Goodbye, Big Freeda

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Goodbye, Big Freeda

A proper memorial for our popup camper

March 08, 2022

2009 Rockwood Freedom popup camper

We said goodbye last month to our 2009 Rockwood Freedom popup camper “Big Freeda”. Lots of fond memories in this rustic little camper, but ultimately she cost us about $500 every time we wanted to take it out. Goodbyes are hard, but let us remember the moments we shared:

  • That time we had a blow out on the way home from Dinosaur Valley.
  • That time we were packing up at Pedernales in the rain and the dog escaped off leash but came back covered in coyote shit.
  • That time we went to Inks Lake and you wouldn’t pop up.
  • That time we went to McKinney falls and you wouldn’t pop up, so we used the backup bolt and sheared it off.
  • That time we were coming back from Garner and had two blow outs.
  • That time we brought it back from the shop and were trying to show our neighbor the inside of the popup but it only popped up half-way.
  • That time we were leaving McKinney and the trailer fell off the hitch.
  • That time we missed a trip to Inks Lake because you wouldn’t pop up.
  • That time we went to Mustang Island and got eaten alive by mosquitos.
  • That time we went to Pedernales and the wheel well fell out.
  • That time we hauled you up to Georgetown and you wouldn’t pop up.

Sweet memories of camper ownership, each of them. For real, I cherish every one. Every problem was an “Oh shit” moment, a challenge, that our family had to respond to and figure out. Put outside of our comfort zone. In some ways that’s what camping is: endless fighting against the elements or your equipment. While not “fun”, I wouldn’t trade the experiences.

I really wanted to yeet Big Freeda into the ocean, or feed it to a Truckasaurus Rex… but alas, a less dignified sale took place. That’s okay. We’re not done camping as a family, some of our best memories are from camping, but we’re not going to jump right away into a new camper. We want to take some time and figure out the best fit for us going forward.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK