Why you need to go beyond dynamic data masking

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.red-gate.com/hub/events/why-you-need-to-go-beyond-dynamic-data-masking
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Why you need to go beyond dynamic data masking

Data masking is defined as replacing sensitive data with a realistic fictional equivalent while ensuring that it still looks like the real data, and retains its referential integrity, and distribution characteristics for the purpose of protecting data from unwanted disclosure.

But do you know there are 2 key types of Data masking, and what each offer?

• Static data masking permanently replaces sensitive data by altering data at source.
• Dynamic data masking aims to replace sensitive data in transit leaving the original data intact and unaltered.

In this 30-minute webinar SQLServerCentral Editor, Steve Jones, talks through the capabilities, use cases, benefits, and problems both static and dynamic data masking offer your organization.

This event took place:

  • Apr 6, 2022

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