Learn & Earn by OUTSCAL

 2 years ago
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Earn rewards for building games in web2 and web3
Learn & Earn courses for game developers in web2 & web3 spaces. Earn rewards after the chapter you complete. Win Learning points and participate in the monthly tournaments to compete for prizes and airdrops up to 1 ETH.
Featured 6h ago
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Founder, Outscal | Game Developer

Hello everyone, 👋 Thanks, Kevin for hunting this product. I am the Founder of Outscal, a gamer, and a game developer.

About Outscal 🌏

We’re a community of game builders in the web2 & web3 ecosystem. (Join our movement). In the past 3 years, we have upscaled hundreds of passionate people in the gaming industry and helped them find full-time opportunities in the best gaming studios across the globe.

The Problem 🔍 The gaming industry is booming and growing 22% YoY. With the sharp rise in the industry, the demand for talent is also on an all-time high. But, there’s not enough talent in the ecosystem.

With only a few costly universities educating people in game development space, there’s no one-stop solution and alternative for anyone to learn game development in a structured manner without burning holes in their pockets.

The Product 🎁 Learn & Earn courses by Outscal - Going a step ahead from Free to Learn, we’re launching Learn & Earn courses for game developers in web2 & web3 spaces.

Earn rewards after the chapter you complete. Win Learning points and participate in the monthly tournaments to compete for prizes like Laptops, Smartphones, Headphones, unlimited Outscal Swags, and airdrops up to 1 ETH.

Start learning right now → https://discord.gg/7nzr8YP7fz

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Joyk means Joy of geeK