Zemismart Zigbee Gateway TYZS4

 2 years ago
source link: https://gist.github.com/kasparsd/1cb3919a238bc94b93ccc72324cab517
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Zemismart Zigbee Gateway TYZS4 · GitHub

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Zemismart Zigbee Gateway TYZS4

#!/bin/sh #Usage: sh tuya_start.sh UserAppRunDir #======================================================================= DEFULT_APP_RUN_DIR=/tuya TY_START_CHILDREN_SHELL=tuya_start_children.sh def_jsonvalue_NULL="defaultValue"

#echo "Tuya Gateway Application Normal Srart $0 UserAppRunDir:${1} JsonFile Path:${2}" echo "Tuya Gateway Application Normal Srart $0 UserAppRunDir:${1}" #set app run dir app_run_dir=$DEFULT_APP_RUN_DIR

if [ -d "$1" ];then app_run_dir=${1%*/} echo "set run_dir:${app_run_dir}" elif [ -n "$TY_ENV_APP_RUN_DIR" ];then app_run_dir=$TY_ENV_APP_RUN_DIR echo "find old TY_ENV_APP_RUN_DIR:${app_run_dir}" else echo "set defult run_dir:${DEFULT_APP_RUN_DIR}" fi export TY_ENV_APP_RUN_DIR=$app_run_dir LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$app_run_dir:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH echo "TY_ENV_APP_RUN_DIR=${app_run_dir}" UserAppRunDir=$app_run_dir JSON_PARSER_SH=${UserAppRunDir}/json_parser.sh

#load platform configure file DEFULT_PLATFORM_CFG_FILE=${app_run_dir}/def.cfg user_cfg_file=$DEFULT_PLATFORM_CFG_FILE if [ -f "$DEFULT_PLATFORM_CFG_FILE" ];then #get user cfg file path jsonkey_USER_CFG_FILE="user_cfg_file" jsonvalue_USER_CFG_FILE=`sh ${JSON_PARSER_SH} ${DEFULT_PLATFORM_CFG_FILE} ${jsonkey_USER_CFG_FILE} | sed 's/\"//g'` if [ "$jsonvalue_USER_CFG_FILE" = "$def_jsonvalue_NULL" ] || [ ! -f "$jsonvalue_USER_CFG_FILE" ] ;then echo "get user cfg file error, load defult cfg file" user_cfg_file=$DEFULT_PLATFORM_CFG_FILE else echo "get user cfg file success." user_cfg_file=$jsonvalue_USER_CFG_FILE fi else echo "defult cfg does not exist." exit 0 fi echo "load platform configure file:${user_cfg_file}" export TY_ENV_USER_CFG_FILE=$user_cfg_file #sh $TY_PLATFORM_CFG_PARSER_SHELL $app_run_dir $user_cfg_file JsonFile=$user_cfg_file

#tmp_dir jsonkey_USER_TMP_DIR="tmp_dir" def_jsonvalue_USER_TMP_DIR="/tmp" jsonvalue_USER_TMP_DIR=`sh ${JSON_PARSER_SH} ${JsonFile} ${jsonkey_USER_TMP_DIR} | sed 's/\"//g'` if [ "$jsonvalue_USER_TMP_DIR" == "$def_jsonvalue_NULL" ];then jsonvalue_USER_TMP_DIR=$def_jsonvalue_USER_TMP_DIR fi export TY_ENV_USER_TMP_DIR=${jsonvalue_USER_TMP_DIR%*/}

#platform jsonkey_PLATFORM="platform" def_jsonvalue_PLATFORM="RTL8196E" jsonvalue_PLATFORM=`sh ${JSON_PARSER_SH} ${JsonFile} ${jsonkey_PLATFORM} | sed 's/\"//g'` if [ "$jsonvalue_PLATFORM" == "$def_jsonvalue_NULL" ];then jsonvalue_PLATFORM=$def_jsonvalue_PLATFORM fi export TY_ENV_PLATFORM=${jsonvalue_PLATFORM}

#wan_interface jsonkey_WAN_IF_NAME="wan_interface" def_jsonvalue_WAN_IF_NAME="eth1" jsonvalue_WAN_IF_NAME=`sh ${JSON_PARSER_SH} ${JsonFile} ${jsonkey_WAN_IF_NAME} | sed 's/\"//g'` if [ "$jsonvalue_WAN_IF_NAME" == "$def_jsonvalue_NULL" ];then jsonvalue_WAN_IF_NAME=$def_jsonvalue_WAN_IF_NAME fi export TY_ENV_WAN_IF_NAME=$jsonvalue_WAN_IF_NAME

app_fold1=${app_run_dir}/tuya_user1 app_fold2=${app_run_dir}/tuya_user2 user_path=${app_fold1}

#restart dhcp killall -9 udhcpc echo 4 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syn_retries killall udhcpc udhcpc -i ${TY_ENV_WAN_IF_NAME} -s ${app_run_dir}/udhcpc.script -p /var/run/udhcpc0.pid & ##需要修改

#create user_tmp dir if [ ! -d "$TY_ENV_USER_TMP_DIR" ]; then mkdir -p "$TY_ENV_USER_TMP_DIR" fi

default() { echo "Into default funtion" user_path=$app_fold1 if [ ! -d $user_path ];then echo "Error: no run dir:${user_path}" user_path=$app_fold2 if [ ! -d $user_path ];then echo "Error: no run dir:${user_path}" exit 0 else echo "tuya_start_dir=${user_path}" > ${app_run_dir}/start.conf fi else echo "tuya_start_dir=${user_path}" > ${app_run_dir}/start.conf fi }

cd $app_run_dir if [ ! -r "$app_run_dir" ]; then echo "dir:${app_run_dir} error" exit -1 fi

if [ ! -w "$app_run_dir" ]; then echo "dir:${app_run_dir} read only!" else if [ -s start.conf ];then echo "start.conf is exist" user_path=`cat start.conf | grep tuya_start_dir | cut -d "=" -f 2` else echo "start.conf is not exist" user_path=/tytest123 fi

if [ ! -d $user_path ];then echo "$user_path is not exist" default else if [ "$user_path" != "$app_fold1" ] && [ "$user_path" != "$app_fold2" ];then echo "$user_path error." default fi fi fi

echo "current run dir:$user_path" cd $user_path ./$TY_START_CHILDREN_SHELL $app_run_dir $user_cfg_file &

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