Alpaka Tech Kit Review - A great way to organise your tech gear, but not a cheap...

 2 years ago
source link: https://ausdroid.net/2022/03/15/alpaka-tech-kit-review-a-great-way-to-organise-your-tech-gear-but-not-a-cheap-option/
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A great way to organise your tech gear, but not a cheap option

If you’re like me, then you’ve got a few bits of gear you take pretty much everywhere. A charger, a couple of cables, a mouse and a set of earbuds. The only problem is in a large bag (duffle, messenger or backpack) they can get tangled among other things, lost or just get in the way.

I’ve had a reasonably cheap solution for this for a couple of years, but since that hasn’t been suitable for daily use and has started to fall apart it was time to look for a new solution. In the usual, creepy coincidence way, on Facebook, I was greeted by an ad for the Alpaka Tech Kit which looked like a solid investment.

What is it?

It’s a carry case for all of those useful little tech items that otherwise fall to the bottom of your bag, making them difficult to access quickly when you need it most. When you open the tech kit there are a number of slide-in pockets, a zippered enclosure and plenty of space for most items you’ll carry.

The elastic topped pockets have netting which is sufficient to carry a Macbook Charger, charging cable and a set of wireless earphones. On the other side, you’ve got two more slide-in pockets — convenient for more cables, a portable dock or memory card case — a zippered pocket and behind that, a larger slide-in pocket. Plenty of room to chuck a notepad for those quick notes and other small items you may need to avoid sliding around too much.

The outer material is a Ballistic Nylon with a polyester interior and sealed by aqua guard zippers. What this means for users is that when you close the case your gear is well protected from the knocks and scrapes of daily life, as well as from water ingress if you’re unfortunate enough to get caught in the rain.

What’s it like to use daily?

Like anything that changes habits, you need to give it a bit of time to adjust. I’ve actually really enjoyed not having loose cables and nick-knacks through my bag. Having everything in a single carry case means I just have to grab that out and retrieve whatever is needed. It has meant that retrieving my charger when I’m really short on battery is faster and disaster has been averted.

Not only has this helped me improve my organisation and time to locate items, but it’s also improved efficiency. In the event I want or need to change bags for work or travel, it’s not a fiddly and time-consuming thing anymore. My laptop, tablet, portable battery and tech kit move over and I’m off.

What’s missing?

As someone who likes to be prepared, I’d really like to see a pen loop or two, for me this would really complete the kit. It’s easy enough to put a pen in the bottom, but it feels like a bit of an oversight from the team at Alpaka.

Final thoughts

Beyond a little “nice to have” feature that’s missing, I’ve actually struggled to find criticism.


This isn’t an item for everyone and it’s not a particularly cheap solution to a somewhat niche need. That being said, if you’re carrying a lot of little bits of tech gear on a regular basis, this could be an organisational godsend for you and well worth the AU$49.00 on the Alpaka site.

The Tech Kit is made from some pretty sturdy material, has quality zippers on it that will protect the contents and — it’s early days for mine — should stand the test of time, so far I’m very happy with my purchase.

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