How do I print the sum of top left, top and top right elements

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codeproject.com/Questions/5327578/How-do-I-print-the-sum-of-top-left-top-and-top-rig
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My code is to print the sum of top left, top and top right sum of each elements in a matrix.
For example if the input is
3 3
7 5 2
3 8 3
2 4 1

my output should be
7 5 2
12 14 7
11 14 11

Since the first row as not top elements it jus prints as it.
Also the last row is printing as it is. How can i do it please help me!

What I have tried:
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arr=[list(map(int,input().split())) for row in range(r)]
for i in range(0,r-1):
    for j in range(0,c-1):
Seems your output should be:
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7+5=12   7+5+2=14 5+2=7
3+8=11   3+8+3=14 8+3=11
2+4=6    2+4+1=7  4+1=5
You cannot add the sums in place, as that will only work for the very first line of changes. You also need three separate statements for each column, as the sums are different. So first create a deepcopy[^] of the source array* and then do the calculations. Something like:
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import copy

arr=[list(map(int,input().split())) for row in range(r)]
answer = copy.deepcopy(arr)
for i in range(1, r):
    answer[i][0] = arr[i-1][0] + arr[i-1][1]
    answer[i][1] = arr[i-1][0] + arr[i-1][1] + arr[i-1][2]
    answer[i][2] = arr[i-1][1] + arr[i-1][2]
print(F'{answer = }')

*this ensures you preserve row zero in the answer.

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