VBA Deleting words after string

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/vba-deleting-words-after-string.html
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VBA Deleting words after string


I am trying to delete all words after the first occurrence of an open parentheses in all cells starting from cell D14. I keep coming up with a Object Required error, and not sure where the issue lies.

Dim startRow As Integer
Dim pos_of_parenth As Integer
Dim resultString as String

startRow = 15

With Windows(NewTemplateName)
    .ActiveSheet.Range("D" & startRow).Select
    Do While .ActiveSheet.Range("D" & startRow).Value <> ""
        resultString = ""
        pos_of_parenth = InStr(1, ActiveSheet.Range("D" & startRow).Text, "(", CompareMethod.Text)
        resultString = Left(.ActiveSheet.Range("D" & startRow).Value, pos_of_parenth)
        startRow = startRow + 1
End With

Change CompareMethod.Text to VbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare

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