The OSOM OV1 might come in fun colors like these, with a 'Summer 2022' launch no...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/osom-ov1-fun-colors-summer-2022/
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The OSOM OV1 might come in fun colors like these, with a 'Summer 2022' launch now teased

By Ryne Hager

Published 3 days ago

Borealis Green evokes strong Ocean Depths vibes

OSOM, the smartphone company rising from the ashes of Essential, has taken to LinkedIn of all places recently to promote its upcoming phone. At this stage, nothing seems set in stone, but the company has shown off four bright colors the OV1 might come in. Co-founder and OSOM CMO Wolfgang W. Muller also indicates a "Summer 2022" launch could be possible.

Three weeks ago, the company did a "poll" on LinkedIn for four possible color combinations for the upcoming phone. We've seen the phone in both black and white from our interview with OSOM CEO Jason Keats last year. But the poll revealed four new shades the company is at least looking into: Solar Yellow, Borealis Green, Twilight Blue, and Dusk Purple. And unlike most boring smartphone colors these days, these ones are a little more vibrant and fun:

OSOM OV1 potential colors

Renders of possible OSOM OV1 colors.

It's far too early to determine if the OV1 will actually come in any of these colors. Muller said in a follow-up post declaring Borealis Green the poll's winner that "We can't promise this sku will make it to market but know that it's a possibility." With Solar Yellow staring into my soul and Borealis Green evoking solid Essential Ocean Depths vibes, I hope OSOM does choose some fun colors — almost no smartphone makers do in the flagship space anymore.

OSOM originally told us that the phone might launch "at or around MWC," but Muller indicates that may have been pushed back, saying, "Summer 2022 is right around the corner!"

2 Images
OSOM OV1 Borealis Green

Left: OSOM OV1 in Borealis Green (likely a mockup). Right: Ocean Depths on a PH-1 (one of the most beautiful smartphone color combos of all time, in my opinion).

For more information, you can check out our exclusive interview with OSOM from last year. And we have one last bonus image to share showing what could be an OSOM OV1 with its back removed, showing what looks like a wireless charging coil, indicating the phone might feature wireless charging.

OSOM OV1 back off

If this is also hint that it might be easy to repair — as well as being privacy-respecting and a "stock" Android phone, as previously claimed — the OV1 could be very popular among the core Android fandom.

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Ryne Hager (2922 Articles Published)

Ostensibly a senior editor, in reality just some verbose dude who digs on tech, loves Android, and hates anticompetitive practices. His only regret is that he didn't buy a Nokia N9 in 2012. Email tips or corrections to ryne at androidpolice dot com.

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