Working globally with front-end engineer Eibhlin

 2 years ago
source link: https://linktr.ee/blog/working-globally-with-front-end-engineer-eibh/
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4 mins read


Working globally with front-end engineer Eibhlin

How Linktree software engineer Eibhlín McGeady works remote from her hometown in Dublin, Ireland!


Working at Linktree means you can work from anywhere in the world. Where are you right now? 

I’m logging in from my hometown in Dublin, which is a beautiful city. If you haven’t been yet – it’s a place you won’t forget. And it’s still the place I call home. I’ve been working remotely here for the past six months, getting closer than ever with the Linktree team while being surrounded by my family and friends. 

At Linktree, we know that our best work happens whenever and wherever we’re inspired, and we’re flexible about what that looks like. For me, the office is anywhere I have an internet connection!

That flexibility gives everyone a chance to live a little differently; how does it impact your lifestyle?

I love travelling. It’s one of the things that brings joy and balance to my life. When flights and countries start to open back up, I’m going to be out there, seeing new places and finding new experiences, and I know I’ll be able to keep working and living with Linktree while I do it.

When I moved to Australia from Ireland on a working holiday visa, I was looking for a role that would help me live my life on my terms. After I met with Linktree, I knew it was the perfect fit. The culture, the people and the problems leaped out at me, and they wanted to help me see the world. 

In 2020, I was planning on getting back on the road, exploring Europe and living a nomadic lifestyle. When the world started to go into lockdown I had to put my travels on hold and reassess – but Linktree has been here to help me plan for the future. 

I truly love seeing Linktree in the wild. When I use Instagram or any kind of social media platform and I see people sharing their Links, it makes me excited. We’re bringing people together, and bringing each other together. 

With everyone working remote and from home, what’s the culture like at Linktree?

I love the vibe we have. Everybody’s online, sharing the day together remotely and sharing their personalities on our Slack channel and our calls. We’re coming together from Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Indonesia, Brisbane, Tasmania, Los Angeles and Ireland, and everyone’s on the same playing field.

The culture is just growing in new ways, and I have the chance to meet a new person from the company every week for a virtual coffee in our Donut channel, or play a Virtual Escape Room game with the whole team. I feel like I’m right there with everyone. 

What are you excited to work on right now at Linktree?

The work we do is about making a simple, powerful tool that you don’t need to spend too much time on, no matter what kind of user you are. You’re getting the benefit of even if you’re not an expert in marketing or influencing, and it levels the online playing field. 

We cater to so many different groups, industries and users but we always want to narrow it down to the needs of real people, whether they’re entrepreneurs, artists, musicians or just users trying to connect with each other.

I truly love seeing Linktree in the wild. When I use Instagram or any kind of social media platform and I see people sharing their Links, it makes me excited. We’re bringing people together, and bringing each other together. 

What tips do you have for staying connected to your team from across the globe?

We’re taking every opportunity to sit down and talk with people who are assigned to different teams, connecting new starters to people who’ve been with the company for a long time and making sure we’re all getting as much exposure as possible to the different team members. Nobody’s a stranger. 

💡 Why should someone want to work at Linktree?

My plans might have gone wrong this year – but I know when the time is right, Linktree will support me exploring, travelling and working from across the world. That’s what we do here. It’s how we work – together. 

If you’re looking to join a culture and a team that will back every part of your life, we want to talk to you. Linktree is growing faster than ever, and our team has space for creative people who have a lust for life and want to build a product the internet loves.

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