Learning and Getting Up to Speed with Freestyle Orchestrator

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.vmware.com/euc/2022/02/learning-and-getting-up-to-speed-with-workspace-one-freestyle-orchestrator.html
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Learning and Getting Up to Speed with Freestyle Orchestrator

This article, Learning and getting up to speed with Freestyle Orchestrator, was originally published at the VMware Digital Workspace Tech Zone Blog

Over the years, endpoint management has been evolving primarily driven by business requirements that trigger changes and innovations on the endpoint technologies to support them. With Workspace ONE UEM, administrators can manage the entire endpoint lifecycle across all their devices. However, the use cases and business needs of our customers continue to increase in complexity as their ecosystems become far more complicated and their own customers more demanding. As their needs evolve, it is imperative that we evolve our capabilities right alongside them.

What is Freestyle Orchestrator?

Freestyle Orchestrator is a low-code workflow orchestration platform integrated into Workspace ONE UEM that enables admins to perform management operations on the endpoint. With Freestyle Orchestrator, an administrator can perform task sequences integrated with UEM resources with minimum or zero code experience.

Performing specific operations and keeping control of those operations on the endpoint sometimes can be tricky. On desktops, for example, the administrator needs to perform multiple operations in a specific sequence, based on conditions to be evaluated on the fly and execute multiple scripts. Most of the time, this is done via coding using PowerShell, Bash, and other scripting technologies.

Freestyle Orchestrator includes a canvas UI with drag and drop of UEM resources. This intuitive UI makes it easier for administrators to create workflows, and integrate multiple UEM resources (profile, applications, scripts, and sensors) out of the box. The native integration with UEM resources eliminates the need to call APIs with code; instead, the administrator adds the resources as part of the workflow.

Freestyle Orchestrator Resources on Tech Zone

The EUC Technical Marketing Architects just released the Freestyle Orchestrator Resource Page on Tech Zone, which includes articles, demos, walkthrough videos, samples of sensors and scripts, and more to get you up to speed quickly. To get started, check out the following content:

The flexibility provided by Freestyle Orchestrator is endless, supporting numerous use cases, even the most complex ones. The Freestyle page on Tech Zone includes a specific section on Use Cases that will grow over time, demonstrating how far you can go.

Get started with Freestyle Orchestrator today and introduce a new kind of normal for your Workspace ONE UEM deployment and beyond.

Andreano Lanusse

Staff End User Computing Architect, VMware. Andreano has extensive experience across VMware EUC portfolio, having led some of VMware’s largest scale Digital Workspace deployments in the financial sector. His current…

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