Supporting innovation in AI research: Partnering with the Cornell Ann S. Bowers...

 2 years ago
source link: https://engineering.linkedin.com/blog/2022/supporting-innovation-in-ai-research--partnering-with-the-cornel
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March 23, 2022

One of my favorite proverbs is 'if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together'. This couldn't be more true, especially in the field of engineering where when we bring together our collective minds and research, we can achieve greater technological advancements to help people and organizations around the globe reach their goals.

That’s why today, I’m proud to share that LinkedIn is partnering with the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science (Cornell Bowers CIS), a research leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and labor economics, over the next five years to accelerate and expand AI research in key areas, such as Responsible AI and algorithm design. This partnership will support research efforts for Bowers CIS faculty and Ph.D. students, as well as bolster initiatives around diversity, equity, and inclusion within the college.  

We are honored to partner with a top-flight organization that is also aligned with our mission to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. To deliver on that goal, it’s essential for us to explore the frontiers of AI research, alongside like-minded organizations, to create a more equitable and effective platform. 

Cornell Bowers CIS also shares our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in technology. 43% of Cornell’s Computing and Information Science majors identify as women and 16% are underrepresented minorities; we’re excited to be supporting an organization that’s helping increase the diversity of perspectives as we’re designing and building the technologies of tomorrow. Just like we design our platform’s algorithms to create opportunity for people of all backgrounds, it’s important for our partnerships and community support to be similarly inclusive.

In the past two years, the way we think about and do our work has completely changed—through this partnership with Cornell Bowers CIS, and their emphasis on both technology and its societal impact, we look forward to continuing to evolve our AI efforts to increase the level of fairness and efficiency in how we create economic opportunities in the world of work. There are many promising areas of AI research today and we believe that working with and alongside our community is the strongest path forward to build technology innovation that will benefit everyone.

Thank you to everyone at LinkedIn and Cornell that has made this possible—through collaboration, we can reach even greater heights! Stay tuned for more as we start our work together. 

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