GitHub - Frontesque/VueTube: A simple FOSS video streaming client aimed to recre...

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/Frontesque/VueTube
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A simple FOSS video streaming client aimed to recreate ALL features from their respective apps (and more)
  • Pronounced View Tube




  • art Themes: Light, Dark, OLED
  • paintbrush Customizable UI: You can fully customize the accent color, and other parts of the UI to remove features that you don't use!
  • arrow_up Auto Update: Be notified when an update is available & downgrade if you dislike it!
  • eye Tracking Protection: No telemetry is sent from your device to YouTube


  • mag Advanced Search
  • newspaper_roll Locally store watch history
  • tv A custom video player
  • scissors Shorts
  • adult Google account sign in
  • framed_picture Picture in picture mode
  • and more!

Why am I doing this?

Well this has been thrown around on the Return Youtube Dislike discord server for quite some time, so I figured that I should probably take a crack at it!

Also, YouTube Vanced just shut down


Want to contribute?

Please read this for some more information to get started.

About Joyk

Aggregate valuable and interesting links.
Joyk means Joy of geeK