Weekly review: Week ending December 31, 2021

 2 years ago
source link: https://sachachua.com/blog/2022/01/weekly-review-week-ending-december-31-2021/
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« Monthly review: December 2021Weekly review: Week ending December 24, 2021 »

  • I learned how to use Krita to make a simple animation.
  • I tried out Krita's recorder. I like that it can record the whole drawing at full resolution.
  • I ordered 16GB of memory for my laptop, since I'm likely to hang on to this one for at least another year.
  • I think I've finished the patch for adjusting subtitle overlaps.
  • I learned how to use xdescribe in Buttercup to disable lots of tests at once.
  • I added cropping to compile-media.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK