Random Users - Generate random user profile pictures and names with a click | Pr...

 2 years ago
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Random Users

Generate random user profile pictures and names with a click

This tool allows you to generate random user profile pictures and names and use them as placeholders for your prototypes and design projects.
Circle shape and photo filters are available!
Featured 3h ago
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Game maker. Web Dev. Music & Pixel Art

Hi there, web and app designers!

I wanted to create a simple tool to allow you to get demo avatars and names for your prototypes and projects, so let's say hi to Random Users :)

You can generate male and female profile pictures, apply a b&w and sepia filters and download them as they look.

You can also see a preview of circle borders, anyway on download you'll still get a square image.

Let me know what you think, and if you'd like to see add-ons on this tool!

Serial maker
@frankeno didn't know you’re working on new side project. Good luck Frank
Game maker. Web Dev. Music & Pixel Art
Software Engineer
@frankeno Very useful product. Best of luck.
Game maker. Web Dev. Music & Pixel Art
Love this, I had to create hundreds of users with profile pics for an app once and it was a total pain - congrats on the launch 😀
Game maker. Web Dev. Music & Pixel Art
@simon_barker1 Thanks Simon! Happy you found this tool useful for your projects!
Product Lead at mirro.io
Neat and easy, cool stuff!
Game maker. Web Dev. Music & Pixel Art
@bogdan_ionita Thanks so much, glad you like this tiny tool!
Developer, Artist, Entrepreneur
great tool, the random users also look good 😄
Game maker. Web Dev. Music & Pixel Art
@payam_saremi Glad you like it! Yeah, I wanted to show nice faces :D
Engineer @thundraio 🚀
Great, will there be an api for them? Congrats on the launch!
Game maker. Web Dev. Music & Pixel Art
@milkers Glad you like it, no API for now, but I'll consider it in the future

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