You can now place phone calls using Google Voice with a single click

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.androidpolice.com/you-can-now-place-phone-calls-using-google-voice-with-a-single-click/
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You can now place phone calls using Google Voice with a single click

By Haroun Adamu

Published 1 day ago

But only from your browser

Google has shown time and time again that it's not afraid to kill its darlings. That said, It's a bit surprising that Google Voice has managed to stay alive more than ten years after it became a fan favorite. The service continues to thrive, even as legacy users are finally moved to a refreshed website with a handful of features left in the dust. Now, the company is adding the ability to make faster calls from your web browser.

Google recently updated its support page to reflect this change to Voice. According to the company, users will now be able to initiate calls on the web with a single click, all from a web page with a phone number link. The feature is currently live on Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, though there's no mention of Safari just yet. Google also says that the feature only works on computers, so mobile users won't be able to take advantage of it, even if you use those supported platforms.

To turn on one-click dialing, you first need to sign up for Google Voice. After that, you'll be prompted to allow the service to make calls by clicking on "Allow" in Chrome and Edge or "Add Application" in Firefox. If you don't get the prompt, check your browser to ensure the feature is turned on. In Chrome, click the More icon at the top right and go to Settings. Navigate to Privacy and security > Site Settings > Additional permissions > Protocol handlers. If you see voice.google.com displayed under "Tel," then One-click dialing is enabled. If you use either of the other two browsers, check out Google's support page for specific steps.

Voice has been getting a lot of love from Google lately. The tech giant only recently introduced new calls and text conversation shortcuts and rules for routing incoming calls to the service. Now, with one-click dialing, business owners should have another tool in their arsenal — despite it staying exclusive to desktop Voice users.

About The Author


Haroun Adamu (76 Articles Published)

Haroun became an Android enthusiast in 2014 and has been avidly following the industry since then. Currently a medical student, he doubles as an SEO copywriter for small businesses. When not scouring the net for the latest tech news, you'll either find him nose-deep into his textbooks or working on Homeripped, his fitness website.

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