WN13: What is the best piece of content you found?

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/lorenzojkrl/wn13-what-is-the-best-piece-of-content-you-found-3lg0
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WN13: What is the best piece of content you found?

Weekly Best Piece of Content (2 Part Series)

Another week has passed, and here we want to get the best pieces of content you found during the week!

It really can be anything:

  • videos
  • posts
  • tweets
  • books
  • motivation

Share anything that added value to your journey and could add value to other people's journey.

So, what is the best piece of content you found this week?

Discussion (1)




Once again it is a YouTube channel: fireship.io

The videos on YT are free and they drive potential customers to their website.

However, some of the videos on YT are very well done, especially if you want to get an overview of a specific topic. So, here is a quick video about Next.js by fireship.io.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK