Ask HN: Is your company considering inflation in this year's comp review cycle?

 2 years ago
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Ask HN: Is your company considering inflation in this year's comp review cycle?

Ask HN: Is your company considering inflation in this year's comp review cycle? 128 points by jurassic 3 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 143 comments My current company (not FAANG but a household name) just handed me a sub-inflation raise (5.5%) in spite of my "exceeds expectations" performance rating. New hires are getting 50% more equity than the total value of my unvested equity. The official line is that inflation is not a factor in assessing annual comp adjustments.

Does this match up to your experience elsewhere? I'm certain I could make more by switching jobs, but I wonder if I'm being screwed by more than the usual amount by staying.

I'm really effective in my current role. Past a certain level of seniority it's a big ordeal to change jobs, rebuild your network within a new company, rebuild reputation and social capital, etc. These network effects are a big part of your effectiveness as a staff+ engineer. I'd rather not move, but it seems I have to given the hundreds of thousands being left on the table.

Really dissatisfied with pay increase this year in February. CEO talked up how everyone was going to be really happy with big bumps to make us more competitive (they have been struggling with high turnover after a couple of acquisitions). I get "exceeds expectations" multiple years in a row and did everything my manager suggested last year to try to get a bigger bump this year. I got 2% base salary increase and 5% bonus target increase. Chances of seeing the full bonus targets this year? Not high.

I'll be looking for a new job this year for sure.

I have to wonder why anyone bothers to ever exceed expectations except for intrinsic reasons.

I assume from the day I start that I will be gone in less than 18 months.

This this this. "Exceeds expectations" gets you the B+ treatment, at best. Meanwhile, slacking off and doing the bare minimum gets you a C rating. Every year that I bust my ass with proven results, there's always some excuse in store for me and "well maybe things will be better next year," and the same customary 2-5% raise as last year.

Eventually I got bored, stopped trying, and still walked out of reviews with average or above-average marks and same pay bump. This is after getting talks from my manager about upping my game and narrowly avoiding a PIP.

If an employer wants me to bust my ass for them they need to make it worthwhile. If my work unlocks significant value (verifiable 6 or more figures) for the company then I expect more than a token amount of that to be sent my way.

SWE pay may be high but they use that as a cudgel to keep you from claiming value proportional to your contributions, and don't even get me started on the trap that is equity compensation

This career really feels like interviewing skills are the real skill and everything else is just a mandatory socially enforced cooldown period.
I probably should have followed this route. I've been at my job for over a decade and all my big promotions and large pay raises happened in the first half of that. Been single digit raises since then and I don't think there's any more room to move up unless I want to try management, which I really don't.
Networking. If I'd have been a better performer in the past, I'd have probably followed some of my high performing coworkers to their jobs and gave better overall job satisfaction. Being in teams that value good code and perform with good work life balance makes work enjoyable.
This is true. I’m currently working 3 remote jobs (just gathering as much cash as possible) and one is a good one with a tech firm and the other two are at technologically incapable places.

The two tech incapable ones are pretty annoying, or at least would be if I gave a damn about my performance there.

Also never met such mean people. Tech is so nice in comparison.

How long can you keep hoping jobs like that in the long run though?
I see resumes like that a lot. In generally move past them. The cost of churn is high and people who constantly job hop aren't worth the effort or the potential impact to team morale. I say this as an engineering hiring manager. I've job hopped too but I always shoot for at least for years. I don't always make it but I plan for it.
Normally people don't like to job hop. It is unnecessary stress. However, people have responsibilities to their families. If you are concerned of job hoppers then why don't you help them to alleviate their burden. If not, and if other companies are paying higher somewhere else, why would that person stay? That would be doing a disservice to him/her and his/her family.

son: "dad, why can't we go to vacation this year?"

dad: "sorry son, don't have enough money. still got bills to pay and dad's company don't give enough raise."

son: "why can't you just find another job?"

dad: "that's treason son, we don't do that here. think of the team morale son."

son: "okay dad. i love you."

I don’t like to job hop. I hate change. I hate having to learn new people.

I’m the kind of person who has eaten the same breakfast since I was 13. I have 5 of the same shoe as I don’t want to have to find another new kind of pair. I like rules and consistency and knowing a system well.

But if I don’t, I will end my career millions of dollars poorer.

Essentially as soon as I am comfortable in an org, I have to leave unless I want to forsake a big chunk of money.

> generally move past them

> I've job hopped too

Nice double standard, lucky that your current employer didn’t apply your heuristics to you, so you could close the door behind you.

Changing jobs is such a hassle, I suspect most people wouldn’t do it as often if companies were nice places to work with raises to match the market. But that’s harder to do than blame candidates and only hire those that appear to settle for less.

I'm twenty five years in and have about 15 companies now. I finish projects and move on to a new one typically at a new company. Only a couple times were leaving part way through something. Would I be seen as a job hopper?
Are you contract? Then maybe not, if it was "contract ended, moved on". If FTE, yes, very much so. I usually don't care if someone job hops, but that's at best 7 years you haven't stayed at a place for more than 6 months...unless you have unicorn skills that I needed for 6 months I'd not take a chance on you.
Not to be dismissive, but why would a company specifically care about some arbitrary number called "inflation" vs overall pressure from the labor market, which presumably must have some encoding of that, considering they seem to clearly paying a person enough not to justify leaving?

P.S. It is especially amusing considering lots of "only if I were to leetcode I could increase by X" coexist with many posts that diss on leetcode and whine that it filtered them out and it is not "relevant to the work they are doing". Perhaps the system is working then?

> Not to be dismissive, but why would a company specifically care about some arbitrary number called "inflation" vs overall pressure from the labor market, which presumably must have some encoding of that, considering they seem to clearly paying a person enough not to justify leaving?

You hit the nail on the head.

Everything related to compensation becomes much less confusing once you accept that hiring is a market. Like any market, supply and demand drives the prices. Nothing else matters much.

Big companies have entire teams dedicated to compensation which are separate from HR and hiring managers. They carefully track these details and will fine tune their rates up and down depending on how often their offers are accepted or rejected. If every candidate is accepting the offers, they're probably too high and can be adjusted downward. If the company can't close any good candidates because they're going to other companies, it's time to raise the rates.

Of course, not every company plays this game correctly or intelligently. If the OP's company has guessed wrong and gave too low of a raise, they risk losing too many people. On the other hand, if most of the employees shrug it off then maybe they made the right call for the business.

The larger problem is that giving everyone inflation-linked raises causes inflation in the first place; that's called a wage-price spiral. That's one reason raising interest rates stops the inflation, it gets enough people laid off that the rest of the raises are absorbed. Unfortunate really.
Why do you think inflation is an “arbitrary number?” I can’t imagine what gave you that idea.
Inflation is a really flawed concept that is very hard to quantify in any non-subjective way. There is a real effect of prices going up but any measurement of it is subject to biases, because of the choice of which prices you look at.
It's arbitrary to a company when it comes to wages. What matters is "can we hire/retain the people we want at compensation $X".

If $X needs to increase because they can hire/retain the people they want, then $X needs to increase.

The government publishing a single inflation numbers is kind of irrelevant to the equation. If they can keep hiring/retaining the people they want, in spite of inflation going up, then nothing has to change.

> I can’t imagine what gave you that idea.

I can't imagine it being that hard to imagine :) considering this is the second paragraph of wikipedia[1]:

Prices will not all increase at the same rates. Attaching a representative value to a set of prices is an instance of the index number problem. The consumer price index is often used for this purpose; the employment cost index is used for wages in the United States. Differential movement between consumer prices and wages constitutes a change in the standard of living.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inflation

Any given measure of inflation is arbitrary, that doesn't mean the phenomenon itself is. Compare a concept like obesity and a common measure like BMI.
Precisely as arbitrary as how you choose to measure it, or more.
Considering that, say, 100% of tech employees are consumers and CPI measures cost increases for consumers, it may be “arbitrary” but still highly relevant.
Inflation is also psychosocial. If people think inflation is happening they will want to be paid more. That’s what can cause a wage-price spiral, partially.
I somewhat agree. Tech comp seems to be up a lot more than inflation and I’m sure it’s going to lead to a lot of churn.
They wouldn't but they should be aware that inflation will put pressure on the labor market. People will leave if they are underpaid.
I'm a new manager, having been an SWE IC for 15 yrs. I just did comp planning for the first time. I was given such a small budget for my team, it's not even funny! The system is designed so that most of the staffing budget goes to new hires, not to reward existing employees. Even promotions are fairly small, compared to what you could get by leaving. It's a game of chicken between you and your company: how long are you willing to tolerate small annual raises while more money goes to new hires before you decide to become a new hire at a new company, yourself?

Now that I see it from the manager perspective, I pledge to stay sharp and become a job hopper ... as soon as I find the time to start interviewing. :^)

I’ll chime in as a business owner. We peg our raises to the SSA cost of living adjustments. This means our bump for employees at the end of 2021 was just under 6%. If current trends continue, likely a similar number at the end of this year.

There are a few reasons I encourage other employers to peg annual raises to the same number:

- It’s usually a very fair number; never egregious for increasing costs. - Someone else gets to do the math, and you have a very easy number to tell prospects in interviews for what to expect. - It helps keep social security solvent.

We also use this number as a guideline for increasing our billable rate during contract negotiations. It has most of the same benefits.

Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding, but doesn't this mean that you don't give your employees any raise in terms of real dollars?

Even in the same role YoY, don't they become more knowledgable, experienced, capable? Take on new responsibilities? Don't they deserve to share in that added value to the company?

Perhaps knowledgeable, experienced, capable - but not necessarily more valuable.

The value is very much based on what a person does, where they do it, who they do it for, and when they do it.

All those other factors will usually outweigh modest personal growth.

Lame example: being a better typewriter repair person today, working in a barbershop. No matter how well that person does their job, they may not add more value this year than last.

I'm sure this 6% raise is just the baseline for everyone. If you are promoted or stand out amongst your peers, then a larger raise is in store for you.
I think the equity/stock performance in the current tech markets is a bigger problem than inflation. Many who received stock grants in the last couple years have had their value cut in half (with some exceptions like GOOG).

Companies were giving equity grants based on inflated, sloshy market values. Why stay at a company where your $1MM (hypothetical) stock grant is now worth $400k when you can go to a new company and get a new $1MM grant at the current cheap market value?

This is a huge part of the dilemma for me. My equity has, on average, traded sideways. Equivalent offers or even worse offers from companies with better stock performance could end up being worth materially more.
> or even worse offers from companies with better stock performance

not as relevant IMO. Overcorrections might be better than current performance. Example, now is the best time to join Robinhood, get an $800k stock grant at $12/share. If it goes back up to $50/share like is was last year then that $800k would be worth $3.3 million.

I’ve been thinking the exact same. Changing companies is effectively “buying the dip” because equity grants are always normalized in dollar quanta terms. I’m wondering if the market has bottomed out or not since that’s the best time to switch companies.
> Changing companies is effectively “buying the dip”

well put.

I accepted an offer at a high-growth, public tech company in January. I talked with my hiring manager after the stock got hammered and we agreed to push my start date to April to take advantage.

Can you say a little more about this? You signed an offer letter in Jan and then you were able to get additional equity? How did moving the start date factor in?
An offer typically involves a dollar amount of equity. Not a fixed number of shares / options.
> "inflation is not a factor in assessing annual comp adjustments"

Jesus, that's a tone-deaf official line. Are they also not updating their prices? What are company's annual statements and financial figures looking like?

> New hires are getting 50% more equity than the total value of my unvested equity

Request an increase in equity to the equivalent that a new hire is getting by default. If not, you may have to decrease your rate of productivity (or working hours) in line with the difference between the raise percentage and the inflation percentage.

Staff level. Got 3.8%. Seriously considering leaving. There has been super high turnover of other senior leaders and friends.

Could literally double my total comp if I spent some time doing leetcode. Probably 20% raise without leetcode.

Have some silver (bronze?) handcuffs or would probably be gone already.

> leetcode

Please just don't. You're better than that. Here's a list of companies who don't participate in this bullshit: https://github.com/poteto/hiring-without-whiteboards

At my current gig I was hired at staff level in Nov. 190k (please, let's normalize sharing salaries) . I could do better, but I am passionate about my job for the first time in 10 years. How much do you value happiness?

You're not an imposter. Especially as an HN reader (you're actually interested in your job).

The leetcode companies will pay $500K+ easy for a staff level engineer. A Senior engineer will easily pull $400K.

That’s over a 100% increase from your current rate.

I’d personally recommend practicing leet code, if that’s the thing holding you back… maybe 1 problem a day. By the time you actually decide to change companies, you wont be interview prepping just before an interview.

> 500k+

Oh yes, I know, and I am envious. My soul and mental health is worth more. Solving problems makes me feel alive. Parroting answers does not.

I was somewhat headhunted by UiPath. Huge money. Crazy salary. First round I had whiteboard problems with the most awesome engineer that there is. Absolutely aced that, the engineer missed a meeting over shooting shit about algorithms. Second and third leetcodes were engineers that were clearly running off known solutions, and couldn't rapport over best or alternative solutions. I absolutely made a fool of myself, and I'm really good at that stuff.

Leetcode encourages parrots, and I need to believe that I'm better than that. Arriving at the thesis of a doctorate of a tenured scholar in the heat of a 1.5hr interview is hardly a representation of how valuable an engineer is.

I am so glad I failed. I was kicking myself at the time for tolerating the bullshit (I had a gun/green card issues at my back), I knew that I should have walked away.

No reason you can’t trade up silver handcuffs to platinum handcuffs :)
> New hires are getting 50% more equity than the total value of my unvested equity. The official line is that inflation is not a factor in assessing annual comp adjustments.

Leave. They either only want you at a discount or you will get a counter offer to consider.

Exceeded - 0.0%

I knew that going in. I helped to secure 10 million in business in 2021. They disbanded our team. To “grow” it. I applied for the “new” role.

They offered less and said it would include 2022 annual raise.

Told by my managers manager they would make me right at the end of 2022 through a bonus. Asked for it in writing, never heard back.

This decrease in total comp plus inflation has seen my real world earned drop by 20% for 2022.

> in writing

Good shit. Make that threat real ASAP.

Inflation is just one factor in your comp, and not the most meaningful. Some companies are thinking about inflation for employee compensation and some aren’t, their revenues are also affected different ways, but this is not really your concern. The main question for you is whether you are underpaid overall and could get more elsewhere in absolute terms. If so then you have leverage, if not you can still bluff but it’s a dangerous game that depends primarily on management’s perception of your value (so don’t overindex on your internal monologue).

The other piece is equity, and the detail you’ve given here is insufficient. Total new hire grants are irrelevant, the question is how much are you vesting annually and where is the stock trending compared to other companies you could work for.

Of course there are other factors like how you much you enjoy the environment and work, but the important thing is to consider the holistic situation and not get hung up on a narrative about inflation which is at best an excuse papering over broader feelings you are experiencing.

As much as I'd like to help people here, having come from a country where for a long-time inflation was so expected that it was baked into everything, I can say, we don't want to assume that much inflation into salary increases. That's a spiral that can quickly go out of control.
Don't count on it. First of all, "exceeds expectations" really means "meets expectations". It's pass/fail, and you passed. Programmers are interchangeable cogs, if you stand out it doesn't matter because your excess potential will go to waste. In fact, it can be red flag to management because you're trying too hard, you could start feeling too important or better than the rest of your team, and could leave as a result. (That said, many of us can't help but stand out). Secondly, I think it's well-established that developers will leave after 1.5 years or whatever the average is, and to keep someone you really need to throw a lot of money at them. Smart companies (like MANGA) structure their entire culture and process around this. The best people will move on after a few years. The truly great will get pulled aside and get extra sweeteners added. But that's like 1%.
In Norway we have employers' organisations[0] and unions[1] that takes care of the overall wage adjustment negotiations, and it usually ends up higher or equal to inflation.

Personally, I'm running a tiny IT-consultant company together with six close friends. Because the market is so volatile for us, everyone is paid based on the company's result, with a definite minimum of $120,000/year (2021. This is then adjusted for inflation every year. Everything else is bonus, except a lot goes into running expenses (of course) and a "war chest" for worse times.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Employers%27_organisa...

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Norwegian_Confederati...

Yes. I (director) normally get (total salary * 3%) to hand out for annual cost of living adjustments, this year it is (total salary * 7%). This is at a ~2000 person US software company you've probably never heard of with so-so pay.

Throwaway for obvious reasons.

And I'll add a thought in response to OP: if you're going to quit because of money, you should be doing it because your salary is too low, not because your raise was too small. Some of the places handing out big raises this year stiffed people last year, and vice-versa.
I agree with that. Thanks for the perspective.
Elite private high school in SFBay (not tech, but all of our families are tech/VC). Everyone is getting raises of max(8%, $6700), working out to an average per-employee raise of 8.6%. Inflation is the main stated reason.

(FWIW this means that my salary, teaching undergrad-level math classes to high schoolers, is going from $74K to $81K.)

I think you've answered your own question: your discomfort in moving jobs is not worth to you the bump in salary you'd get.

It's already been well established by many even in non inflationary times that dev salary is maximized by switching job every 2-5 years or so, subspecialty dependent.

> The official line is that inflation is not a factor in assessing annual comp adjustments.

Then what is?

Engineer comp has exploded the last few years, well past inflation. So if they're not matching inflation, and they're not matching the market (which would be even higher) then it sounds like they just pay you whatever they feel like and hope you stick around.

Last year got raise 3%, this year just got raise 5%, but my TC currently ($190k base + $30k bonus) is still lower than people I know. 2 years ago when I joined, my peers got $250k base already and I was getting $180k base.

Exceeded expectations on both 2 years.

Raise for inflation doesn't even take into adjustments knowledge and experience gained.

Looking at TeamBlind astronomical TCs, I feel I'm not valued enough. Especially not when my peers are making $70k more than me.

The company: we sell terminal.

I am interviewing hard these days. Leetcoding again. It sucks to interview again, because I like my teammates, my manager. And instead of working with my best effort for my employer, now I have to juggle interviews and Leetcode/system design/behavioral preparation.

And I will not stop interviewing until I get a better job, even if it takes me 365 days or more.

Why is it so important though to earn as much as or more money than your peers?
It is not about that, but it is about knowing my value. Am I wrong?

I don't even need to earn $250k like them. If they were giving me $240k I would've been okay. But $180k, come on...

I have family to feed. I am an immigrant with no help from parents. I gotta do what I gotta do.

Knowing your value is actually being the stupidest person in the room. If you are at the top then it is logically impossible to guage your worth.

If you are earning 180k vs. 250k earners who you have nothing to learn from, move on, even if you move to another 180k but with smarter folks.

That's what I'm experiencing now. I have nothing to learn from the $250k earners.
For me it's always been about a sense of fairness, not the nominal amount.
> Past a certain level of seniority it's a big ordeal to change jobs, rebuild your network within a new company, rebuild reputation and social capital, etc.

Doubt this is relevant, seems like a red herring. What do you want? Just get paid more and call it a day, right? What level of collaboration do you really want? Just join another company, and if there are leadership expectations that cannot be met, then just get the normal level of performance review so that when you do become effective you can get the higher evaluation later, compared only to your moderate performance earlier. No need to overachieve.

Circa 2015, Micron have a cost of living adjustment separate from merit increases. That always struck me as a very honest way of handling things. I'm assuming they have continued the practice, which would have been helpful considering how rapidly the real estate market shot up since then.
Hijacking this with a related question: I’m an independent contractor, and have not yet renegotiated my prices. I just hate those kinds of conversations, but at some point, it is irresponsible to procrastinate. I’d be interested in hearing from other contractors: how have you approached this?
Law firms and accounting firms solved this long ago, they all send out new rate cards effective January 1, [YEAR] during Q4 every year. I would not be ashamed to do the same.
Like this.

The reason (relating to my other comment) can literally be ‘it is 2022 and these are the new rates.’

Often that’s enough reason.

My subcontractor did just that. Handed me a notice matter-of-factly mentioning inflation. I am going to do the same to my client when renewal time comes.
what's the state of agencies these days? back in the day they charged 100% overhead and paid by w-2.

is there a more lightweight model where for say 10-20% they'll handle searching, billing, rate negotiations, late payments and disputes?

i'm not sure if i'd go into contracting again without something like that. it takes far too much energy to be the asshole that is necessary to not get screwed in business (for yourself) and it detracts from the actual work and life satisfaction in general.

As dispassionately as possible.

Be matter of fact about new prices, and try to explain as little as possible.

(But always give some reason. Any reason beats no reason, but a simple even vague reason beats too many reasons.)

This is what people don’t understand about the psychology of persuasion. Especially tech workers. You can validate the following from your own experience. In a decision made by a team where two options are presented, the person who states a simple justification for their proposal (especially if it plays into existing assumptions or just laziness) will more often “win” the decision than someone offering many better reasons for an alternative.

Baffled me for years until I started to understand that I needed only to offer fewer and simpler reasons to get my ideas implemented.

Not this year. Expectations were inflation was transitory. You don't budget your wage increases (which would've happened in Q4 last year) based on transitory economic conditions.

This round I expect the usual 3% base plus a small discretionary bonus pool and have been setting that expectation with my staff accordingly. Depending on how this year pans out I expect the 2023 raise pool will factor in persistent inflation.

Only an uncritical look at the situation would one think that the inflation was transitory.
Tell that to central bankers last year.

You might not personally agree with it but that was the prevailing wisdom amongst economists until fairly recently. The US Fed in particular didn't start discussing rate increases until early this year, well after FY 2021 was over and 2022 budgets were set.

Your post is based on a belief the central bankers are some all knowing, objectively factual, 100% competent organization.

The transitory inflation parade was so ridiculous that it turned into an internet meme. It’s just like the Fed was saying inflation was 2% when housing was skyrocketing across the country. They’ve literally redefined their measures to the point that their measures have become useless and a meme.

Last year's was delayed by half the year, and was 3%. This year is 3%.It is becoming harder and harder to justify staying.
They obviously don’t care if you stay, everyone knows what the market is like right now
What company are you at?

Amazon is increasing pay for many technical jobs, although specifics haven’t been communicated. They’re selling it as a large bump for everyone, although I already understand it’s mainly to retain talent or at least match inflation. We’ve underpaid our talent in the past compared to competitor companies.

Amazon's pay adjustment was long overdue, and not driven by inflation. The base pay has been capped for so long, and the comp model made an assumption (a historically generous one) about stock performance that hasn't held true for quite a while. That together with their vesting schedule, something had to be done, in order to compete for talent.
On top of all that, Amazon's 401k "match" had a FOUR year vesting cliff iirc.
What does "total value of my unvested equity" mean? If you are 3 years vested in a 4 year grant, then it sorta makes sense that new employees' 4 year grants would be worth more than 1 year of your grant.

With the 5.5% increase, is your compensation competitive with similar roles at other companies? Are you making enough salary to live a comfortable, satisfying lifestyle? Is the equity you have increasing in value over time better than, say, a mutual fund or ETF? Are you concerned you're not being paid your worth, or are you experiencing FOMO and anxiety because it feels like the economy is failing?

Serious question, how do you deal with FOMO? I’ve been at FAANG for about a year, coming from startups and lower-paying companies before.

Internally it’s nothing but complaints about comp and attrition, but to me it’s the best I’ve ever been paid. My idea was to stay here long term and learn a ton before thinking about leaving, but does anyone do that anymore? Maybe I’m being naive.

Big companies often ladder refresher grants so you always have a lot of unvested equity just over the horizon.
Yes but those refreshers at best total 70% to at best 80% of what new hires are getting. You’re always going to get stiffed for sticking around longer.
If tech employers don’t consider inflation when considering compensation increases, they’re encouraging their employees to start looking elsewhere. Employees will then realize if they’re not being paid market value. Either this is myopic on the part of employers or they want a reduction in staff or churn in staff.
Not sure if it helps, but here are my stats as a FAANG senior IC. I received an "exceeds" perf rating, a 6% salary increase and one salary worth of RSUs (vests over 4 years). Others I've asked got a 3% raise (with a worse rating).
An entire year’s salary in RSUs? Is this common or a reaction to the times.
I’m not the GP but those numbers are very common for refreshers at FAANG, assuming that it vests over 4 years.
I believe it's common. I got a similar number of RSUs last year.
Airbnb, no

Not to single them out or anything. Previous companies have never taken into account inflation for perf review.

The only salary bumps I've gotten that are worth mentioning are from changing companies and negotiating a better offer.

At the very least, you should interview to get a BATNA in hand with which you can try to negotiate a more significant raise.
"If you can't walk away from the terms of a negotiation, then you aren't negotiating. You're just working out the terms of your slavery" [0]

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADobcQEhrzQ

I’m only 7 years into my career and I’m technical roles but not a dev. I’ve never received a raise without a title bump. Are yearly or same-role raises common in general?
I believe this thread is mostly referring to CoL increases, which are commonly determined annually yes. Usually the minimum is tied to ~inflation. If you did well during your last review cycle it'll be a few percent more on top of that.
I'd say yes, I've had one at every company I've worked at for > 1 year, however they're much smaller than moving companies. I once had a 20% raise to get up to market value but < 10% for the rest of mine.
If you're happy with your role and your life around it, why not just not care about the money?
Are you me? Exactly same.. no, perfectly exact thing (to the same 5.5% and every detail there) happening to me.
Got 9% bump in base, and RSU top ups - wasn't expecting any RSU, given our stock performance (yes, even with the market turmoil, it's up a lot since I joined).

Biggest effective raise I have gotten without leaving for another company, and I considered myself obscenely compensated to start with. Pretty content.

The economy appears to be in trouble. Your company could be afraid of that and trying to reduce costs. If this is industry wide that may become a trend.
This micro-behavior is what accelerates inflation. Will be interesting what the next few years bring.
I think the easiest way to get an intuitive feel for this is to look at the stories of hyperinflation, because they're always literally exactly the same. The only thing that changes are the catalysts. Zimbabwe [1] being the contemporary example.

The first step is some event triggers a reduction in supplies for some commonly needed good. In Zimbabwe they chose to expel white farmers and replaced them with black farmers, many of whom who had little to no experience in farming. Food production rapidly plummeted and many farms simply ended up being completely abandoned.

The second step is rising prices as a result of the first. Wheat isn't inherently worth 5 coppers. It's worth however many coppers people are willing to pay for it. If there's half as much wheat to go around as before, people are going to be willing to pay more to ensure they are the ones who get their wheat.

The third step is an entity, usually a government, trying to solve the problem by attacking the effect rather than the cause. The government of Zimbabwe saw many people were quickly becoming unable to comfortably afford food. And so they responded by giving people more money aiming to bring them closer to their previous buying power.

The fourth step is a new increase in prices. This time the supply of wheat has stayed the same, but people suddenly have more money to bid on it. So again people are willing to pay more to ensure they get their wheat.

The fifth and final step is: goto the third step.

The end result is Zimbabwean's becoming quite capable at big figure math alongside the complete collapse of their economy. For instance we saw the introduction of the world's first $100 trillion bill. In a nutshell, giving people more money to combat inflation is like trying to put out a fire by dousing it with the only liquid you have - gas.

[1] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_Zimbabwe

The other major factor: exporters from foreign countries don't want to exchange real goods with Zimbabwean dollars. However, all countries in the world want to exchange real goods with American dollars or Euros. That's the advantage the EU and the US have. Hence, the US can face less risks with printing money (or adding zeros in electronic account) than, say, a third world country like Zimbabwe, India, Ghana, etc.

Lets call a properly measured inflation I. Let I_z, I_usa be inflation of Zimbabwe and USA respectively. The first derivative of I increases faster in third world countries than in those countries with world reserve currency status. That's why the US likes to project military power, that's why the super wealthy class in the West support wars to project the power in order to control the first derivative of I.

Inflation is significantly a psychological phenomenon: If people expect inflation, they want more pay, and sellers charge more without getting complaints - they just say the magic word, 'inflation', and people accept it - a psychological phenomenon. I've heard that used to justify 25%, 50% price increases (inflation is ~7% max). :D


Combine that psychological effect with our current post-truth world of disinformation campaigns, and it seems to me that people can create inflation, or create more of it.

Isn't war a psychological phenomenon? After all, some leader or a group of people think about starting a war. And it has effects in the real world. The issue: how backwards one has to go find the primal casual agent?
It's simple. Inflation is driven by increasing the dollar amount for, well, everything. He is correct in saying that this is what drives inflation: If every single thing is worth 20% more, it's really just that the dollar is worth 17% less.

"Inflation" is shorthand for 'price inflation' - every single price and dollar amount goes up, and, when it happens too fast, can tear an economy apart (e.g. 1942 Berliners packing cash into wheelbarrows to go and buy bread).

EDIT: grammar

In very simple terms, if everyone is getting paid more, then all of the stores can price everything higher... and so on. It's a cycle.
Wow lucky you got 5.5%. My bank employer gave me 0% raise and the best guy who worked for me got 3%
Time to have the discussion to find out how much you're worth to them.
Yup - more than beat inflation, too. They gave me equity after performance review. I said it'd be nice to get more salary because of inflation. Got +14%.
i had a baby just as the pandemic hit and my wfh productivity went down the drain. they just gave me a 9% raise… thanks inflation…
They're effectively giving you a pay-cut.
Next time you have a 1-1 with your manager, point out the equity issue.
I didn't see many engineers the last two years demanding pay decreases because of the money they save by not having to commute to work...
money that went towards:
  * higher utility and Internet bills
  * increased wear-and-tear on the house
  * purchasing equipment and home office furniture out of pocket or using your existing tech equipment
  * increased vehicle maintenance cost (decreased usage lead to more rust, damaged batteries in the cold weather and selling is ultimately not worth it, at least in my case)
Engineers saved time, yes, but not as much money as you might think.
My C-Suite (SMB) thinks they’re the smartest guys in the room. They’re giving us 3% and telling us “it’s a bad idea to peg to inflation because we just had a long stretch of low inflation and we wouldn’t have been able to give you a raise.” I’m gonna go on cruise control for a few months and take as much advantage of PTO as I can then GTFO.
Yep always funny when they try to tell you why the sky isn't blue. Sad part is it works on most people.
I got 3%, it's clearly time for me to leave. Lots of other people already have.
What about bonus? Your manager should be able to get you a bonus aside from a raise. The latters's supposed to be based on market rate, the former is a catch-all which can be performance, inflation, whatever. It'd probably only be another 3-5% though.

There's usually only two choices once you get top seniority in your position: move to a different role with a higher salary cap, or find another employer. Personally, if I was happy in my role, I wouldn't leave just for money. It's hard to find an actually enjoyable place to work. You might be really lucky and just have GIG syndrome.

How do you know how much equity new hires are given?
We have a good rapport. We talk candidly about comp.
My company did a 5% across the board raise late last year to make-up for inflation, since before then raises were ~2%, roughly keeping up with inflation from previous years(in Canada). This raise was on-top of the additional raise we will be getting this year in March, so it does seem like my company currently cares about ensuring we at least keep up with inflation. The expectation from talking with some coworkers is that they will continue this trend and at least give us a raise that's keeping up with inflation, although I have no proof of this. I do think you're getting screwed over here, getting a sub-inflation raise when you're exceeding expectations sounds awful. Maybe compensation works differently when you're higher up (maybe because you have far more equity/bonuses), but it couldn't hurt entertaining other offers to see what's out there.
This is a slightly controversial opinion, but I'm opposed to company wide percentage increases. 5% for someone on 100k is 5k. For someone on 500k it's 25k. So there's an unintended consequence of increasing pay inequality between the lowest and highest paid staff, increasing any gender equality, etc.

If the intention of an flat company-wide increase is fairness it should be a fixed dollar amount that's the same for everyone. I've never seen a company do that though.

They're not aiming to be fair. They're aiming to reduce turnover. If they gave a flat amount to each person that would matter more to the lowest paid. They would in effect be penalising the higher earners. That's not "fair" either.
interview elsewhere and offer your employer the opportunity to match.

if you have to rebuild your network to be effective at a new firm, anyone they bring in (at a higher rate) will have to do the same

Is there anywhere that is tracking latest salary trends? It is hard to know what the market is for given levels - do people find that levels.fyi is accurate?
You have to pat for "accurate" data, and then you need to pay someone to interpret it. All bigCo have such people and pay for the data (and get a discount by contributing their data).
My company is considering whether we can keep doing what we've been doing for 35+ years for another year. Your point? I haven't seen a raise like that since the '90s (44%) (different company) (maybe you're special).
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