member winner who wishes to remain anonymous.

The latest WIM video has been posted as of July 5, 2020! Watch UCSD Associate Professor Angela Yu discuss conditional probability.

We regret that Girls' Angle has had to cancel SUMIT 2020 as well as the remaining club meets for the spring.

Congratulations to all participants at the 8th Pollard Middle School Math Collaboration! Great job!

Congratulations to Maia Posternack and all the 3rd graders at the Trinity School!

Huge Congratulations to all students at the Benjamin Brown School for solving an epic math collaboration!

Girls' Angle thanks MathWorks for their continuing support of the Girls' Angle Bulletin.

Girls' Angle thanks Microsoft Research for their for their continuing support of Girls' Angle Math Collaborations.

Congratulations to all participants at the Math Collaboration for Somerville Middle School students held at the Somerville High School. Great focus and terrific work!

Congratulations to all Girls' Angle clubbers for solving the end-of-session Math Collaboration! Special thanks to mentors Jenny Kaufmann and Laura Pierson for designing the event.

Congratulations to all participants at the MIT Math Ice Breaker!

Congratulations to all participants at SUMIT 2019! Thank you for saving the world!

Dr. Grace Work accepts the position of Head Mentor to start July 1, 2019.

Girls' Angle thanks Microsoft for their generous grant in support of Girls' Angle Math Collaborations.

Girls' Angle is now seeking applications for the Head Mentor position, a full-time job in math and math education. Candidates must have a doctoral degree in mathematics prior to starting the job. For details, please see our job listing at MathJobs.org where you may also apply for the position. For more on Head Mentoring at Girls' Angle, please read this blog post.

Check out this app that lets you explore the inscribed equilateral hexagons explained in Inscribed Equialteral Polygons in Triangles by Harned and Rittenberg in Volume 11, Number 2 of the Girls' Angle Bulletin.

Girls' Angle thanks the Mathenaeum Foundation for their generous grant.

Check out this Scientisa interview of Girls' Angle President and Founder, Ken Fan, by Sadaf Atarod.

Read testimonials of our Math Collaborations. Math Collaborations are a fun, mathematically-intense, fully collaborative event type. We can create them to meet a variety of specifications and they can happen anywhere. Contact us if you would like us to make one for you.

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