Most interesting links of March '14

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.jakubholy.net/2014/03/31/most-interesting-links-of-march-14/
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Most interesting links of March '14

March 31, 2014

Recommended Readings

Clojure Corner

  • Timo Mihaljov's Pimp My REPL (3/2014)- really great tips - user.clj, :dev profile, user-wide config in .lein/profiles.clj, tools.namespace, making funs available everywhere & more via Vinyasa, form println with Spyscope, debug-repl, difform, clj-ns-browser


  • clj-ds - Clojure immutable datastructures extracted from Clojure and made easier for use directly in Java

Favourite Quotes

Tags: clojure

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