Amazon EFS 的效能提昇

 2 years ago
source link: https://blog.gslin.org/archives/2022/02/15/10553/amazon-efs-%e7%9a%84%e6%95%88%e8%83%bd%e6%8f%90%e6%98%87/
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Amazon EFS 的效能提昇

AWS 宣佈他們將 Amazon EFS 的 latency 大幅降低以提昇效能:「Amazon Elastic File System Update – Sub-Millisecond Read Latency」。

Linux 上一般是用 NFS 掛 EFS,個位數的 ms 的確對於效能影響超大,現在宣稱讀取的部份降到 0.6ms,應該會有蠻明顯的感覺:

Up until today, EFS latency for read operations (both data and metadata) was typically in the low single-digit milliseconds. Effective today, new and existing EFS file systems now provide average latency as low as 600 microseconds for the majority of read operations on data and metadata.


This performance boost applies to One Zone and Standard General Purpose EFS file systems. New or old, you will still get the same availability, durability, scalability, and strong read-after-write consistency that you have come to expect from EFS, at no additional cost and with no configuration changes.

另外就是過去幾個禮拜他們把現有的 EFS 都轉移過去了:

We “flipped the switch” and enabled this performance boost for all existing EFS General Purpose mode file systems over the course of the last few weeks, so you may already have noticed the improvement. Of course, any new file systems that you create will also benefit.

不過 EFS 另外一個問題就是貴炸,用錢換方便...


Amazon EFS 效能提昇的一些討論

上一篇「Amazon EFS 的效能提昇」提到 Amazon EFS 的效能提昇,在 Hacker News 上看到 Amazon EFS 團隊的 PMT (Product-Manager-Technical) 出來回一些東西:「Amazon Elastic File System Update – Sub-Millisecond Read Latency (amazon.com)」,搜尋 geertj 應該就可以看到他回的東西了... 像是即使是 Jeff Barr 發表這篇文章,也還是經過 legal team 的同意才能發表: (PMT on the EFS team). Yes, the wordings are carefully formulated as they have to be signed…

February 16, 2022

In "AWS"

Amazon EFS 的 IA Storage Class

Amazon EFS 一直找不太到好用的使用情境,因為 NFS 的關係所以大量 I/O 時的 latency issue 使得速度快不起來,而拿來堆 log 的成本又超級高... 最新推出的 storage class 則是透過提供低儲存成本的版本,解決了堆 log 這種使用情境:「New – Infrequent Access Storage Class for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)」。 不過 EFS 不像 S3 可以直接選擇 storage class,是需要讓系統管理的: 開啟後 30 天沒有被碰過的檔案就會切過去: Eligible Files – Files that are 128 KiB or larger and…

February 15, 2019

In "AWS"

Amazon EFS 提供 Replication 功能

Jeff Barr 在官方 blog 上宣佈 Amazon EFS 提供 replication 功能:「New – Replication for Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)」。 可以看到跨區的設定畫面: 在建起來以後會是 read-only filesystem: 另外有提供 fail-over 機制,當 fail-over 過去後會從 read-only 變成 read-write。 不過要注意,架構上屬於 eventually consistent,預期是一分鐘內會更新。這點算是可以預期的,不然 latency 會太高: All replication traffic stays on the AWS global backbone, and most changes are replicated within…

January 27, 2022

In "AWS"

a611ee8db44c8d03a20edf0bf5a71d80?s=49&d=identicon&r=gAuthor Gea-Suan LinPosted on February 15, 2022Categories AWS, Cloud, Computer, Murmuring, Network, ServiceTags amazon, aws, cloud, file, filesystem, latency, network, nfs, performance, read, service, speed, system, time

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