Retrofitting Apps for Cloud Storage with Zero Code Changes

 2 years ago
source link: https://mtlynch.io/retrofit-docker-gcs/
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Retrofitting Apps for Cloud Storage with Zero Code Changes

I recently installed a media sharing app to one of my servers. It was simple to install, but it hid a dastardly trap for long-term maintenance.

Every time a user uploaded a file, the web app saved it to the local filesystem. If I ever blew away the server and rebuilt it, I’d have to backup and restore every file manually. The better architecture would be for the app to write its files to a separate storage server, but I didn’t want to spend months rewriting the app to make that possible.

Using Docker, Google Cloud Storage, and the gcsfuse utility, I achieved this separation without changing a single line of the app’s code.

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to retrofit legacy apps for Google Cloud Storage while minimizing source changes.

Defining terms 🔗︎

If you’re unfamiliar with Google Cloud Platform, here are a few abbreviations to know for this tutorial:

Abbreviation Stands for What is it? Similar to

GCS Google Cloud Storage Google’s cloud storage service Amazon S3

GCE Google Compute Engine Google’s on-demand virtual machine service Amazon EC2

GCR Google Container Registry Google’s hosting service for Docker images Docker Hub

GCP Google Cloud Platform Google’s cloud computing platform (GCS, GCE, and GCR are all parts of GCP) Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure

Docker allows developers to build self-contained environments for an application that run anywhere:

  • A Docker image is the set of all files needed to run an app, including the operating system and all third-party dependencies.
  • A Docker container is the live environment in which a Docker image executes.

For this tutorial, you can think of Docker containers as lightweight virtual machines even though that’s technically not what they are.

Prerequisites 🔗︎

To follow along with my examples, you’ll need the following:

My example app 🔗︎

I created an example project for this tutorial. It’s a dead simple web app based on the Flask framework’s upload documentation.

To run it, enter the following:

git clone https://github.com/mtlynch/flask_upload_demo.git
cd flask_upload_demo
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
gunicorn \
  demo.app:app \

The app lets you choose a file and upload it:

Upload page of flask-upload-demo

Then, it serves the file permanently at the URL http://[server address]:5000/uploads/[filename]:

flask-upload-demo serving an uploaded image

From within the server, you can see that the app saved the file to the demo/uploads folder of its local filesystem:

$ ls -l demo/uploads/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mike mike 230720 Nov 24 21:45 Space_Duck_Desktop_RGB_PNG.png

Dockerizing the example app 🔗︎

Because this app only has a few simple dependencies, it’s easy to create a Docker image for it:

Dockerfile 🔗︎

FROM debian:stretch

RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install --yes \
      git-core \
      python \
      python-pip \

# Create demo user system account.
ARG APP_USER="demo-user"
ARG APP_GROUP="demo-user"
ARG APP_HOME_DIR="/home/demo-user"
RUN set -x && \
    groupadd "$APP_GROUP" && \
    useradd \
      --comment "Demo app system account" \
      --home-dir "$APP_HOME_DIR" \
      --create-home \
      --system \
      --gid "$APP_GROUP" \

# Create directory for app source code.
ARG APP_ROOT="/srv/demo-app"
RUN mkdir --parents "$APP_ROOT" && \
    chown \
      --no-dereference \
      --recursive \
      "${APP_USER}:${APP_GROUP}" "$APP_ROOT"


# Install demo app.
ARG DEMO_APP_REPO="https://github.com/mtlynch/flask_upload_demo"
RUN set -x && \
    git clone "$DEMO_APP_REPO" . && \
    virtualenv VIRTUAL && \
    . VIRTUAL/bin/activate && \
    pip install --requirement requirements.txt


# Run demo app.
ENV FLASK_APP "demo/app.py"
CMD virtualenv VIRTUAL && \
    . VIRTUAL/bin/activate && \
    gunicorn \
      demo.app:app \
      --bind \
      --log-level info

The above Dockerfile performs a few high-level tasks to prepare the image:

  1. Installs Git, Python and associated packages
  2. Creates a system account (demo-user) to run the app with limited privileges
  3. Clones the app source repo locally
  4. Adds a CMD to start the demo app on port 5000

You can test this Dockerfile by cloning my repo and building the Docker container locally:

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/mtlynch/docker-flask-upload-demo.git
cd docker-flask-upload-demo

docker build \
  --tag demo-app-image \

docker run \
  --detach \
  --publish 80:5000 \
  --name demo-app \

If you visit http://localhost/ in a browser, you’ll see the demo app.

A more realistic Docker image 🔗︎

Most web apps don’t accept traffic directly from the browser. Instead, they use an HTTP server like Nginx or Apache to handle generic tasks (e.g., load-balancing, serving static files) while the backend handles the app-specific logic.

I added the nginx branch to my Docker repo to demonstrate a Docker image that’s closer to what you’d use in a real-world app. The relevant changes are below:

# Install nginx.
ARG NGINX_GROUP="www-data"
COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nginx.conf
RUN set -x && \
    apt-get install --yes \
      nginx \
      sudo && \
    rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default && \
    usermod --append --groups "$NGINX_GROUP" "$APP_USER" && \
    echo "$APP_USER ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/nginx" >> /etc/sudoers

Nginx typically runs as root so that it can listen on privileged HTTP ports 80 and 443. Therefore, the Dockerfile uses sudo to allow the demo app user to launch Nginx as root while still performing all of its other activities with limited privileges.

Lastly, it copies an Nginx configuration file into the container:

nginx.conf 🔗︎

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  example.org; # Replace with your server's domain name
    client_max_body_size 20m;

    # Serve static resources directly (bypass backend).
    location /uploads/ {
        alias /srv/demo-app/demo/uploads/;

    # Forward all other requests to the application backend.
    location / {

The location /uploads { ... } block allows Nginx to serve files from the /uploads folder directly instead of forwarding the request to the flask-upload-demo backend. This is a common configuration, as Nginx handles static files faster and more efficiently than the app backend.

You can run the Nninx version of flask-upload-demo with the commands below:

cd ~/docker-flask-upload-demo
git checkout nginx

docker build \
  --tag demo-app-image \

docker run \
  --detach \
  --publish 80:80 \
  --name demo-app \

The app will once again appear at http://localhost/. The behavior is identical to the previous version except that it uses fewer resources to serve file uploads.

Preparing your GCP Project 🔗︎

Deploying your app locally is neat, but it’s more exciting to publish to the cloud, where all of your users can access it. You’ll need to take a few steps to configure your system to deploy to GCP.

First, specify your GCP project’s name in gcloud:

gcloud config set project "$PROJECT_ID"

Next, use the GCP web console to create a service account with the owner role:

Gotcha Warning: Due to an apparent bug in GCP, the Docker image push to gcr.io (see the following section) fails if you use your root GCP account (e.g., your @gmail.com account) or a service account you create through gcloud.

Creating a new service account from the GCP web console

Assigning a role to the service account

Download the private key as key.json:

Downloading private keys for the service account

Finally, use gcloud to authenticate as the service account you just created:

gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file key.json

Now that you’ve authenticated, you’ll need to run a few commands to prepare your project for the rest of the tutorial:

# Enable APIs you'll need for this workflow.
gcloud services enable \
  cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com \
  compute.googleapis.com \
  containerregistry.googleapis.com \

# Enable gcloud to provide credentials for Docker image pushes.
gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet

Uploading image to Google Container Registry 🔗︎

Before you deploy a Docker image to GCE, you need to publish it to a Docker image hosting service. GCR is Google Cloud’s integrated Docker image hosting service, so that’s the easiest option.

To upload your Docker image to GCR, check out the nginx branch of my example repo:

cd ~/docker-flask-upload-demo
git checkout nginx

Now, build the Docker image locally, and push the image to GCR:

docker build --tag "$LOCAL_IMAGE_NAME" .

docker push "$GCR_IMAGE_PATH"

Deploying the Docker container 🔗︎

Deploying the container requires a bit of indirection. GCP doesn’t allow you to deploy a Docker image directly. Instead, you use GCE to spin up a full virtual machine (VM), run Docker on that VM, and then GCE runs your Docker image in a container in that VM. Fortunately, GCP’s tools simplify this process.

GCE VMs forbid inbound HTTP traffic by default. To allow it, create a firewall rule that accepts TCP connections on port 80 (the standard port for plaintext HTTP traffic).

An easy way to do this is to apply the rule to any VM with the tag http-server:

gcloud compute \
  --project="$PROJECT_ID" \
  firewall-rules create default-allow-http \
  --direction=INGRESS \
  --action=ALLOW \
  --rules=tcp:80 \

Then, deploy your GCE VM with the http-server tag:

gcloud compute \
  --project="$PROJECT_ID" \
  instances create-with-container "$VM_NAME" \
  --zone="$ZONE" \
  --machine-type="$MACHINE_TYPE" \
  --network-tier=STANDARD \
  --metadata=google-logging-enabled=true \
  --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE \
  --scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform \
  --tags="$VM_TAGS" \
  --image-family=cos-stable \
  --image-project=cos-cloud \
  --boot-disk-size=10GB \
  --boot-disk-type=pd-standard \
  --boot-disk-device-name="$VM_NAME" \
  --container-image="$GCR_IMAGE_PATH" \

Here are the interesting flags:

  --tags="$VM_TAGS" \

The --tags flag launches the VM using the tags you created for the firewall rules. This flag ensures that it receives HTTP traffic on port 80.

  --image-family=cos-stable \
  --image-project=cos-cloud \

These flags tell GCE to run the container under the Container-Optimized OS, a stripped-down Linux OS that Google created to run Docker containers. The --image-family=cos-stable tells gcloud to use the latest stable version of the Container-Optimized OS.

--container-image="$GCR_IMAGE_PATH" \

The flag above tells GCE which Docker image to run within the GCE VM, using the GCR URL you created earlier.

When the command completes, you’ll see output like the following:

Created [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/flask-upload-demo-2018-11-26/zones/us-east1-b/instances/flask-demo-app-vm].
flask-demo-app-vm  us-east1-b  n1-standard-1       RUNNING

If you type the address from EXTERNAL_IP into your browser, it works just like the local version of the app:

flask-upload-demo running on GCE

flask-upload-demo serving image file from GCE

The problem is that if you kill that VM and launch a new one with the same Docker image, the file you uploaded is no longer there:

The new GCE VM can’t serve the file because it was stored on the previous VM

This is, of course, the problem that inspired this whole tutorial. The container stores the file on its internal filesystem. When you terminate the host VM, you lose all the files.

To address this, you need to configure the Docker container to store all persistent data in a Google Cloud Storage (GCS) bucket.

Planning a GCS-aware architecture 🔗︎

Here is the goal architecture that solves this problem:

Architecture for deploying a Flask app to Google Cloud Platform

  • The web browser only talks to the web server, Nginx, which acts as the orchestrator for all front-end requests.
  • If the web browser requests a file, Nginx fetches it from GCS via a utility called gcsfuse, which mounts GCS buckets as folders on the filesystem.
  • For all other requests, Nginx forwards the request to the flask-upload-demo app.
  • flask-upload-demo can write new files to GCS, also via the gcsfuse utility.

This architecture satisfies the goals I defined at the top of the post. Everything in the VM is disposable because GCS stores all the permanent state. All app code is in a Docker container, which makes deployments simple and atomic.

Creating a GCS bucket (optional) 🔗︎

If you don’t have a GCS bucket yet, you can create one with the following gcloud command:

gsutil mb \
  -p "$PROJECT_ID" \

Otherwise, set the GCS_BUCKET environment variable to the name of GCS bucket.

Giving the Docker container access to GCS 🔗︎

You need to modify your Docker image to integrate the gcsfuse utility. Fortunately, I’ve done it for you. The complete Dockerfile is available on the gcsfuse branch of my Github repo, but here are the main changes:

# Install gcsfuse.
ARG GCSFUSE_REPO="gcsfuse-stretch"
ARG GCS_MOUNT_ROOT="/mnt/gcsfuse"
RUN set -x && \
    apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends \
    ca-certificates \
    curl && \
    echo "deb http://packages.cloud.google.com/apt $GCSFUSE_REPO main" \
      | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gcsfuse.list && \
    curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg \
      | apt-key add -
RUN apt-get update
RUN set -x && \
    apt-get install --yes gcsfuse && \
    echo 'user_allow_other' > /etc/fuse.conf && \
    mkdir --parents "$GCS_MOUNT_ROOT" && \
    chown \
      --no-dereference \

There are two elements here worth discussing:

echo 'user_allow_other' > /etc/fuse.conf

The above line makes it possible to use gcsfuse’s -o allow_other option. This is necessary because both the app system account and the Nginx system account need access to the GCS folder. Without the user_allow_other line in the configuration file, only a single account could access the GCS folder.

Gotcha Warning: If more than one system account needs access to the GCS bucket, the /etc/fuse.conf file must include the line user_allow_other.
mkdir --parents "$GCS_MOUNT_ROOT" && \
chown \
  --no-dereference \

gcsfuse requires an existing directory where the launching user has write permissions. Standard users don’t have write access to the /mnt directory, so the Dockerfile creates the /mnt/gcsfuse directory as the root user and uses chown to assign ownership to the Nginx and demo app system accounts.

The other interesting changes are in the CMD portion of the Dockerfile, which defines the container’s runtime behavior:

ENV APP_UPLOADS_DIR "${APP_ROOT}/demo/uploads"

CMD set -x && \
    sudo nginx && \
    gcsfuse \
      -o nonempty \
      -o allow_other \
      --implicit-dirs \
      "$GCS_BUCKET" "$GCS_MOUNT_ROOT" && \
    if [ ! -d "$APP_UPLOADS_DIR" ]; then \
      ln --symbolic "$GCS_MOUNT_ROOT" "$APP_UPLOADS_DIR"; \
    fi && \
    virtualenv VIRTUAL && \
    . VIRTUAL/bin/activate && \
    gunicorn \
      demo.app:app \
      --bind \
      --log-level info

Once again, breaking this down by interesting snippets:

gcsfuse \
  -o nonempty \
  -o allow_other \
  --implicit-dirs \

As with the user_allow_other option above, the -o allow_other makes it possible for multiple users to access the mounted folder, as both nginx (running as the www-data user) and the demo app (running as demo-user) need access.

Gotcha Warning: gcsfuse needs the -o allow_other flag if multiple user accounts access files in the GCS mount.

Without the --implicit-dirs flag, gcsfuse cannot access files in subfolders of the GCS bucket.

Gotcha Warning: gcsfuse needs the --implicit-dirs flag if the GCS bucket contains subfolders.
if [ ! -d "$APP_UPLOADS_DIR" ]; then \
  ln --symbolic "$GCS_MOUNT_ROOT" "$APP_UPLOADS_DIR"; \

The app writes its uploaded files to the demo/uploads directory. The above block creates a symbolic link from demo/uploads to /mnt/gcsfuse. This way, when the app thinks it’s writing to the demo/uploads path, it will be writing to your GCS bucket. The if/then block protects it from performing this step more than once, such as when the container restarts.

Creating a service account with GCS access 🔗︎

There’s one extra step before you deploy this image to GCE. By default, GCE instances run under the context of the standard GCE service account. That account has read-only access to GCS, so the app will fail to write new files to GCS.

To address this, create a custom service account with the following two roles:

  • storage.objectAdmin: Allows processes in the VM to read and write objects to GCS.
  • logging.logWriter: Allows the app’s log output to appear in GCP’s logging interfaces.
Gotcha Warning: GCE instances can’t write to GCS buckets unless you launch them under a custom service account.

The following commands create a service account with the necessary privileges:


gcloud iam service-accounts create "$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
  --member "serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL}" \
  --role roles/storage.objectAdmin
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
  --member "serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL}" \
  --role roles/logging.logWriter

Deploying the GCS-aware container 🔗︎

Return to your clone of the docker-flask-upload-demo repository and check out the gcsfuse branch:

cd ~/docker-flask-upload-demo
git checkout gcsfuse

Now, rebuild the Docker image and push it to GCR:

docker build --tag "$LOCAL_IMAGE_NAME" .

docker push "$GCR_IMAGE_PATH"
Note: This image will fail if you attempt to run it locally. The gcsfuse version of the Dockerfile assumes that its execution environment has already authenticated to gcloud (which is true of containers running on GCE). It’s possible to adjust the Dockerfile so that it mounts a GCS bucket while running outside of GCE, but this is an exercise for the reader.

With your new, custom GCE service account, you’re ready to deploy the GCS-aware container:

gcloud compute \
  --project="$PROJECT_ID" \
  instances create-with-container "$VM_NAME" \
  --zone="$ZONE" \
  --machine-type="$MACHINE_TYPE" \
  --network-tier=STANDARD \
  --metadata=google-logging-enabled=true \
  --maintenance-policy=MIGRATE \
  --scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform \
  --service-account="$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL" \
  --tags="$VM_TAGS" \
  --image-family=cos-stable \
  --image-project=cos-cloud \
  --boot-disk-size=10GB \
  --boot-disk-type=pd-standard \
  --boot-disk-device-name="$VM_NAME" \
  --container-image="$GCR_IMAGE_PATH" \
  --container-restart-policy=on-failure \
  --container-privileged \

This command is the same as the previous deploy command, but with two additional flags:

  --container-privileged \

The --container-privileged flag is necessary to allow the Docker container to mount a FUSE filesystem (Docker offers more fine-grained ways of achieving this, but GCE does not yet support them).

Gotcha Warning: gcsfuse can’t mount the GCS bucket on GCE unless you deploy the VM with the --container-privileged flag.

I purposely designed the Docker image to be agnostic to GCS bucket’s name until runtime. The --container-env flag lets you specify the GCS_BUCKET environment variable at deploy time.

Persistence pays off… with persistence 🔗︎

You finally have a Docker container that persists its state to GCS. You can test this by uploading a file to the deployed app:

flask-upload-demo serves the file from permanent storage on GCS

If you check your GCS bucket, you will see the file you just uploaded:

Image file in GCS bucket

The real test is whether this state persists across different VMs. You can verify this by killing your VM entirely and redeploying it. The image URL from your previous VM will be accessible on your new server:

flask-upload-demo continues serving file even after the VM has been destroyed and rebuilt

Bonus: Logging interface 🔗︎

A nice side-benefit of this solution is that GCP provides a slick web interface to view your app’s logs.

You can always check the logs manually by ssh’ing into your VM, then running docker logs:

$ docker logs klt-flask-demo-app-vm-gcsfuse-qnnf
[2018-11-26 21:28:54 +0000] [33] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.9.0
[2018-11-26 21:28:54 +0000] [33] [INFO] Listening at: (33)
[2018-11-26 21:28:54 +0000] [33] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2018-11-26 21:28:54 +0000] [37] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 37
[2018-11-26 21:32:59 +0000] [37] [INFO] Saving uploaded file "zestful-logo.png" to "/srv/demo-app/demo/uploads/zestful-logo.png"

The easier way is to open GCP’s StackDriver logging interface. There, you will find all of your logs in a feature-rich web interface:

GCP’s StackDriver interface shows log output from the app.

Pushing new releases 🔗︎

This architecture makes it easy to push new releases. Any time you want to update the app or its dependencies, build a new image and push it to GCR:

docker build --tag "$LOCAL_IMAGE_NAME" .
docker push "$GCR_IMAGE_PATH"

Then, use the update-container command to update the Docker image on your running GCE instance:

gcloud compute \
  --project="$PROJECT_ID" \
  instances update-container "$VM_NAME" \
Gotcha Warning: The VM’s external IP address will change after this command completes unless you assigned a static IP.

If you ever push a bad release, the update-container command allows you to roll back to a previous, known-good image.

Limitations 🔗︎

This solution suffers from the same limitations as the gcsfuse utility and GCS itself. gcsfuse tries its darndest to make GCS buckets look like regular filesystem folders, but the abstraction breaks in two main ways:

  • GCS doesn’t support locks, so things will get wonky if your app tries to acquire file locks.
  • Latency is high, especially when doing small, random reads or writes on large files.

In particular, I’ve found that sqlite will quickly fail if you point it at a database located on a gcsfuse mount.

Conclusion 🔗︎

In this tutorial, you learned to redirect an app’s data to cloud storage without making changes to the app itself. The example app had no awareness of Google Cloud Platform, yet you deployed it to Google Compute Engine and redirected its persistent data to Google Cloud Storage.

Source Code 🔗︎

  • flask-upload-demo: The Flask example app that keeps state on the local filesystem.
  • docker-flask-upload-demo: The Docker configuration for flask-upload-demo, in three varieties:
    • master branch - Shows basic packaging of the app
    • nginx branch - Shows a more realistic real-world architecture where nginx proxies traffic for the app
    • gcsfuse branch - Shows how to mount a Google Cloud Storage bucket from within the Docker container (assumes the container runs in a Google Compute Engine VM with read/write permissions to Google Cloud Storage).
  • mediagoblin-docker (gcsfuse branch) - Docker configuration for a real-world media sharing app where I used these same techniques to redirect the app’s permanent data to Google Cloud Storage.

Software architecture diagrams by Loraine Yow

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Joyk means Joy of geeK