One of the best TV shows about physics is now on YouTube!

 2 years ago
source link: https://1ucasvb.tumblr.com/post/154594690698/one-of-the-best-tv-shows-about-physics-is-now-on
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One of the best TV shows about physics is now on YouTube!

Caltech recently announced the release on YouTube of the excellent educational TV show The Mechanical Universe, which gives an accessible but still formal approach to physics and physics history.

The show pioneered the use of technical 3D animations as a way to explain complex math and physics concepts in an accessible way. The animations were created by none other than computer graphics legend Jim Blinn, and at the time were state of the art.

While the presentation may seen dated by today’s standards (it was made in the 80’s, after all), the show is still unparalleled in its depth when explaining physics to a general audience.

I highly recommend anyone who enjoys my animations to check it out.

HERE’S THE FULL PLAYLIST OF ALL EPISODES, which cover topics from classical mechanics, electromagnetism, relativity, quantum mechanics, and much more.

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