Twitter Adds Three More Providers to its Official Partner Program

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/twitter-adds-three-more-providers-to-its-official-partner-program/621137/
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Twitter Adds Three More Providers to its Official Partner Program

Published March 28, 2022

Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Twitter has announced another expansion of its Partner Program, with the addition of three new partner providers, adding more capacity for business users to get the most out of the platform by working with endorsed, third-party vendors who will now be able to tap into more in-depth Twitter data and support.

Twitter Partner Program additions

As you can see from the above graphic, Twitter has added Cision, Khoros, and Synthesio, into the program, with each providing specialized assistance for business users.

  • Cision: A leading global provider of earned media software and services to public relations and marketing communications professionals
  • Khoros: An award-winning digital-first customer engagement software and service that helps enterprises drive better customer experiences and connections across the expanding digital channel landscape
  • Synthesio, an Ipsos company: A social listening pioneer and AI-enabled consumer intelligence leader, Synthesio provides a complete, accurate, and predictive picture of consumers

The additions take Twitter’s Partner Program to 16 recognized, third-party providers after Twitter added seven more partners in September last year. Each official partner is categorized into different, specialist elements.

Twitter Partner Program categories

So now, if you need help with any of these aspects, you can tap into a broader pool of expertise from these official partners, giving you more options for your tweet strategy.

Twitter further notes that each of its official partners has to meet a set of strict selection criteria, based on the following elements:

  • Quality - Candidate must be recognized as a leading quality product
  • Scale - Candidate must have a strong and growing business
  • Relationship - Candidate must be in good standing with Twitter
  • Health - Candidate meets business and technical health standards
  • Compliance - Candidate must meet Twitter’s Compliance guidelines

That means that in working with these partners, you can be assured that they meet Twitter’s standards, and align with the key elements required to make best use of its tools.

It could be a big help in your Twitter approach, while it’ll also help each of these new partners establish broader trust through official endorsement.

You can learn more about Twitter’s Partner Program here.

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