Join Cherry - Sweet deals taste good | Product Hunt

 2 years ago
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Join Cherry

Sweet deals taste good

  1. maxresdefault.webp
Don’t waste your precious time searching for the best hotel deal. Cherry will do it for you.
🏨 Book direct for better hotel deals.
💳 Spend what you save on other stuff instead.
🍒 Tastes good.
👇 Download the free extension now.
Featured 17h ago
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Building cool stuff for hotels

Hey Product Hunt!

I’m Luke and I’m super excited to share Cherry with you all.

My co-founder (@matt_taylor80) and I pivoted our business after 260 days in lockdown in Australia. We built Cherry after receiving feedback from hotels struggling with bookings and wanting more direct traffic to compete with Online Travel Agencies.

1. Join easy & free. It only takes one click to add Cherry to Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox.

2. Get served the Cherry. While you’re browsing, Cherry will find the most affordable rates on the internet from our participating hotels.

3. Enjoy the cream. With one click, Cherry will direct you to the best deal so that you can make your booking direct. Looking forward to everyone's feedback #cherrygood

Data Analyst. Blockchain Enthusiast.
@lukeyoung Congratulations on the launch! This is an amazing idea and the product is very useful. All the best :D
Interested in health tech and wellness.
Planning to launch something for air travel? Congrats !
startup enthusiast
congrats! amazing!
Research Scientist and Techie
Are you guys launching in Indian markets too. Very nice idea!
Research Scientist and Techie
I am interested to know what is your business model if you are not charging commisions.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK