Thrilled to be Recognized as the 2021 HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - AI

 2 years ago
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Thrilled to be Recognized as the 2021 HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - AI

Hey Hackers! I’m Elay Romanov, and I’m the COO of Daiger. We are a company that provides machine learning services to a range of different types of clients.

Before all else, I’d like to say a huge thank you to the HackerNoon community for recognizing me as the winner of HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - AI. This is a huge honor and I appreciate everyone taking the time to read my articles.

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Elay Romanov

Entrepreneur. Machine learning enthusiast

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Hey Hackers! I’m Elay Romanov, and I’m the COO of Daiger. We are a company that provides machine learning services to a range of different types of clients.

Before all else, I’d like to say a huge thank you to the HackerNoon community for recognizing me as the winner of HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - AI. This is a huge honor and I appreciate everyone taking the time to read my articles.

HackerNoon Reporter: What does it mean for you to win this title?

To me personally, this is good evidence that I am on the right track in my goal of delivering interesting content that provides value to the community. This win encourages me to continue creating content and publishing it here on HackerNoon.

How do you or your company intend to embrace the responsibility of this title in 2022?

When creating content, my main focus has always been to explain how AI and ML can help businesses stay up to speed with modern trends. Over the coming year, I will continue focusing on these things, while trying to add other topics that may be appealing to the HackerNoon audience.

What are some of the goals you’re looking forward to accomplishing in 2022 (whether it be through company initiatives or your personal journey)?

For 2022, Daiger's main goals are to grow the number of active clients, increase profit, and to hire a bunch of talented people. We also aim to enter one new geographical market. Announcements about this are coming soon!

As for my personal goals, a few things are on my list: I'd like to keep up my daily physical routine and practice good mental health strategies in order to avoid burnout and maximize the productivity of the Daiger team.

In terms of investments in myself, I've enrolled in a public speaking course that I've really excited about. And of course, I need to do all of these are things while being an attentive husband and a good dad to three cool sons.

As you look at the variety of concerning trends in the world around you, what solutions can you think of? Name three trends and three solutions. Be as brief or as detailed as you like.

  • Inflation: Solved through investment diversification.

  • Rapid changes in the world: Continuous self-improvement is the way!

  • Stress and uncertainty: Mental practices and discipline.

After participating in this journey, is there anything that you would like the HackerNoon team to know?

I want to say thank you to HackerNoon for creating this platform and for gathering such a great community around it. Organizing this contest has proven to be an amazing way to showcase writer content in every category. I am looking forward to seeing what you guys have in store for 2022!

What is something special about you or your company that you’ve rarely had the chance to properly share but really wanted to? (Give this one a proper think, I’ll know if you didn’t!)

At Daiger, our main focus is on helping businesses with getting over challenges relating to AI/ML. We like tough tasks. I would even say that, at Daiger, the harder the challenge is, the more joy it brings to our team.

What song or music album are you currently enjoying?

I am a big fan of electronic music. To concentrate on a task like writing the music shouldn't be too slow, but it also shouldn't be too energetic. Right now, as I am writing this text, I am listening to this mix by Hamish & Toby. Enjoy!

What are some concepts you wish people knew more about?

I'll share three concepts that I have recently discovered:

  • Our brain is lazy and constantly trying to trick us. The brain will try to avoid doing hard things, so we need to constantly pay attention to what it's doing in order to make sure we stay on track with our goals.

  • Don't be afraid of difficulties, challenges, and fast-changing things. They make us stronger.

  • Continuous small contributions to a big project bring great results over a long time.

Is there anything else you’d like me to know? It can be anything.

I would like to say a big thanks to the whole Daiger team, who have helped me create the content that led to me getting this award.

Thanks for being patient with me and for sharing your great ideas and insights that were used in the articles. I truly believe that this award is for the entire team, and we will celebrate it together properly.


For more information:

Read about the Noonies here. To see all of the winners you may visit this site, pick any award, and view the name that appears at the top. Or follow this account for posts with the list of names released over the course of the week of February 14, 2022.

Read the FAQs about Startups here or here. To see all of the winners you may visit this site, pick any city and view the name that appears at the top. Or follow this account for posts with the list of names released over the course of the week of February 14, 2022.

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