What's On Dave's iPad?: A Shocking Selfie | Letterman

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KwSlzbH954
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#iPad #Letterman #BarbaraGaines

What's On Dave's iPad?: A Shocking Selfie | Letterman

Mar 15, 2022

246K subscribers

Dave and longtime Letterman producer Barbara Gaines browse through photos on Dave's iPad.

#iPad #Letterman #BarbaraGaines

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Welcome to the Letterman YouTube Channel, home to all your favorite clips from Late Night and Late Show - as well as conversations with the writers, producers and performers who helped make it all happen. These highlights have been artisanly-produced, carefully-curated, and chosen completely at random by an old computer that used to pick numbers for the New York Lotto back in the 90’s.

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