How to upgrade the firmware of the Mercusys Range Extender?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.mercusys.com/en/faq-300
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۰Do NOT turn off the power during the upgrade process.

۰Please write down the key settings as a backup before you start to upgrade because after upgrading the old settings may be lost.


Step1: Download the latest firmware from the support page of Mercusys website. Please use decompression software such as WinZIP or WinRAR to extract the firmware file to a folder.



Step 2: Launch a web browser, visit http://mwlogin.net and log in with the password you set for the extender.

Step 3: Go to Advanced-> System Tools-> Firmware Upgrade, click on Browse to find the extracted firmware file and click open.



Step 4: Click the Upgrade button. The device will reboot automatically after the upgrade has been finished.

Step 5: Click Status, check if the router’s firmware has been upgraded.

Step 6: Some firmware updates will restore your range extender to factory settings. If this is the case, run the Quick Setup Wizard to reconfigure your range extender.

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