This Week in Fluvio #26

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.fluvio.io/news/this-week-in-fluvio-0026/
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This Week in Fluvio #26

Mar 24, 2022

This Week in Fluvio is our weekly newsletter for development updates to Fluvio open source.

Fluvio is a distributed, programmable streaming platform written in Rust.

New release

New features

  • Add configuration for compression at topic level (#2249)
  • Add producer batch options to CLI fluvio produce CLI (#2257)

Upcoming events

Open positions

Get in touch with us on Github Discussions or join our Discord channel and come say hello!

For the full list of changes this week, be sure to check out our CHANGELOG.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK