Let Cargo put data into platform-specific directories by tbu- · Pull Request #16...

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/1615
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tbu- commented on May 14, 2016

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tbu- commented on May 14, 2016

There's a stale pull request to do something like this: rust-lang/cargo#2127, I'll gladly update it if it is desired.

I figured that it might be big enough of a change to justify an RFC.

* This increases the complexity of where to find the files Cargo uses. This can

be alleviated by providing library functions for Cargo related tools and a

command line to tell which paths are in use.

It's not just this though; it's also things like documentation, explaining how cargo works to the user, etc

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@tbu- tbu- on May 14, 2016

Good point, added to the section.


cache: .cache/cargo

config .config/cargo

These should use the XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variables

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@tbu- tbu- on May 16, 2016

They are, perhaps I should clarify that a little. We're following the XDG spec, and by default it's these directories.

+1 on clarification.

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@tbu- tbu- on May 18, 2016


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withoutboats commented on May 16, 2016

I personally think all CLI tools should adopt XDG on all *nix platforms as the only reasonable attempt at a standard that anyone's produced. There's no actual standard on any *nix platform as far as I know, and I don't see a way that storing the files in the way specified by XDG is worse than storing them in ~/.cargo and ~/.rustup.

I don't think that Rust tools should do something different on OS X from what they do on other *nixen, for the reasons cited in the issue.

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tbu- commented on May 16, 2016

@withoutboats Indeed, and that's also what pip does. I've written this alternative down in the Alternatives section.

* Putting caches in designated cache directories allows backup tools to ignore


* Using a `.cargo` directory on Windows is not idiomatic at all, no programs

for Windows would such a directory.

Typo: "no programs for Windows would such a directory".

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@tbu- tbu- on May 16, 2016


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tbu- commented on May 16, 2016


@withoutboats I exchanged the plan for OS X with one of the alternatives. Now everything is the same across non-Windows platforms and only Windows differs.

Another huge upside to this is that it removes clutter from ~.

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liigo commented on May 20, 2016


so it interacts well with other tools on that platform

Could you elabrate? What tools will interacts well (better) with Cargo, and why?

Edit: cache or disk cleanup tools will benifit at least, as the motivation section said.

One drawback that may want to be added to this is that there are a good number of other apps and such which don't follow the XDG spec on Linux, and likely for their own "good reasons". This in turn means that if one day the spec becomes widely adopted it will likely need to be changed in one form or another. Put another way, many other major projects aren't following this spec, and to follow the spec it's quite likely that it'll need some sort of breaking change in one way or another. It's seems like it may be risky to hitch ourselves to this bandwagon?

Also, are there any other apps which follow XDG on OSX? Is the spec even defined for OSX? I'd be quite hesitant to follow a Linux spec on OSX as it seems like we'd just be winding up in the same situation of OSX users thinking that we're not doing the "native thing"

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sfackler commented on May 24, 2016

@alexcrichton On my MacBook, I have "configstore", "fish", "git', "gtk-2.0", "htop", and "nvim" directories in my ~/.config.

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Ericson2314 commented on May 24, 2016

On Linux, my impression is that all per-app dotfiles/dotdirs either predate or are done in ignorance of the XDG spec. Separating configuration from caching is quite useful and I cannot envision any downsides.

On Linux, my impression is that all per-app dotfiles/dotdirs either predate or are done in ignorance of the XDG spec.

That's been my experience as well. @alexcrichton Are you aware of any projects that would follow the spec if some sort breaking change were implemented? Most cases I've seen where it was brought up and rejected were due to inertia.

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jmesmon commented on May 24, 2016


@alexcrichton on linux:

% ls .config 
Trolltech.conf  d-feet   gconf     gtk-2.0  i3status      octave    radare2     xbuild
chromium        dconf    git       htop     menus         pianobar  systemd     xfce4
configstore     freerdp  gpicview  i3       monitors.xml  pulse
% ls .cache 
bower                                                                            fontconfig     mozilla
chromium                                                                         g-ir-scanner   msmtp.log
dconf                                                                            gitg           pacaur
dmenu_run                                                                        gstreamer-1.0  pip
event-sound-cache.tdb.4e8b8a8a9ece45529a7ea0bb66e3f2b7.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu  guile          xsession-errors-:0.0
event-sound-cache.tdb.two.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu                               jedi

Is there a specific program with issues with xdg that you're thinking of?

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liigo commented on Jun 21, 2016


From the RFC text:

Benefits include:

  • [1] Using a standard directory for binary outputs can allow the user to execute Cargo-installed binaries without modifying their PATH variable. E.g. on Fedora this is apparantly already the case, in Debian there's a ticket to include it.
  • [2] Putting caches in designated cache directories allows backup tools to ignore them.
  • [3] Using a .cargo directory on Windows is not idiomatic at all, no programs for Windows would use such a directory.
  • [4] Platform specific clean-up tools such as the Disk Cleanup Wizard work with Cargo (it wouldn't be very useful to try to modify the Wizard instead of Cargo to make this work).

[1]: the installer can/already do this (one off job). not a benefit.
[2]: to make 3rd-party tools happy.
[3]: git uses .git, difficult to say it's wrong. not a benefit.
[4]: to make 3rd-party tools happy.

So, there is only one benefit: to make 3rd-party tools happy, to help them find/clean cargo's cache data.

And this is not a benefit for us, the users and developers of cargo. We get little benefit on this.

But it will make difficulty to our life: we must remember more dirs, if we want to find them; we must do more os-specific work to implement it and maintain it; we can't easily create a portable cargo that all in one directory.

One more thing: it's not clear what will be put into cache directory. (e.g. Will .cargo\registry in cache? Will some of target/debug/* in cache?)

(XDG spec is nice. But what's the benefit if we follow it?)

@liigo It is not the only benefit. See my comment from earlier. This should also be added to the RFC text.

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tbu- commented on Jun 21, 2016



[1]: the installer can/already do this (one off job). not a benefit.
[2]: to make 3rd-party tools happy.
[3]: git uses .git, difficult to say it's wrong. not a benefit.
[4]: to make 3rd-party tools happy.

[1] is a benefit because that way, you don't end up with a path in $PATH for each package manager you have.
[3] Just because git does it wrong, doesn't mean that we can't do it right.
[2] and [4] is not to make 3rd party tools happy, but to make Cargo work with them.

I think it's pretty clear that all of these are benefits. Whether they're worth the trade-off is what the RFC discussion should be about, but claiming that they aren't benefits isn't really helping.

EDIT: Regarding making 3rd party tools happy vs interacting with them: I as a user would be happy if the backup tool would know to ignore the Cargo cache. This is not for the benefit of the 3rd party tool, but for the benefit of me, the user of Cargo.

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withoutboats commented on Jun 21, 2016

@liigo as a cargo user who sometimes uses other tools also, making cargo interoperate with them better definitely makes my life better. :-)


@alexcrichton Are you aware of any projects that would follow the spec if some sort breaking change were implemented?

To me it seems like everyone would want to implement the change but may not be able to. If no one actually implements it then no one's following the spec, which seems to defeat the purpose of having it in the first place?

It seems to me that if updates can't happen, then the spec is frozen as-is today. Then if it's frozen as-is there are major tools which have good reasons for not following it, and there's little hope for those reasons to get resolved?


Is there a specific program with issues with xdg that you're thinking of?

Looking in my home folder, programs which don't follow xdg include:

  • rubygems
  • bundler
  • git (maybe)
  • zsh/bash
  • docker
  • cmake
  • ccache

Notably including many other languages' package managers.

I forget if this has been brought up before, but I've at least discussed it with others. The point about operating with third-party programs is also an interesting one. There are programs which don't follow XDG, so any robust third-party program would already have to handle non-conforming programs with some heuristics. In that sense you may not actually get any benefit at all if Cargo follows XDG because the heuristics are already correctly classifying Cargo. If Cargo isn't falling in the right bucket but could easily do so for some popular programs, that would also be a reasonable course of action I think.

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tbu- commented on Jul 5, 2016

Both pip and git support XDG.

The point about operating with third-party programs is also an interesting one. There are programs which don't follow XDG, so any robust third-party program would already have to handle non-conforming programs with some heuristics.

I use rsnapshot for backups. The heuristic is the user adding exceptions on their own. It would be much nicer if Cargo didn't need an exception.

I mentioned advantages and disadvantages in the RFC. It seems that at least the advantages are real for some users. Maybe the discussion should focus on how to weigh these arguments against each other. Especially on Windows, there seems little resistance against using the Windows-specific directories.


To me it seems like everyone would want to implement the change but may not be able to.

Not everyone. For some programs which have been around longer than I've been alive, following the XDG spec as a fallback would be a change in functionality that has worked for decades. Inertia gets in the way there. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." I'm not aware of any project that has been told about the spec and decided not to follow it but would have followed it if the spec had X changed where X wasn't just keep doing what already works.

If no one actually implements it then no one's following the spec, which seems to defeat the purpose of having it in the first place?

People do implement it:

$ ls .config
abrt                          goa-1.0        Pinta
anjuta                        google-chrome  ppsspp
autostart                     gtk-2.0        pulse
beets                         gtk-3.0        QtProject.conf
cef_user_data                 gvbam          ranger
Clementine                    hexchat        retroarch
CuteMarkEd Project            htop           Rygel
dconf                         ibus           rygel.conf
dleyna-renderer-service.conf  imsettings     sealert.conf
dleyna-server-service.conf    inkscape       sonata
easytag                       insta-site     syncthing
enchant                       jstest-gtk     systemd
eog                           keepnote       tilda
epiphany                      libreoffice    tomboy
evince                        libvirt        totem
evolution                     markdownlint   tracker
filezilla                     menus          Trolltech.conf
gambatte                      mimeapps.list  unity3d
gconf                         monitors.xml   user-dirs.dirs
gedit                         mono.addins    user-dirs.locale
gespeaker                     MonoGame       VirtualBox
git                           mopidy         vlc
gnome-boxes                   mpv            watch-later
gnome-builder                 mupen64plus    yelp
gnome-control-center          myapp          youtube-dl
gnome-initial-setup-done      nautilus       Zeal
gnome-session                 nvim
gnote                         PCSX2

Just not everyone:

$ ls -d .?*
..              .git-credential-cache  .lastpass        .rbtools-cookies
.adobe          .gitk                  .lesshst         .sdkman
.bash_aliases   .gnome                 .local           .serverauth.22085
.bash_history   .gnupg                 .m2              .serverauth.4384
.bash_logout    .gradle                .macromedia      .speech-dispatcher
.bashrc         .grails                .mozilla         .ssh
.cache          .grails_history        .multirust       .subversion
.cargo          .groovy                .netrc           .Xauthority
.config         .gstreamer-0.10        .npm             .xinitrc
.emacs.d        .ICEauthority          .nvimlog         .xsel.log
.esd_auth       .idlerc                .pki             .zshrc
.exercism.json  .inputrc               .profile
.gimp-2.8       .java                  .python_history

It seems to me that if updates can't happen, then the spec is frozen as-is today. Then if it's frozen as-is there are major tools which have good reasons for not following it, and there's little hope for those reasons to get resolved?

If you're going to make that argument, having at least one example would be nice. You have a point about most other languages' package managers though. You can add sdkman to the list.


I asked about programs that have issues with XDG, not ones simply that don't impliment it. I'm looking for a downside, a complication, that would cause a program to actively avoid XDG.

Right now one hasn't been presented.

there are major tools which have good reasons for not following it

I don't believe that is the case. At the least, no one has noted a reason (other than a program being old or inertia) that things don't impliment it. Please let us know if there is some reason you're aware of.

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brson commented on Jul 12, 2016

My opinions on this subject (not commenting directly on the content of the RFC, which I've only skimmed - sorry).

I think we should change where .cargo is located on windows. With back-compat code to support old installs. We chose the wrong place to put this directory. It should keep the .cargo name for consistency across platforms.

It's important for consistency that users can find Rust tools in expected places. There is no universal agreement on Unixes about the future of the XDG spec, and we should not use it by default. For those that want XDG we should consider making it optional.

@aloucks for you it's a matter of preference, but for others it's a matter of unnecessarily synchronizing ~10 GB over possibly slow or expensive Internet connections.

I still prefer my command line tools to use "unixy" config paths


What is "unixy" about ~/.cargo? It doesn't conform to the platform standards for Windows or macOS, nor the generic unix freedesktop.org standards which predominate on a number of Unix platforms including but not limited to Linux. It serves no one, not even "unix". It's only slightly less pathetic than "look for configuration files in $PWD", which many other glorious terrible "unix" programs do, especially if they're written in Java.

Your "unixy" paths are a pox on my unix system, cursing me to the cruel and depressing fate of having thousands of programs that all think they're important enough to reserve top billing in my ~ rather than somewhere predictable and sensible.

And, as mentioned in the past, it's actively causing tremendous damage to store user-specific files that are analogous to $TMPDIR but should not be stored in RAM, might be useful across reboots, and should still be segregated out to not be synced, backed up, or kept when the disk is running low on space.

knowing whatever platform I'm using, I'll find all things related to cargo my ~/.cargo directory

This is inconsistent with most other tools these days, I strongly advise you to learn how to predict where tools will store their files per platform standards.

Hm, I think it should always be possible to configure cargo to put data into user-defined directories, be that ~/.cargo or wherever else.

But to my mind that's a separate issue from supporting platform-native directories.

Created PR to update the RFC with macOS-specific default paths as suggested by @kornelski in #1615 (comment).

Can someone who uses macOS verify if this is correct?

@ChrisDenton Your suggestion is already included in the RFC. The RFC proposes to make the directories user-configurable so you will be able to keep ~/.cargo if you prefer this.

@pfrenssen macOS dirs look right to me.

@aspenluxxxy thanks!
@tbu- If this looks OK to you, care to merge https://github.com/tbu-/rust-rfcs/pull/1?

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soc commented on Mar 22, 2021


Why are we still kicking this severely outdated RFC, given that we had at least 3 different implementation attempts, and none of them bothered to follow the RFC even remotely?
The problem is not the RFC, regardless of how often people try to poke it with a stick and pretend that it is still alive.

If you want to help, then give @spacekookie a hand with rust-lang/cargo#9178.

@soc I was told by the cargo maintainers that there needed to be an RFC for this feature before they were comfortable merging anything.

Considering that this RFC is essentially dead (and should be closed), I made an attempt to restart the conversation here: spacekookie#1

It's a draft and doesn't cover most of the things brought up in this thread yet, but I felt it was probably going to be easier to work on a new version than to keep this one alive.

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eode commented on Mar 24, 2021


One issue that wasn't mentioned before is that $HOME might not be writable at all when an app (e.g. an IDE) is sandboxed in a container, for example flatpak. In these cases, cargo/rustup fails by default. Tinkering with environment variables is needed to make it work. Using XDG variables would make cargo/rustup work without additional configuration.

I ran into this issue when trying to setup Eclipse Corrosion in sandboxed Eclipse (eclipse/corrosion#366).

I'd be laughing if I weren't crying right now.

This is the use-case I was looking for and didn't have at the time when the $XDG_BIN_HOME matter was being decided. I warned them that someone in the future would need it, even if that use wasn't clear now. ..and here it is, and I'll have to go argue for this all over again..

Thanks for posting that use-case.

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ehuss commented on Oct 8, 2021

I'm going to move to postpone this. We're acknowledging the reality that this isn't moving forward at this time. The Cargo team is interested in seeing better native platform layouts. However, it is evident that there are a lot of details to consider, and discussing them on a PR with over 300 comments probably isn't the best way forward. Unfortunately I don't have an easy answer at this time on how this can make progress, as the team currently doesn't have the capacity to help in depth.

Thank you everyone for the comments and time spent looking into this.

@rfcbot fcp postpone

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rfcbot commented on Oct 8, 2021

edited by Xanewok

Team member @ehuss has proposed to postpone this. The next step is review by the rest of the tagged team members:

No concerns currently listed.

Once a majority of reviewers approve (and at most 2 approvals are outstanding), this will enter its final comment period. If you spot a major issue that hasn't been raised at any point in this process, please speak up!

See this document for info about what commands tagged team members can give me.

I do very much want to see this, but I agree that this doesn't seem to be making forward progress at this time.

@rfcbot reviewed

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rfcbot commented 10 days ago

bellThis is now entering its final comment period, as per the review above. bell

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rfcbot commented 6 hours ago

The final comment period, with a disposition to postpone, as per the review above, is now complete.

As the automated representative of the governance process, I would like to thank the author for their work and everyone else who contributed.

This is now postponed.

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