User Experience Improvement Program (UEIP)

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.mercusys.com/en/faq-432
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This document was updated on June 8, 2021

Dear MERCUSYS App users,

Providing products beyond user expectations has always been the goal pursued by MERCUSYS TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD (MERCUSYS). To help us optimally meet your needs, improve product quality and services, MERCUSYS sincerely invites you to participate in our User Experience Improvement Program (UEIP), and we kindly ask you to read the following statement.

Giving consent to participate in our UEIP means that you have carefully read and completely agree to this statement (children under the age of 18 should read in the company of their parents). MERCUSYS reminds you, as the products improve, this statement may be subject to changes from time to time. Upon any changes, we shall display them in a prominent position on the products or relevant pages to inform you. If you do not accept the changes, you have the right to opt out of the UEIP at any time, and remaining in the program will be seen as consent to such changes.

Information Collection

Users participating in the program send only the following data to the MERCUSYS App:

(1) Some general information of their mobile phones, including IMEI number (MEID number), system version number, SDK version number, system information, etc.
(2) The usage statistics of the product functions. We aim to collect specific usage statistics of the functions to understand the importance of each one, so as to adjust the priority of research and development. For example, the use frequency of each function and number of taps on pages all help us optimally improve our products.

The collected information in the program will not relate to your personal identity, including your name, gender, age, address, personal email, phone number, username, password, etc. We fully respect your privacy, and for more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy:

Information Usage

MERCUSYS hereby commits to abiding by relevant national laws and regulations. We will hold collected information under strict confidentiality, and only use them for improvement of products and services. The information will not be disclosed to any third-party companies that are irrelevant to the above purpose.

Participating in and opting out of the program

Users can voluntarily enable or disable the function in “About – Privacy Setting –Join User Experience Improvement Program.” Enabling the function means you choose to participate in the MERCUSYS UEIP, while disabling the function means you have opted out of the program.

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