Our 5 Favorite Meetups for Creators at SXSW 2019

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.patreon.com/meetups-sxsw-2019
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Our 5 Favorite Meetups for Creators at SXSW 2019

Each year, thousands of attendees set up shop in Austin, Texas to submerge themselves in all things collaboration and community across industries like film, music, and tech.

Yes, networking at SXSW is expected, but unlike many conferences where you’ll be on your own to find out who makes the cut for your rolodex, SXSW comes equipped with a shortcut to successfully mingle with the like-minded: meetups. Whether you’re starting a new web series, interested in canoodling with a community of podcasters, or anxious to find common ground with fellow freestyle rappers, trust that SXSW has a meetup made specifically for you!

  1. Web Series Meetup: This meetup is specifically made for lovers of digital content, which makes it perfect for creators who double as actors, directors, writers, and producers of online series. Hosted by Tina Cesa Ward, Chairman of the International Academy of Web Television, and Sandra Payne, Vice Chairman of the IAWTV, you’ll be able to network with peers across the country, discover new web series, and walk away with more knowledge and inspiration to keep creating great content.
  2. Podcasters Meetup: Gone are the times that having a web presence was secluded to an easily searchable URL, social media presence, and a few videos on YouTube. Enter: podcasting, a way to literally share your voice, brand, stories, and vision with listeners. In this meetup, you’ll learn about, discuss, and gain tools to better navigate the world of podcasting. Join a gathering of podcasters to talk about best sound quality, how to score top interviews, what shapes the best stories, and, of course, how to drive revenue and attract the best listeners.
  3. Minorities in the Games Industry Meetup: Being the only “you” in a room can be hard; despite the diversity among game players, the gaming industry can, at times, lack representation – but not at this meetup! A safe place for an underrepresented individual with a similar background, this meetup helps minorities to connect, bridge the gap, and impact the future of the gaming industry.
  4. Women Who Create Meetup: The TLDR description of who should attend this meetup includes “women who create amazing shit.” That means whatever you create, whether you shoot it, write it, edit it, film, it or just think it up, the hosts of the “Women Who Create Meetup” want to get to know you. The female-driven production team of Social Snacks and the tech women from WTF (Women Tech Founders) will be there for an hour of fun — focused on uniting badass women who are impacting (or plan to impact) male-dominated fields.
  5. Music Publishing Meetup: It’s no surprise that the music industry is changing, and with it the way that artists create, collaborate, and make money by leveraging their passion. In this meetup, you’ll join your fellow music industry colleagues and experts to address the changing landscape of all things music. This includes deep discussion on emerging revenue streams that publishers can tap into like lyric licensing, online video, and app integrations. LyricFind Founder and CEO, Darryl Ballantyne, will invite music tech leaders to join in on the conversation and help uncover the latest ways to grow revenue.

Now that you know the what and where it’s time to get your business cards ready, practice your savviest elevator pitch, and, most importantly, remember to RSVP! And, if you’d like to spend some time with us (and we hope you do) request an invite to the House of Creativity where creators like you will be experiencing curated collaborative programming, interactive exhibits, plus daily exclusive showcases and live shows.

See you in Austin!

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