France to build six new nuclear reactors

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.politico.eu/article/france-to-build-6-new-nuclear-reactors/
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France to build six new nuclear reactors


French President Emmanuel Macron at the GE Steam Power System main production site for its nuclear turbine systems | Jean-Francois Badias/AFP via Getty Images
February 10, 2022 6:14 pm

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron today announced that France will build six new generation nuclear reactors (so-called EPR2) and will consider building eight additional ones.

"The time of nuclear renaissance has come," Macron said today in Belfort, East of France, in a speech outlining France's energy policy for 2050.

The French president said that state-owned energy giant EDF will receive "tens of billions of euros" to build new reactors and that the first one should be operational by 2035.

Macron also said France wouldn't close any of its existing reactors "unless of course for safety reasons," and announced the creation of a new inter-ministerial body charged of monitoring the implementation of the plan.

Before announcing new nuclear investments, Macron insisted that they should be complementary to increased investments in renewable energy sources.

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