You Can Now Run a Background Check on Tinder Matches

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/tinder-match-background-check/
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You Can Now Run a Background Check on Tinder Matches

By Patrick Kariuki

Published 8 hours ago

Tinder’s new feature helps users keep safe when going out on a date.

Tinder is a useful tool for meeting new people. However, it can also be risky, since it brings strangers together, some of whom can be dangerous or abusive.

To enhance safety on the platform, Tinder is giving users the ability to run a criminal background check on a match using Garbo. Here's what you need to know.

What Is Garbo?

garbo page on mobile phone screen Image Credit: Garbo

Garbo is a non-profit online platform that searches public records and returns information related to violent or harmful behavior, arrests, convictions, and sex offenses across the US where available. It also provides information on arrests related to driving under the influence (DUI) and vehicular manslaughter.

Garbo does not provide information related to drug possession, loitering, and minor traffic offenses, since these records disproportionately affect minorities.

It also doesn’t return information related to financial crimes that happened more than seven years ago or homicides or robberies that took place more than 14 years ago. In addition, Garbo does not provide personal information such as home addresses and contacts of individuals to prevent harassment.

Image of Garbo's offences reporting policy Image Credit: Garbo

According to the Urban Dictionary, "Garbo" is slang for garbage or a trashy person.

How Tinder's Background Check Works

Navigate to Tinder's Safety Center by tapping on the blue shield from anywhere within the app, where you’ll see a Garbo article. Tap on it to navigate to Garbo’s website.

Once on Garbo, you are provided with a form to fill in basic information about your match (their first name and phone number are usually enough). If Garbo can’t find relevant information on a match, it prompts you for more information, such as their age.

Each background check costs $2.50 on Garbo, plus a small transaction fee. Tinder users get two free background checks, the costs of which Tinder covers on their behalf. Every check is confidential.

In the coming months, this app will roll out to Tinder's sister apps from its parent company, Match Group. These apps include Match, Hinge, Meetic, OkCupid, Pairs, PlentyOfFish, OurTime, and Azar, among others.

Always Take Precautions

Although this background check feature is useful, you should know that some background checks will return no information, no matter how much data you input about a match.

A lack of information does not guarantee that a match is totally safe since not all abusers have a criminal record.

Therefore, ensure you keep a cool head at all times, respect your gut instinct, and follow Tinder's safety tips before going on a physical date with new people.

About The Author


Patrick Kariuki (60 Articles Published)

Kariuki is a Nairobi based writer. His entire life has been spent trying to string together the perfect sentence. He is still trying. He has published extensively in Kenyan media and, for a hot 7 years or so, dived into the world of Public Relations where he discovered the corporate world is just like high school. He now writes again, focusing mainly on the magical internet. He also dabbles in the vibrant Kenyan start-up scene, AKA the Silicon Savannah, and occasionally advises small businesses and political actors on how to communicate better to their audiences. He runs a YouTube channel called Tipsy Writers, which attempts to get storytellers to tell their untold stories over a beer. When not working, Kariuki enjoys taking long walks, watching classic movies - especially old James Bond movies - and spotting aircraft. In an alternate universe, he would probably be a fighter pilot.

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