CP algorithm finder bot v1

 2 years ago
source link: http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/100180
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CP algorithm finder bot v1

By khiro, history, 2 days ago,

Hi everyone

I created a simple telegram bot "CP algorithm finder bot" to improve the CP programming community

The bot has the following features

  • Search(/search) — By keyword or by some tag you can quickly find the desired algorithm, this will allow the contestant to find the desired algorithm quickly, since in contests the time for which you wrote the code is very important

  • Algorithms(/algorithms) — This is a library of algorithms that currently stores more than 50 algorithms, and all algorithms are made in the form of links for convenience.

Another advantage of the bot is that almost all the algorithms in the codes are written in the form of structures, classes and methods, which allows the participant to immediately create a class with the desired size, and not understand the sizes of arrays and different defines, etc.

Link to the bot: https://t.me/cpalgobot

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