Process isolation support in start-stop-daemon

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.shadura.me/2014/03/08/process-isolation-support-in-start-stop-daemon/
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Andrej’s notes

Yesterday I played with LXC a bit, and I liked it, as LXC provides a very lightweight isolation of processes, much like enchanced chroot. However, I realised, I don't always need the chroot-like part of LXC, sometimes what I need is just to make sure the process is unable to see the other processes and talk to them in any other way except the filesystem, but I don't want a whole separate root file system for that. LXC provides a simple utility, lxc-unshare, which uses Linux-specific clone(2) call to run a process with new PID, IPC and other namespaces. However, this utility can't be used for running forking daemons, as the container is destroyed when its PID 1 exits.

That's why I decided to add the support for process isolation to start-stop-daemon. I was careful enough to introduce minimal changes to it to make sure they can be merged back to the version as shipped with dpkg, and at the same time be buildable separately from the rest of it. Speaking of building, by the way, this version of start-stop-daemon uses mk-configure, a light-weight autotools replacement, as its build system.

What I added, from a user's perspective, is a single --isolate option. When run with this option, start-stop-daemon calls clone(2) just before configuring the environment of a process it's going to run. The cloned process runs in a new namespace, and immediately remounts /proc, /dev/shm and /dev/mqueue. Then it forks, and a forked process executes the daemon. The parent process, which is PID 1 in the new PID namespace, uses waitpid(2) to monitor its child processes. As soon as its very first child exits, it talks via a pipe to the process outside of the container, so that it knows the container has a forked daemon and it needs to detach. In any case, the container's PID 1 does waitpid(2) in a loop, checking the process list every time a child terminates. As soon as it's left alone or a SIGTERM is received, it exits.

The code is published at Bitbucket.

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