The first RISC-V portable computer is now available

 2 years ago
source link: https://lunduke.substack.com/p/the-first-risc-v-portable-computer?s=r
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The first RISC-V portable computer is now available

The DevTerm R-01 is a RISC-V based "slabtop" computer.

The DevTerm, from Clockwork, is a “slabtop” computer that I have lusted after for quite some time.

With a form factor inspired by the legendary TRS-80 Model 100 “slab” style computer, it’s hard to not immediately fall head over heels for this adorable little computer.

Well. Today, the Clockwork team has announced something I want even more… a DevTerm powered by a RISC-V CPU.

Here’s what’s included for the $239 list price:

  • ClockworkPi v3.14 mainboard

  • R-01 Core module (RISC-V 64bit Single-core RV64IMAFDCVU @ 1.0GHz, No GPU, 1GB DDR3)

  • Ext. module

  • 6.86-inch IPS screen module

  • Clockwork 65% keyboard

  • Battery module*

  • Dual speaker

  • 58mm 200dpi thermal printer component

  • Shells and bracket system

  • 32GB high-speed TF-card with clockworkOS

Worth noting that the RISC-V model contains significantly less RAM than the ARM-based versions of the DevTerm (1 GB, compared to 2 or 4 GB for ARM). And, as this is the first real “laptop adjacent” computer running a RISC-V processor… there are bound to be some hiccups.

The Clockwork team makes this disclaimer:

DevTerm R-01 is a highly experimental model and requires some experience with Linux system & FOSS. We strongly recommend all beginners to choose other models.

But, you know what? That just makes me want it all the more.

To be among the first to use an open source, RISC-V CPU in a regular computer? A portable one, no less?! To be a pioneer of a more open hardware future? That sounds like an absolute privilege.

The RISC-V DevTerm looks like pure fun and joy. What computing should be.

Now to see if I can convince my wife to let me buy one.


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