
 2 years ago
source link: https://www.huhexian.com/25941.html
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青山 2022-02-1010:24:22评论2443字




  1. /* Register Custom Post Type */
  2. add_action( 'init', 'create_products_post_type' );
  3. // add portfolio
  4. function create_products_post_type() {
  5. $labels = array(
  6. 'name' => __('产品', 'WPGP'),
  7. 'singular_name' => __('产品', 'WPGP'),
  8. 'add_new' => __('添加', 'WPGP'),
  9. 'add_new_item' => __('新增产品', 'WPGP'),
  10. 'edit_item' => __('编辑产品', 'WPGP'),
  11. 'new-item' => __('新增产品', 'WPGP'),
  12. 'view_item' => __('查看产品', 'WPGP'),
  13. 'search_items' => __('搜索产品', 'WPGP'),
  14. 'not_found' => __('未找到产品', 'WPGP'),
  15. 'not_found_in_trash' => __('垃圾箱未找到产品', 'WPGP'),
  16. 'parent_item_colon' => '',
  17. );
  18. $args = array(
  19. 'labels' => $labels,
  20. 'show_ui' => true, // Whether to generate a default UI for managing this post type in the admin
  21. 'query_var' => true,
  22. 'show_in_nav_menus' => false,
  23. 'public' => true, // Controls how the type is visible to authors and readers
  24. 'capability_type' => 'post',
  25. 'hierarchical' => false,
  26. 'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-format-gallery', // use a font icon, e.g. 'dashicons-chart-pie'
  27. 'has_archive' => true, // Enables post type archives
  28. 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'products' ),
  29. 'supports' => array( 'title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'excerpt', 'comments', 'custom-fields', 'page-attributes' ),
  30. 'can_export' => true,
  31. );
  32. register_post_type( 'products', $args );
  33. }


  1. add_action( 'init', 'register_products_taxonomy');
  2. // create two taxonomies, genres and writers for the post type "book"
  3. function register_products_taxonomy() {
  4. // Add new taxonomy, make it hierarchical (like categories)
  5. $labels = array(
  6. 'name' => __('产品分类', 'WPGP'),
  7. 'singular_name' => __('产品分类', 'WPGP'),
  8. 'menu_name' => __('产品分类', 'WPGP'),
  9. 'search_items' => __('搜索', 'WPGP'),
  10. 'all_items' => __('所有产品分类', 'WPGP'),
  11. 'parent_item' => __( '该产品分类的上级分类' ),
  12. 'parent_item_colon' => __( '该产品分类的上级分类:' ),
  13. 'edit_item' => __('编辑产品分类', 'WPGP'),
  14. 'update_item' => __('更新产品分类', 'WPGP'),
  15. 'add_new_item' => __('添加新的产品分类', 'WPGP'),
  16. 'new_item_name' => __('新的产品分类', 'WPGP'),
  17. $args = array(
  18. 'hierarchical' => true,
  19. 'labels' => $labels,
  20. 'show_ui' => true,
  21. 'show_in_menu' => true,
  22. 'show_in_nav_menus' => true,
  23. 'query_var' => true,
  24. 'has_archive' => false,
  25. 'show_admin_column' => true,
  26. 'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'product' ),
  27. register_taxonomy( 'product', 'products', $args );


  1. // admin page products orderby
  2. add_filter( 'parse_query', 'sort_products_by_date' );
  3. function sort_products_by_date() {
  4. global $pagenow;
  5. if ( is_admin() && $pagenow =='edit.php' && !empty($_GET['post_type'] == 'products') && !isset($_GET['post_status']) && !isset($_GET['orderby']) ) {
  6. wp_redirect( admin_url('edit.php?post_type=products&orderby=date&order=desc') );
  7. exit;

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