Where Mac Catalyst Falls Short

 2 years ago
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Where Mac Catalyst Falls Short


When the first UIKit-based apps appeared on macOS Mojave, it was abundantly clear that there was a long way to go before this technology was appropriate for developers making new Mac apps. With macOS Catalina, this initial half-step was put in developers' hands, and it took quite an effort to wrangle it into something that looked and felt like it fit on the Mac. As we transitioned through macOS 11, however, and the introduction of the 'Mac Idiom', UIKit crossed a threshold that now makes it a great way to build Mac-like Mac apps. Most users would be hard-pressed to tell that the Messages, Podcasts, or Maps apps are anything but robust, native Mac apps, and though that level of quality is not evenly distributed amongst Apple's other UIKit-based Catalyst apps, it provides a great baseline for expectations of what you can achieve with Mac Catalyst, if you put the effort in.

However, this piece is intended to explore the parts that don't work as-is; having now used Mac Catalyst to build two successful and highly-rated medium-complexity Mac apps in Broadcasts and Pastel, and having spent the past year or so building sample code for developers, I wanted to take some time to lay out the areas of the framework that I've found just don't do enough to enable great Mac apps, and perhaps provide a checklist of things for Apple to solve in future versions of the OS. This is my curated list, and there will definitely be things I didn't touch upon below as they haven't directly impacted what I'm working on or hoping to build. Onwards!

Document-Based Apps

The biggest glaring hole in UIKit on macOS is its handling of document-based apps. There are many reasons it falls flat, but let's start with the basics: Xcode's 'Document App' template for iOS crashes on launch when you add Mac Catalyst support, because it lacks the basic entitlements for opening files. Even after fixing that, and adding the requisite document types in its Info plist, actually trying to open a file will send the document browser into an endless loop of showing the file picker. This alone might be the instant death of a potential document-based app, because even experienced developers will suddenly be lost at sea trying to patch the built-in template to run as expected.

Assuming you've got past this point, or have an already-well-built document app on iPhone or iPad that you're just flipping on 'Mac' support for, you'll rapidly find that you have to ifdef and special-case your way around the behaviors that just don't do the right thing on macOS, because UIDocumentBrowserViewController is at the root of your layout. And then you discover elements like the 'Open Recents' menu just don't work by default, and present a save panel instead. Or that a blank window is shown when you launch the app but before you have chosen a document, because UIDocumentBrowserViewController needs to be embedded in an existing window and can't show a picker independent of that.

This Xcode template isn't even updated for window scenes, so even if it did work it wouldn't support multiple documents, window tabbing, or anything you might expect from a document-based app on macOS.

UIKit's document browser, which is set as the root view controller of a window, just isn't appropriate in a world where file pickers are independent of the app window, and where there should be no windows at all before a file has been opened. If you do manage to get yourself through all of this and out the other side, you'll most likely have replaced all of UIKit's document picker handling with platform-specific open panels you trigger manually, and perhaps even a complete rewrite of UIKit's document system itself.

No Apple app is dogfooding this aspect of Catalyst, and it shows. If Apple internally were to create a multi-window document editor app, like TextEdit, in Catalyst and just fix everything they ran into step-by-step along the way such that it functions identically to the AppKit version, it would go a long way for all of us. Unfortunately Swift Playgrounds just doesn't touch any of this stuff because of its silo-based nature & Xcode-based editor, so it doesn't seem like it can drive any of these improvements.

Preference Windows

Catalyst brought support for iOS Settings Bundles to macOS, which Apple has even started using in its own non-Catalyst apps (like the iOS Simulator), however this system is, as on iOS, incredibly limited and static — which is why almost every app rolls their own settings window on iOS. User account registration, in-app purchase, and things like themes or alternative icon sets all require a kind of settings UI that just isn't possible with a Settings Bundle.

If you dig in, you will find that Catalyst gives you all the tools you need to build a settings window using the UIKit window scene APIs. I have sample code that demonstrates just that. However, there are still missing pieces:

  1. You have no control over the window buttons in Catalyst (without bridging to AppKit), so you can't denote a window as non-resizable to disable the green traffic light
  2. UIKit windows all use state restoration, which means if you quit the app while the settings window is open, it will pop up again the next time you launch it. No Mac app does this
  3. There is no easy analog to NSTabView, which you will find in the preference windows of most Mac apps. While not critical, it is conceptually important & contextually-relevant

Overall, you can get 90% of the way there if you fall back to AppKit bridging to patch around the rough edges. However, it would be great to have all of this stuff work out of the box.

Menu Bar Extras & Menu Bar Apps

The number one user request in my apps, and the number one topic I've been asked about from developers over the past two years, is all about putting UI in the menu bar. Everybody, but Apple, it seems, wants apps to support the Menu Bar status area with indicators, menus and UI. In many cases, iPhone developers coming to the Mac have an app that would be great pinned globally to the menu bar, but kinda pointless as a window floating around your desktop that has to be managed by the user.

There simply is no concept in UIKit that can address this need, currently. I came up with my own method of doing this for Pastel, which is provided as sample code, but it's very clear that there needs to be some officially-sanctioned way of putting UI into the menu bar. Whether that's with a new popover presentation mode similar to mine, or a bespoke Menu Bar Extra App Extension, it really needs to be an option in the developer toolbox. Because none of Apple's own apps do this, and it's far enough off the beaten path, I don't see them adding this without significant developer feedback. It's the developer who is going to get hit with negative reviews when their app doesn't support this staple of the Mac user experience, and Apple sees none of that.

Mac-style Table & Collection Views That 'Just Work'

While I appreciate the new configuration APIs added to UICollectionView to perform the function of a regular table view, unfortunately by default they just don't give you a table view that works as expected on macOS. You'll be hundreds of lines in just trying to match the basic behavior one might expect from an AppKit NSTableView, with selection and inactive states, and completely on your own when it comes to type-select or more-esoteric AppKit-wide keyboard shortcuts. Beyond that, UICollectionView in general just doesn't have the mechanics to understand the distinction between a click, double-click, touch, keyboard trigger, or stylus touch — they're all just 'a selection'. macOS, and arguably iPadOS, needs to be able to customize selection/actuation behavior for the mouse, so that you can do things like have a single-click select something, and a double-click opens/triggers/actuates it, but not have that interfere with touch-based selection.

Similarly, clicking on a list or collection view should have an option to take keyboard focus, like it does in most Mac apps. When you select a file in Finder, you expect the keyboard to follow you so that you can then use arrow-key navigation and the like without first having to hit the tab key to move focus to the icon view; by default, UICollectionView doesn't work like that in Mac Catalyst, which affects both table-view-style lists and grids. UICollectionView does have a _shouldBecomeFocusedOnSelection property that just isn't exposed to developers, but solves a whole bunch of lingering behavioral issues on macOS, and I would class it as a must-have public API.

Of course, the elephant in the room is multi-column table views, an essential, core part of many desktop apps, and a topic completely ignored by UIKit and thus completely unavailable to Catalyst-based Mac apps. I really hope to see an API for this at some point in the future, but for now it's more of a wishlist item.


Toolbar Views & Customization

One bridge to AppKit that Apple did decide to give UIKit developers is NSToolbar, so that they have direct control of how their app's toolbar behaves. Unfortunately, only a subset of NSToolbar-related functionality is bridged, which means you'll have to start using your own AppKit bridge if you need things like a search field, for example, or custom-drawn views like a Safari-style URL field, volume slider, or where you want a manually-specified fixed size. Presenting popovers from toolbar items is also impossible without a bridge, despite Apple apps like Maps doing so.

In Broadcasts, I went the other direction and use UIKit to 'fake' a toolbar, similar to that used in Podcasts. In Pastel, which has a search field, I had to use an AppKit bridge to handle that functionality. In Flare, my simplistic browser sample code, I go as far as subclassing AppKit classes to draw a custom address bar with a favicon area. It's great that all of these avenues are open to us, as developers, but boy would I like to just be able to use UIKit views in my toolbar area and have them work as expected without any of the bridging and glue code. In Apple's own apps like Messages and Podcasts, they have eschewed NSToolbar in favor of faking it using UIKit, but there are two aspects of that that complicate things for developers:

  1. There is no way to change the titlebar height using public API, so that the window controls are positioned correctly based on your custom toolbar height
  2. Apple relies on a non-public UITitlebar titleVisibility mode (of 'transparent'), such that mouse actions in that area are correctly passed to the UIKit controls underneath

Without those two things, which, granted, you can try in your own apps if you're brave enough to risk App Review, using UIKit in place of an NSToolbar just isn't viable for most developers, which leaves us bound to a partial NSToolbar API subset.

Window Controls

There are many aspects of window behavior that just aren't exposed through UIKit right now, like the ability to disable the window buttons or fullscreen mode, change the titlebar transparency, or modify the titlebar/toolbar area size — or even set the window frame/position onscreen, or save/restore it on quit/relaunch. The side effect of this is you'll find app windows, like preference panels, that let you fullscreen them when they shouldn't, or non-resizable windows still having an active zoom button, or windows forgetting their sizes when restored. Not having access to all these aspects of NSWindow is severely limiting, as a developer, and leads to a worse user experience.

My opinion is that a Catalyst developer should have a way to control every aspect of the UI they present to the user — and the window & window chrome is one of the most important parts of the app. The way Catalyst works, every UIWindowScene is wrapped by an NSWindow subclass that handles a bunch of implicit behavior, but the bridges to control its presentation are just too simplistic.

Inspector Panels

Inspector panels was one aspect of AppKit bridging that was originally touted, unofficially, as an option for Catalyst developers. However, there just simply is no way to get UIKit-based content in such a panel window. Even if you were to go to town with the swizzling, the base UIWindowScene class is always mapped to an NSWindow subclass, which leaves all of the NSPanel-based functionality locked away from you. All of the other issues with window scenes as mentioned above also make such a task pretty difficult to fake, too. Panels in macOS can do things like float above other windows in fullscreen, be 'non-activating' so you can interact with them without losing focus of the main window, and hide themselves from Exposé and Mission Control. Not being able to set, save or restore their frame would also be problematic.

You can, of course, build and maintain a separate AppKit-based view hierarchy to power an inspector panel, but that introduces far too many issues for most developers to bother with it, and bridging back and forth to the UIKit portion of your codebase is an ordeal.

I think the simplest way to solve this is to provide some kind of modal presentation mode that lets a UIKit app spawn a view controller as an inspector panel, much like it does today with popovers. Most of their behavior can be implicit, anyway, as long as they behave like an inspector panel should.

(Aside: If you got to the end of this section without an 80s theme song stuck in your head, I envy you)

Window Dragging

In AppKit you can allow the window to be dragged when you start dragging in certain views, or disallow it from others. Open a video in QuickTime, for example, and you'll find you can drag the window around from anywhere in the playback area. Video playback is a good example of a window type in which you might want such an interaction. Catalyst does indeed have such functionality as private API (UIView's _sceneDraggingBehaviorOnPan flag), and I think it could be a good candidate to expose to developers.

Scaling Primitives

There are two forms of Catalyst, on macOS — iPad Idiom, and Mac Idiom. In the iPad Idiom, all of your metrics are shared with iOS, and the end result is rendered at 77% scale on the Mac, leading to blurry text and sub-standard output on non-Retina monitors. In the Mac Idiom, which is only available to macOS 11 and up, you get 1:1 pixel scaling and a UI experience that leans into AppKit for quite a lot, like native buttons and other controls. However, beyond the most basic changes to padding in Interface Builder and SwiftUI, your layout is going to need a ton of work to be able to run in both modes without a million ifdefs, and you're really left out to dry here.

Because all metrics in Apple's platforms are expressed as points or pixels, not real-world physical sizes (like inches or mm), there is no system-provided solution to handle multiple UI scales like this. A number is just a number; it can't vary per-platform.

The first thing I do in all my Mac Catalyst projects is drop in a little wrapper, which I call 'UIFloat', that does the scaling for me based on whether the app is running in the Mac Idiom or not. Then, everywhere across my project that I manually specify a layout point, rect, layer corner radius, or a font size, I wrap its components in UIFloat(). So instead of having raw numbers in my project, I have UIFloats instead. I know instantly if it's a number that is intended for something UI-facing, and I can also tell instantly if I forgot to vary it for macOS. This has been the magic solution that makes complex UI like Pastel's really straightforward to maintain between iPad and Mac such that I don't ever have to think about it anymore. Not having this would be a significant impediment to the adoption of the Mac Idiom, and I'm certain has turned off plenty of developers making this journey for the first time — leaving them to settle with the iPad Idiom, blurry apps, and iOS-like buttons and controls. It's also a great solution for SwiftUI, as more and more layout moves away from Interface Builder and to code.

Upgrade Cycles & Backwards Compatibility

This is not a problem unique to Mac Catalyst, but it has now become a problem with building apps for the Mac:

  • TestFlight is only available to macOS 12
  • There is no way to virtualize macOS 11 on an Apple Silicon Mac

Combine these two issues, and you end up with apps that, if they bother to support macOS 11 at all, have severely limited options for testing. With Broadcasts, my TestFlight tester list has thousands of users, and I can ensure that they all get to try a version of the app that exactly matches the App Store build. Not one of them is able to test on macOS 11, because Apple made the bizarre decision to link TestFlight tightly to macOS 12. As my development machine is on Apple Silicon, and thus cannot run any version of macOS before 12.0 in a virtual machine, the only macOS 11 testing device I have is a ten-year-old MacBook Pro that had to be hackintoshed(!) to run the OS. With the much more protracted upgrade cycles on macOS, where users (and developers) can delay OS upgrades for many months, even years, no Mac developer can afford to simply target the latest version of macOS and cut compatibility with something merely a year old. TestFlight has no good reason whatsoever to be limited in this way, and for frameworks that undergo so much change every year like Mac Catalyst and SwiftUI, you just can't expect something you write today to run on an older version of macOS without rigorous testing & debugging. These problems will go away with time, of course, but you're still talking years before dropping support for macOS 11 becomes non-controversial.

Personally, I think it's long past time we had a 'macOS Simulator' along the same lines as the iOS Simulator, such that you can boot up any given version of macOS and run your app directly from Xcode against it. It should be just as easy to build & run an app from Mac to Mac is it is from Mac to iOS device; as more and more iOS developers come to develop for macOS, these outmoded parts of the developer experience really highlight their age and their disconnect from modern app development.



Mac Catalyst is in a great place; it has improved substantially every year since its introduction, and for most developers it is by far the best way to build great Mac-like Universal apps that run across iPhone, iPad and Mac. Its hybrid nature allows a developer to pick and choose which elements of UIKit, SwiftUI, and AppKit they need to achieve the experience they're looking for, or combine them all for the best of both worlds. It clearly has a lot of traction inside Apple's product teams, as it's become the enabling technology for Messages, Maps, Podcasts, Find My, Playgrounds, Books, Voice Memos, Stocks, Home, and News. Paired with SwiftUI, it's rapidly becoming the defacto standard for new Mac apps on the App Store, for better or for worse — all the more reason that the remaining rough edges be given priority. Each one of the remaining barriers just gives a developer reason to avoid trying for that extra mile, relying on the iOS behavior they know and that works.

If you've kept your distance from Mac Catalyst because of negative experience with first- or third-party apps, or merely clicked the 'Mac' checkbox in Xcode and never really dug in to what's possible beyond that, you're really missing out. Three years ago when these discussions first came about, this was mostly theoretical, but now with three major projects, four minor, a dozen prototypes, and a whole bunch of sample code under my belt, I can safely say that I expect Mac Catalyst to power my next decade on the App Store, and beyond. Very few of these apps would exist if I had to build & maintain bespoke Mac versions, in AppKit or in SwiftUI, and I certainly wouldn't be able to keep them up to date and at feature parity release after release.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK