NS1 Cloud-Managed DDI and the Future of Enterprise Networking

 2 years ago
source link: https://ns1.com/blog/ns1-cloud-managed-ddi-and-the-future-of-enterprise-networking
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Posted by Kris Beevers on
October 11, 2021
NS1 News

NS1 Cloud-Managed DDI and the Future of Enterprise Networking

Cloud-delivered core network services like DNS, DHCP, and IPAM (DDI) give enterprises the cloud velocity, elasticity and scale needed for the future of enterprise networking.

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At NS1, we’ve invested aggressively over the last few years, in partnership with many of our customers, to rethink the foundational services of the enterprise network: DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (IPAM), or DDI. For decades, DDI technologies have been centralized systems managed by IT staff tied to ticketing systems and manual processes. Our customers asked us to step into the DDI market to bring automation, elasticity, and intelligence to these core network services because enterprise networks are increasingly dynamic and distributed, much like the application environments we’ve serviced at NS1 for nearly a decade.

Like everyone else, we never could have predicted that soon after launching our Enterprise DDI offerings, the world would change massively because of the global pandemic. And with it, the elasticity, distribution, and demands on enterprise networks have exploded.

These shifts, coupled with our work with dozens of our DDI customers as they evolved their networks, drove increasing conviction for our team that elasticity, highly distributed footprints, and automation are not just trends but are the defining characteristics of the modern enterprise network. At NS1, we build for innovators - for the enterprise network operators striving to break down barriers to better connect applications and audiences.

That’s why today, we’re announcing that we’re all in on the future of enterprise networking with our new Cloud Managed DDI. NS1’s Cloud Managed DDI is built for the distributed edge - highly dynamic and distributed networks that need cloud automation and scale. We believe the future of enterprise networking will be driven by the cloud, and we’ve decided to focus 100% of our DDI efforts on Cloud Managed DDI. All of our DDI technology is now delivered in the cloud.

Cloud Managed DDI is available through our cohesive NS1 Connect platform - unlocking massive operating leverage with aligned DNS and DDI APIs, visibility, and traffic management features for teams that are modernizing application and enterprise networking for the distributed edge. NS1 Connect delivers all the scale, reliability, security, and performance benefits of our industry leading Managed DNS which powers the world’s most critical applications - and unlocks those benefits for your network with Cloud Managed DDI.

Cloud Managed DDI brings cloud velocity, elasticity, and scale to enterprise networking - eliminating the legacy appliance mentality in favor of highly distributed edge software orchestrated by NS1 Connect to deliver cohesive services and policies across your distributed footprints.

Where are we headed with Cloud Managed DDI? Lightweight DNS and DHCP footprints in every branch. Real-time visibility that spans your internet facing and internal network services. Operating your network service fleets as “cattle, not pets”. Bringing the internet applications powered by NS1 right into your network for performance, reliability, security, and privacy.

NS1’s Cloud Managed DDI is the foundation for the future of enterprise networks, and we’re 100% focused on cloud - so reach out and learn more today!

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