Why I Click Google Ads

 2 years ago
source link: https://soffes.blog/why-i-click-google-ads
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Why I Click Google Ads — Hi, I’m Sam

Why I Click Google Ads — Hi, I’m Sam

Hi, I’m Sam

This is my blog. I also have a website thing.

Why I Click Google Ads

Posted on December 3, 2006

I click on Google Ads, a lot. Why in the world would I click on Google ads? I click them for many reasons (there’s really only two, but many sounds better). When you click a ad, the person with the ad on their site gets money. I like Digg.com and I like Kevin Rose, so I click on Google ads to help them out.

Google ads are content specific (so if you’re looking at guitars, there will be guitar Google ads). Some times I’ll see one that looks interesting and click on them just to check out what someone is selling in relation to what I’m looking at. Just a thought.

My Quote of the Week

Posted on December 3, 2006

Procrastination is the art of telling yourself you won’t do something and then changing your mind at the last minute. It involves a lot of kicking yourself and reminding yourself how dumb you are. I do it everyday.

— Sam Soffes

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