Copilot Is Like GPT-3 but for Code—Fun, Fast, and Full of Flaws | WIRED

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.wired.com/story/openai-copilot-autocomplete-for-code/
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It’s Like GPT-3 but for Code—Fun, Fast, and Full of Flaws

OpenAI’s new tool can autocomplete lines of programming or conjure software from a simple prompt. It could also riddle the internet with even more bugs.
AI code concept displaying construction site with scaffolding ladders a crane and workers building code
Illustration: Simoul Alva

Code pours from Feross Aboukhadijeh’s fingers.

As a devotee of the open source software movement, he has written immensely popular web apps, peer-to-peer file exchanges, and more than 100 other pieces of code that he has given away, all in the 10 years since he graduated from college. Lately, though, Aboukhadijeh has entered a new kind of flow state, helped along by a tool called Copilot. It’s a piece of artificially intelligent software that does some of the typing, and the thinking, for him.

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