Striim Cloud is a fully-managed SaaS for streaming data integration and analytic...

 2 years ago
source link: https://venturebeat.com/2022/02/24/striim-cloud-is-a-fully-managed-saas-for-streaming-data-integration-and-analytics/
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Striim Cloud is a fully-managed SaaS for streaming data integration and analytics

Striim's team

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Striim, the company behind a real-time data streaming and integration platform, has launched a new fully-managed SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform that removes many of the hassles involved in managing the data infrastructure.

Founded in 2012, Striim counts big-name customers such as Google, Gartner and Macy’s, who use the platform and its automated connectors to integrate and build real-time data pipelines from myriad sources, such as Salesforce, log files, messaging systems, IoT sensors and enterprise databases.

Data streaming, for the uninitiated, is all about harnessing and processing data with millisecond latency from myriad sources as it’s generated — this can be useful if a company wants insights into sales as they’re happening, for example. This runs contrary to batch data processing, which is concerned with processing and integrating data in “batches” at fixed intervals — this could be helpful for generating weekly or monthly sales reports, or any job that isn’t time-sensitive.

Large-scale data

Prior to now, Striim’s customers would generally deploy Striim in containers or as virtual machines in their own data center or virtual private cloud (VPC) in AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. However, this involved having to manage everything themselves, including storage, networking, and security — this is where Striim Cloud enters the fray.

Palo Alto, California-based Striim first debuted Striim Cloud in private preview for its existing self-managed customers in early 2021, shortly before raising a $50 million tranche of funding. And today, Striim Cloud is being made available to one and all, replete with full automatic version upgrades, security, backups and more.

“Handling and analyzing large-scale data for real-time decision-making and operations is an ongoing challenge for every enterprise — one that is only going to become more challenging as more data sources come online,” Striim founder and CEO Ali Kutay said in a statement. “These challenges are driving digital transformation. Striim Cloud is a powerful, cloud-based, SaaS platform that gives enterprises worldwide an invaluable advantage in reaching this goal.”

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