Climatiq Emission Tracking API

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/climatiq-emission-tracking-api
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Convert activity data into carbon metrics, automatically
Climatiq makes it easy to automate emission calculations with a REST API. Embed carbon measurements into your software with our lightning-fast API built with Edge technology, powered by scientifically-vetted, open data.
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Founder @ Climatiq.io

Hey PH community, and thank you @benln for hunting us!

🆘First things first

We worry about the climate crisis and we wanted to do our part. We started by understanding what actually causes greenhouse gas emissions and learned that we need more insight, particularly into the environmental impact of businesses.

The problem is that those emissions and the activities that cause them are largely invisible to us. The picture is particularly muddy when it comes to the environmental impact of businesses. This includes messy scientific data and methodology, and a lack of simple and affordable tools. Crucial insights therefore remain inaccessible to non-experts, thereby further accelerating the climate crisis.

🧰 The toolkit: Open data + Carbon Tracking API

Our goal is to strip away the complexity of capturing critical emission metrics in real-world settings through plug & play software and open data.

To achieve this, we collect and maintain an open emission factor database (OEFDB) that we are constantly expanding in collaboration with the science and sustainability communities. To make this data available for day-to-day decision making, we pair it with a simple API and powerful computations that allow for emission calculations in real-time.

If you'd like to know more, check out our data explorer and the API documentation all packed with useful how-to guides.

🌱 Our ask: Feedback + Data contributions

We’d appreciate your support and look forward to your feedback and suggestions. You can start using the API completely free of charge and within minutes - just sign up on our website and generate an API key to get started. We also encourage data submissions to our open database so please reach out to us if you’d like to collaborate.

Thanks to my amazing team who made this happen! 🙏

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Joyk means Joy of geeK