!!Con 2018 Notes

 2 years ago
source link: https://kevinchen.co/blog/bang-bang-con-notes-2018/
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!!Con is a conference held every spring in New York City. It’s two days of lightning talks that can be about anything related to computers!

This conference is a great showcase of the diverse backgrounds of the NYC tech scene. I’m really going to miss it when I move back to the Bay Area.

A stage with a projector showing the name of the conference on a blue background

Day 1 Keynote

Mimi Onuoha

  • Exploring the implications of machine-readable world through art & programming
  • “Embedded in every technology there is a powerful idea” —Neil Postman

    • Oral culture: prioritize memory.
    • Written culture: prioritize logical organization of thought.
    • Digital culture: prioritize data!
  • Obsession with data as the object

    • Does it mean what you think it means?
    • Hard to tell when you don’t have context
  • Pathways

    • Tracked location data of several groups for 2 weeks
    • Met in person to collect: make the collection relationship explicit, forcing people to think about it
  • Unable to collect? Common reasons of missing data

    • Those with resources to collect don’t have an incentive to know
    • Resists “metrification”: things are hard to categorize or don’t inherently generate data
    • Nonexistence benefits or protects someone
  • Art piece: cabinet of missing datasets

    • Filing cabinet with empty folders labeled with names of datasets that don’t exist
    • Flip through all the things we don’t know

Session 1

Telling stories with traceroute!

Karla Burnett

  • How traceroute works

    • Packets have a time-to-live (TTL) to prevent getting stuck in routing loops
    • traceroute is a hack that sends packets with different TTLs to make different routers along the path respond
  • Telling stories through traceroute

    • Send fake TTL expired messages from spoofed IPs
    • Reverse DNS maps IP to hostname, but the hostname doesn’t have to be real
    • Each line of the story needs a new IP: $3 per month

Tales of ⌧! Can You Tell Your Story When Your Character Is Undefined?!

Persa Zula

  • Small boxes that show up in text when characters not defined

    • [ ]: “tofu,” so [X]: “not tofu”
  • Displaying characters

    • Characters are encoded as codepoints in Unicode
    • Font’s cmap table maps codepoints to glyph identifier

Turning Google Earth into SimCity 2000! (From Light to Pixels to Impossible Perspectives!)

Logan Williams

  • Perspective projection

    • Farther objects are smaller
  • Orthographic projection

    • Satellite photo pointing sideways has no perspective: all lines are parallel
    • Used in drafting, art, and SimCity 2000
    • Only possible when image sensor is same size as object (flatbed scanner)
    • In rendering software, set field of view very small so input rays of light are almost parallel
  • Doing this in real life?

    • Fly over the scene and take the same row of pixels from each frame
    • Ensures all pixels formed by light coming from the same direction
    • Produce images that represent time in addition to space

We built a map to aggregate real-time flood data in under two days!

Aruna Sankaranarayanan

  • Chennai floods in 2015

    • Bad maps made it hard to communicate which roads were navigable
    • Google only lets you annotate locations, not streets
    • Used MapBox to crowdsource mapping during the floods
    • 600,000 people used the software, showing that simple tools can be really useful

Session 2

Moving towards dialogue: collaborating with your computer using typed holes!

Vaibhav Sagar

  • Typed hole: something where you know the type but not the contents of the value

    • Can specify in Haskell using underscore _1, _2
    • Type inference tells you what the type should be
    • In Idris, a more powerful type system also includes list length, so type inference can even help you write snippets of code
  • Untyped holes: don’t know what the type is, but still want help writing program

    • Open research topic

Compressing the Library of Babel!

David Turner

  • Compressing the infinite library described in Borges’ short story
  • gzip?

    • Works by finding identical sequences and inserting references back to them
    • On Babel: compression ratio is 1:1 because of pigeonhole principle
  • Write a program?

    • Kolmogorov Complexity = size of compressed data + size of decompressor
    • Generation program only a few lines of Python
    • Suppose some pages are missing: pigeonhole principle means representing missing books requires storing entire book

It’s super effective! Solving Pokémon Blue with a single, huge regular expression

Alex Clemmer

  • Pokémon Blue

    • Little boy leaves home to wander the world and catch Pokémon
    • Mostly wandering around in the grass (very tedious)
    • Create a regex which accepts iff the moves are a winning game
  • How to solve?

    • Pokémon Blue is a finite state machine
    • Equivalence between FSM and regex (according to “nice book” by “this guy” Michael Sipser)
    • Simplify Pokémon to use ASCII world maps
    • World map → FSM → regex
  • Differences from actual Pokémon game

    • Items can have state, player interaction
    • Players can hold items
    • Game has random encounters (use probabilistic regex)

Transform live video streams with code and a REPL!!

Mark Wunsch

  • Live coding: code improv! Code as the user interface, applied to video streaming.
  • Use Racket language and GStreamer multimedia framework
  • Write in Racket REPL to manipulate video stream, draw stuff, PIP

Session 3

Creating an Arabic Programming Language!

Ahmed Abdalla

  • Learning to program requires English proficiency

    • Not just keywords, but also error messages & documentation
    • English proficiency requires privileged backgrounds in some countries
  • Noor: Imperative, Algol-style programming language for kids

    • Keywords are simple & informal so kids understand
    • Used his Sudanese dialect because languages reflect the aesthetics of their creators
  • Arabic editor challenges

    • Bidirectional language is overall right-to-left, but English words within Arabic text are left-to-right
    • Ligatures required in the language, not just aesthetic

Evil Twins and the Secret Lives of Linkers!

Josh Bowman-Matthews

  • Symbol defined twice in different .o files. What happens when you link?

    • If functions are not inline, linker complains about duplicate symbols
    • Inlining makes a copy of the function inside each .o file
    • Therefore, linker is allowed to pick one arbitrarily & not complain
  • Don’t accidentally write the same function twice

Satellites are talking to us! Let’s hear them out!

Ed Medvedev

  • “There are only a handful of things cooler than satellites”
  • Radio amateur satellites: tiny satellites for ham radio
  • Listening to satellites

    • You will need radio dongle for computer & antenna
    • Look up online when the ISS will be overhead
  • ARISS: Amateur Radio on ISS

    • Runs BBS so you can chat with people relayed through space
    • Broadcast images & talk to astronauts sometimes

The joys of PICO-8 token crunching!! Or: what I learned about programming from being restricted on every side!

Ayla Myers

  • PICO-8: game engine with retro graphics & sound, but modern programming

    • Artificial limits on bit depth, memory, code size (tokens), …
    • Built-in editors for everything
  • Economics of the PICO-8 device

    • Trade-offs: smaller sprite sheet leads to more complex code
    • “Spent” code tokens to “buy” more sprites
    • Can draw PPF curve for tradeoff between e.g. code complexity & number of sprites

Session 4

UX for Cats and Dogs!

Joel Potischman

  • Problem: daughter moved to college but misses cat

    • Manually send cat photos
    • Can the cat send us selfies?
  • Solution

    • Train cats to come eat when the sound is played
    • Take a picture of cats while they wait for food
    • Feed the cats

If you could solve this word tile puzzle, you could solve the halting problem! (Too bad you can’t!)

Kamal Marhubi

  • Tile puzzle (Post Correspondence Problem)

    • Tiles have symbols on top and bottom
    • Goal: order the tiles so that top and bottom say the same thing (can repeat tiles)
    • Not possible to tell whether a solution exists
  • Reducing Turing machine to tile puzzle

    • Make a tile from each state somehow
    • Solving the tile puzzle is the same as running the Turing machine
  • Wikipedia has a really unclear explanation

    • “Some things are actually hard, and some things just have too many Greek letters”

So THAT’S how my phone knows where I am!

Mike Lazer-Walker

  • Positioning throughout history

    • Latitude is easy because you can look at the sun
    • Longitude much harder, so people dead reckoned based on speed and time
    • Solved with accurate clock that allowed using time zone as a proxy for distance
  • Urban canyon problem: GPS error gets really bad in cities

    • Skyscrapers bounce the signal, messing with the distance

Day 2 Keynote

Build skills through hobbies! Bring them to work!

Liz Fong-Jones

  • Many years ago, a disowned trans woman who “almost didn’t make it”
  • Growth comes from learning new skills
  • Playing Puzzle Pirates game (2004–2008)

    • Some people made new players work without teaching the game
    • Learning mentorship: encouraging people to help newcomers by rewarding them
    • Organizing people: conquering an island requires multiple levels of coordinators to solve puzzles & distribute booty as reward
    • Active on community forums building diagnostic tools led to first tech job at Puzzle Pirates!
  • World of Warcraft (2008–2012)

    • Building up new players’ skills to have a stronger team in next raid
    • Not all leaders are blameless after the team loses
  • Eve Online (2012–present)

    • After fleet commander died, there was no communication & everyone else died
    • In incident response, “any call is better than no call”
    • Value your trustworthiness: not scamming in the game pays off when other players trust with other opportunities
  • Factorio (2017–present)

    • Learning what’s the most important to automate right now
    • Refactoring a complex, running system
  • Playing these games taught her management skills in a safe environment before she became a manager for real

    • Don’t be afraid to list non-traditional background on your resume
  • Intentional skill building

    • What skills will your next project require?
    • Does this activity help me get closer? (Or just mindless play?)

Session 5

Relativistic Software Calendars: It’s About Time!

John Feminella

  • Software makes assumptions

    • About the machine (“integers are 32 bits”)
    • About the world (“everyone has a real name”)
  • Time is one of these assumptions
  • What is time?

    • Originally measured by motion of earth & moon
    • Calendar is an abstract representation of this motion
    • Software calendars bake in assumptions about being on earth
  • Enter relativity

    • Time distorts depending on the velocity of observer
    • GPS is one of the few programs that accounts for relativity

Undo all the things!

Tom Ballinger

  • bpython is a Python interpreter that can undo the effects of expressions

    • Works by saving commands & rerunning only some of them
    • Could be slow
    • Doesn’t work if there are side effects

      • Random numbers, time, reading files
      • Non-idempotent actions: saving to files, buying shoes online
  • Use fork() to save state

    • Fork every time you run a command
    • Undo goes back to previous process
    • Build this into readline() & run with LD_PRELOAD

      • Works with unmodified interpreters!
      • readline() now forks your program lol
  • Building an undo-able Lisp interpreter from scratch

    • Save periodic snapshots
    • When code changes, roll back to the snapshot before that code was run
    • JavaScript version because “the word has to be on the left side of the parentheses or the programming language will never be popular”

Estimating the Value of Pi with a Dartboard and (Not so Much) Luck!

Stephen Tu

  • Estimating pi

    • Sample a square uniformly at random
    • Percentage inside circle is π/2π/2
  • Estimating with error

    • Define an epsilon ϵϵ which is the error on our estimate
    • Define a probability (95%) that the estimate is within ϵϵ
    • Need 100x more samples for 10x reduction in ϵϵ

Ray-tracing and special relativity: Rendering objects near the speed of light!

Lucy Zhang

  • If an object is moving near the speed of light, what would a photo look like?
  • Computer graphics

    • Ray casting: for each pixel, figure out where the light ray from the camera hits in the scene
  • Relativity

    • Light can never exceed speed of light, even if the light is on a fast-moving train
    • Lorentz transformation converts between two coordinate systems that are moving relative to each other
  • Relativistic raytracing

    • Define the rays toward the object with a 4th parameter, time
    • Use Lorentz transformation
    • Do intersection normally
    • As cube moves faster, it compresses more (expected) & appears to rotate (why?)
  • Terrell rotation

    • Rotates because farther light takes longer to reach the camera

      • Like rolling shutter effect but for relativity!
    • Anyone with a computer can “rediscover” Terrell rotation with a bit of code!

Session 6

Talking to my past self (without introducing temporal paradoxes!)

Andrew Louis

  • Stores all data about himself

    • “MSN was this cool software package that taught high schoolers how to type really fast”
  • Training a bot on chat logs

    • Train RNN to reproduce chat logs from high school
    • Sequence-to-sequence to respond to other messages

      • Originally developed for machine translation
    • Bot tends to converge on safe responses like “lol” and “ya” which work in any situation
    • Tends to respond with nonsense
  • Why is it hard?

    • Training data won’t capture general knowledge about the world
    • Needs working memory, not just the previous message
    • “Before submitting a conference talk, make sure you’re not committing to solving an open research problem”

Four fake filesystems!

Omar Rizwan

  • Files are anything that you can open, read, write, close using a path
  • GrabFS

    • Contains screenshots of each process’s windows
    • Use shell script with cp to take screenshot every second
  • btfs (BitTorrent filesystem)

    • Downloads blocks as requested
    • Opening part of a file doesn’t require downloading whole thing
  • ytfs (YouTube filesystem)

    • Making directory is a search query
    • Directory populated with movie files of search results
  • Git filesystem

    • Exposes remote repository as a directory
  • Get to reuse existing tools & UI

    • Plan 9 operating system takes filesystem idea to the extreme

Using Postgres to \watch Star Wars!

Will Leinweber

  • Using psql, the command-line Postgres program, to watch ASCII Star Wars

    • Import frames as database rows
    • Store a function in the database that prints each row

If at first you don’t succeed at beating HQ Trivia, try cheating!!

Hung Truong

  • HQ Trivia is fun but we want to win
  • Pipeline

    • iOS Vision framework to detect text
    • Tessaract library for OCR
    • Google the question with all answers
    • Pick the answer with the most occurrences

Session 7

The Man Comes Around: and so does his sound!

Vince Allen

  • Johnny Cash did gospel music at the beginning & end of his career

    • What are the differences between the two periods?
  • Identifying gospel songs

    • Topic modeling: assigns words to categories to classify the entire text
    • Apply topic modeling to lyrics
    • Pick the category with religious terms
  • Comparing songs acoustically

    • Take a spectrogram of the song
    • Convert this to a vector
    • I didn’t really understand the rest :-(

Step by Step: Algorithms that teach you math!

Evy Kassirer

  • Building a step-by-step solver for teaching math
  • Computer algebra systems

    • SymPy can simplify expressions symbolically, which sounds like a solver
    • Goal is to get the answer, so they represent division a/ba/b as a×b−1a×b−1
    • This would be confusing for explaining stuff
  • Building their own solver

    • Search the parse tree for patterns like “number + number”
    • Apply rules to transform to equivalent tree
    • Identified which rules were applied to find relevant lecture videos

Whoa, pictures! A visual history of visual programming languages!

Emily Nakashima

  • Visual Programming Languages (VPLs)

    • Programming & documentation are all in words
    • Our brains are really good at visual stuff
  • Examples

    • Scratch: Build programs with blocks
    • GRAIL (1968): Draw flowcharts which are converted to programs with OCR
    • Pygmalion (1975): Visually show state on screen
    • Cube (1995): 3D flowcharts?
  • Challenges

    • Diffing & merging visual programs
    • Humans can handle more unique words (symbol names) than unique shapes
    • Hard to represent complexity without losing the simplicity of visual programming
    • Unclear whether VPLs actually make you program differently

      • People prefer whatever they learned first
  • Good applications of VPLs

    • Simple systems: Twilio phone tree designer
    • Kids & learning

Fast, but not too fast! What 17th-century windmills can teach us about database migrations

Wander Hillen

  • Windmill design

    • Whole windmill rotates to match wind direction
    • When windmill moves too quickly, slats automatically open to catch less wind
    • Big changes in load: wind energy increases with |v|2|v|2
  • WeTransfer depends on automation to handle load changes

    • Throttle expensive background tasks when the system is busy

Session 8

The itty, bitty, tiny bytes that make up a Pokémon!

Jan Mitsuko Cash

  • Pokémon data structure

    • 232 bytes each
    • Stores properties like species ID, experience, nickname
    • Backward compatible between generations 1–2, and gen 3 on
    • Gen 3 added encryption

Pseudofractals! Accidental aesthetics where math meets pixels

Jes Wolfe!

  • Generate topographical map

    • For each pixel, compute color as (x2+y2)mod2(x2+y2)mod2
    • Weird artifacts! Doesn’t look like a parabolic topo map at all
  • Aliasing

    • Caused by Nyquist limit
    • If you zoom out too far, frequency of pixels (sampling) is no longer high enough to show frequency of topo map lines
  • Making art

    • Zoom out slowly to watch the aliasing pattern change
    • Use (x2+y2)modN(x2+y2)modN and assign to colormap of N colors

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