GNU Screen v.4.9.0

 2 years ago
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GNU Screen v.4.9.0

Item posted by Alexander Naumov <anaumov> on Tue 01 Feb 2022 04:21:34 PM UTC.

I'm announcing availability of GNU Screen v.4.9.0

Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a
physical terminal between several processes, typically
interactive shells.

New in this release:
  * Hardstatus option for used encoding (escape string '%e')
  * OpenBSD uses native openpty() from its utils.h
  * Fixes:
    - fix combining char handling that could lead to a segfault
    - CVE-2021-26937: possible denial of service via a crafted UTF-8 character sequence (bug #60030)
    - make screen exit code be 0 when checking --help
    - session names limit is 80 symbols (bug #61534)
    - option -X ignores specified user in multiuser env (bug #37437)
    - a lot of reformations/fixes/cleanups (man page and source code)

For full list of changes see

Release is available for download at:
or your closest mirror (may have some delay)

Thanks to everybody who contributed patches and helped to test development git-version.
Keep sending bugreports or any regressions.

Have a lot of fun with GNU Screen 4.9.0 ;-)


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