AWS App Runner 總算可以存取 VPC 內的資源了

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.gslin.org/archives/2022/02/14/10551/aws-app-runner-%e7%b8%bd%e7%ae%97%e5%8f%af%e4%bb%a5%e5%ad%98%e5%8f%96-vpc-%e5%85%a7%e7%9a%84%e8%b3%87%e6%ba%90%e4%ba%86/
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AWS App Runner 總算可以存取 VPC 內的資源了

算是上個星期的消息了,App Runner 這個產品剛出來的時候無法連到 VPC 內的資源,不知道要怎麼用,現在總算是把這個功能補上了:「New for App Runner – VPC Support」。

不過還是不看好,旁邊還有 AWS Elastic BeanstalkAWS Amplify 同質性超高的服務,都是只寫 code 丟上去就能跑:

AWS App Runner is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to quickly deploy containerized web applications and APIs, at scale and with no prior infrastructure experience required. Start with your source code or a container image. App Runner builds and deploys the web application automatically, load balances traffic with encryption, scales to meet your traffic needs, and makes it easy for your services to communicate with other AWS services and applications that run in a private Amazon VPC. With App Runner, rather than thinking about servers or scaling, you have more time to focus on your applications.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, Nginx, Passenger, and IIS.

You can simply upload your code and Elastic Beanstalk automatically handles the deployment, from capacity provisioning, load balancing, auto-scaling to application health monitoring. At the same time, you retain full control over the AWS resources powering your application and can access the underlying resources at any time.

AWS Amplify is a set of purpose-built tools and features that lets frontend web and mobile developers quickly and easily build full-stack applications on AWS, with the flexibility to leverage the breadth of AWS services as your use cases evolve. With Amplify, you can configure a web or mobile app backend, connect your app in minutes, visually build a web frontend UI, and easily manage app content outside the AWS console. Ship faster and scale effortlessly—with no cloud expertise needed.

更不用說旁邊還有 Lambda 類的架構...


AWS KMS 可以在 VPC 內直接存取了

AWS Key Management Service 宣布支援 AWS PrivateLink Endpoint 了:「How to Connect Directly to AWS Key Management Service from Amazon VPC by Using an AWS PrivateLink Endpoint」。先前需要透過 Internet 流量存取 (透過 NAT、Proxy 之類的服務),現在則是可以接到 VPC 內直接用了: Previously, applications running inside a VPC required internet access to connect to AWS KMS. This meant managing…

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AWS PrivateLink

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Stripe 遇到 AWS 上 DNS Resolver 的限制

當量夠大就會遇到各種限制... 這次 Stripe 在描述 trouble shooting 的過程:「The secret life of DNS packets: investigating complex networks」。 其中一個頗有趣的架構是他們在每台主機上都有跑 Unbound,然後導去中央的 DNS Resolver,再決定導去 Consul 或是 AWS 的 DNS Resolver: Unbound runs locally on every host as well as on the DNS servers. 然後他們發現偶而會有大量的 SERVFAIL: 接下來就是各種找問題的過程 (像是用 tcpdump 看情況,然後用 iptables 統計一些數字),最後發現是卡在 AWS 的 DNS Resolver…

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In "AWS"

a611ee8db44c8d03a20edf0bf5a71d80?s=49&d=identicon&r=gAuthor Gea-Suan LinPosted on February 14, 2022Categories AWS, Cloud, Computer, Murmuring, Network, ServiceTags amazon, amplify, app, aws, beanstalk, cloud, code, elastic, network, resources, runner, service, vpc

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