csapp之lab:shell lab

 2 years ago
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neoserver,ios ssh client

csapp之lab:shell lab

发布于 2 月 2 日

shell lab主要目的是为了熟悉进程控制和信号。具体来说需要比对16个test和rtest文件的输出,实现五个函数:

void eval(char *cmdline):分析命令,并派生子进程执行 主要功能是解析cmdline并运行
int builtin_cmd(char **argv):解析和执行bulidin命令,包括 quit, fg, bg, and jobs
void do_bgfg(char **argv) 执行bg和fg命令
void waitfg(pid_t pid):实现阻塞等待前台程序运行结束
void sigchld_handler(int sig):SIGCHID信号处理函数
void sigint_handler(int sig):信号处理函数,响应 SIGINT (ctrl-c) 信号 
void sigtstp_handler(int sig):信号处理函数,响应 SIGTSTP (ctrl-z) 信号


  • int parseline(const char *cmdline,char **argv):获取参数列表,返回是否为后台运行命令
  • void clearjob(struct job_t *job):清除job结构体。
  • void initjobs(struct job_t *jobs):初始化jobs链表。
  • void maxjid(struct job_t *jobs):返回jobs链表中最大的jid号。
  • int addjob(struct job_t *jobs,pid_t pid,int state,char *cmdline):在jobs链表中添加job
  • int deletejob(struct job_t *jobs,pid_t pid):在jobs链表中删除pidjob
  • pid_t fgpid(struct job_t *jobs):返回当前前台运行jobpid号。
  • struct job_t *getjobpid(struct job_t *jobs,pid_t pid):返回pid号的job
  • struct job_t *getjobjid(struct job_t *jobs,int jid):返回jid号的job
  • int pid2jid(pid_t pid):将pid号转化为jid
  • void listjobs(struct job_t *jobs):打印jobs
  • void sigquit_handler(int sig):处理SIGQUIT信号。


例如:tsh> /bin/ls -l -d

在前台运行程序,程序的入口是:int main(int argc,char *argv[])

则argc==3,argv[0] == ‘‘/bin/ls’’,argv[1]== ‘‘-l’’,argv[2]== ‘‘-d’’。若在命令行后加上&,则在后台运行ls程序。shell支持作业控制,允许用户在后台和前台移动作业,并更改作业中进程的状态(运行、停止或终止)。输入ctrl-c会向前台作业中的每个进程发送SIGINT信号,默认操作是终止进程。类似地,键入ctrl-z将向前台作业中的每个进程发送SIGTSTP信号,默认操作是将进程置于停止状态,直到收到SIGCONT信号将其唤醒。当然shell也提供内置命令支持作业控制:

  • jobs:列出运行和终止的后台作业
  • bg <job>:将终止的后台作业改为运行
  • fg <job>:将终止或运行的后台作业改为前台运行
  • kill <job>:发送特定信号给特定进程和进程组,默认动作是终止进程
  • quit:终止shell


  • tsh不支持管道和I/O重定向
  • 每个作业要么被process ID识别,要么被job ID识别,jid因该在命令行中用前缀“%”表示,“%5”表示jid 5,5表示PID 5
  • shell因该回收所有僵尸进程,若任何一个作业因为接收到它没有捕捉到的信号而终止,那么tsh应该识别该事件,并打印PID和错误描述消息
  • 仔细阅读CSAPP第八章的异常控制流和lab的writeup
  • make testn测试shell执行第n组测试数据的输出,make rtestn打印shell预期输出,tshref.out包含shell所有预期输出结果,先看文件输出,了解命令格式再编码,修改makefile文件中CFLAGS字段,加-g参数并去掉-O2参数
  • waitpid, kill, fork, execve, setpgid, sigprocmask 很常用,可通过命令手册查看使用细节,WUNTRACEDWNOHANG选项对waitpid也很有用
  • 实现信息处理函数,确保发送SIGINTSIGTSTP信号给整个前台进程组,用-pid代替pid作为kill参数
  • 建议在waitfg的循环中用sleep函数,在sigchld_handler中对waitpid只调用一次
  • eval中进程在fork之前用sigprocmask阻塞SIGCHLD信号,之后在解除信号阻塞,之后在调用addjob添加孩子到作业列表用sigprocmask阻塞信号,因为子继承继承父进程的阻塞集合,所以子程序必须确保在执行新进程前解除阻塞SIGCHLD信号。父进程需以这种方式阻塞SIGCHLD信号,避免在父进程调用addjob之前,SIGCHLD处理器获取子进程(从而从任务列表中删除)的竞争状态。
  • 不要直接调用常用命令,而应输入完整路径,如/bin/ls
  • 当在标准Unix shell运行tsh时,tsh运行在前台进程组中。若tsh随后创建子进程,默认情况下,该子进程也是前台进程组的成员。因为按下ctrl-c会向前台组中的每个进程发送SIGINT信号,按下ctrl-c会向tsh及Unix shell创建的每个子进程,显然不正确。应该在fork后,但在execve前,子进程调用setpgid(0,0),把子进程放到新进程组中,该进程组ID与子进程的PID相同。确保前台进程组中只有一个进程,即tsh进程。当按下ctrl-c时,tsh应捕获生成的SIGINT,然后将其转发给包含前台作业的进程组。



  1. 安装docker,并配置加速
  2. 安装vscode和ssh插件
  3. 命令行中运行systemctl start docker启动docker和docker run --privileged -d -p 1221:22 --name shell yansongsongsong/csapp:shelllabshell lab的实验环境
  4. 通过ssh输入密码登录实验环境


void eval(char *cmdline) 
    char *argv[MAXARGS];/*Argument list execve() */
    char buf[MAXLINE];/*Holds modified command line */
    int bg;/*Should the job run in bg or fg? */
    pid_t pid;/*Process id */

    strcpy(buf, cmdline);
    bg = parseline(buf, argv);
    if (argv[0] == NULL)
        return;/* Ignore empty lines */

    if (!builtin_cmd(argv)) {
        if ((pid = Fork()) == 0) {/* Child runs user job */
            Execve(argv[0], argv, environ);
        }/* Parent waits for foreground job to terminate */
        if (!bg) {
            int status;
            if (waitpid(pid, &status,0) < 0)
                unix_error("waitfg: waitpid error");
            printf("%d %s", pid, cmdline);

运行make rtest01make test01可以看到输出一样,已经达到要求。同样操作,可以看到test02未按照预期退出tsh,分析知需要实现builtin_cmd函数。同样在书上P525能找到基础代码,只需加上jobsfgbg3种情况即可。代码如下:

int builtin_cmd(char **argv) 
    if(!strcmp(argv[0],"quit")) /* quit command */

    if (!strcmp(argv[0], "&")) /* Ignore singleton & */
        return 1; 
    if(!strcmp((argv[0]),"jobs"))/* jobs command */
        return 1;

    if(!strcmp((argv[0]),"fg") || !strcmp((argv[0]),"bg"))/* bg/fg command */
        return 1;
    return 0;     /* not a builtin command */


printf("[%d] (%d) %s", pid2jid(pid),pid, cmdline);

接着发现test05是执行内部命令:jobs,打印job list,比对rtest05发现没有打印出job,参考上面的提示第6条,知应同步避免父子竞争,具体来说:父进程在fork前屏蔽信号,子进程在execve前还原信号,因为子进程回继承原来的屏蔽信号。同时前台job需要调用waitfg进行等待。如果不阻塞会出现子进程先结束从jobs中删除,然后再执行到主进程addjob的竞争问题。在书上P542和PPT P57页都有对应的参考代码:

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int pid;
    sigset_t mask_all, mask_one, prev_one;
    int n = N; /* N = 5 */
    Sigaddset(&mask_one, SIGCHLD);
    Signal(SIGCHLD, handler);
    initjobs(); /* Initialize the job list */
    while (n--) {
        Sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_one, &prev_one); /* Block SIGCHLD */
        if ((pid = Fork()) == 0) { /* Child process */
            Sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev_one, NULL); /* Unblock SIGCHLD */
            Execve("/bin/date", argv, NULL);
        Sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_all, NULL); /* Parent process */
        addjob(pid); /* Add the child to the job list */
        Sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev_one, NULL); /* Unblock SIGCHLD */

加上图中对应代码,同时若子进程结束,需要delete job,在sigchld_handler中加上非阻塞循环等待子进程的代码:

void eval(char *cmdline) 
    char *argv[MAXARGS];/*Argument list execve() */
    char buf[MAXLINE];/*Holds modified command line */
    int bg;/*Should the job run in bg or fg? */
    pid_t pid;/*Process id */
    sigset_t mask_all,mask_one,prev_one;

    strcpy(buf, cmdline);
    bg = parseline(buf, argv);
    if (argv[0] == NULL)
        return;/* Ignore empty lines */

    if (!builtin_cmd(argv)) {
        Sigfillset(&mask_all);/* add every signal number to set */
        Sigemptyset(&mask_one);/* create empty set */
        Sigaddset(&mask_one, SIGCHLD);/* add signal number to set */

        /*  block SIGINT and save previous blocked set */
        Sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_one, &prev_one); /* Block SIGCHLD */
        if ((pid = Fork()) == 0) {/* Child runs user job */
            /* restore previous blocked set,unblocking SIGINT */
            Sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev_one, NULL); /* Unblock SIGCHLD */
            Execve(argv[0], argv, environ);
        }/* Parent waits for foreground job to terminate */

        Sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_all, NULL); /* Block SIGCHLD */
        int st = (bg==0) ? FG : BG;
        Sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev_one, NULL); /* Unblock SIGCHLD */
        if (!bg) {
            printf("[%d] (%d) %s", pid2jid(pid),pid, cmdline);
void sigchld_handler(int sig) 
    int olderrno = errno;
    sigset_t mask_all,prev_all;
    pid_t pid;
    while((pid = waitpid(-1,NULL,WNOHANG | WUNTRACED))>0){
    errno = olderrno;


void waitfg(pid_t pid)

这样就完成test05,接下来test06test07test08就是实现SIGINTSIGSTOP信号处理函数,注意前面提示的第4条用-pid作为kill的参数,同时最后一条在forkexecve前子进程应调用setpgid(0,0),否则回报错No such process,注意sigint_handlersigtstp_handler只需调用kill即可,将输出留到sigchld_handler中,这样就需修改前面的sigchld_handler以处理不同子进程退出状态:

void sigint_handler(int sig) 
    int olderrno = errno;
    pid_t fg = fgpid(jobs);
    errno = olderrno;
void sigtstp_handler(int sig) 
    int olderrno = errno;
    pid_t fg = fgpid(jobs);
    errno = olderrno;
void sigchld_handler(int sig) 
    int olderrno = errno;
    sigset_t mask_all,prev;
    pid_t pid;
    int status;
    while((pid = waitpid(-1,&status,WNOHANG | WUNTRACED))>0){
        // WNOHANG | WUNTRACED 是立即返回
        // 用WIFEXITED(status),WIFSIGNALED(status),WIFSTOPPED(status)等来补获终止或者
        // 被停止的子进程的退出状态。
        if (WIFEXITED(status))  // 正常退出 delete
            sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_all, &prev);
            deletejob(jobs, pid);
            sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev, NULL);
        else if (WIFSIGNALED(status))  // 信号退出 delete
            struct job_t* job = getjobpid(jobs, pid);
            sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_all, &prev);
            printf("Job [%d] (%d) terminated by signal %d\n", job->jid, job->pid, WTERMSIG(status));
            deletejob(jobs, pid);
            sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev, NULL);
        else  // 停止 只修改状态就行
            struct job_t* job = getjobpid(jobs, pid);
            sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_all, &prev);
            printf("Job [%d] (%d) stopped by signal %d\n", job->jid, job->pid, WSTOPSIG(status));
            job->state= ST;
            sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev, NULL);
    errno = olderrno;  // 恢复

这样就完成test06test07test08。接下来test09test10是测试fgbg内置命令,先解析命令通过getjobjidgetjobpid获取job,再分情况对fgbg命令做不同处理,输入%num 代表任务id,num代表进程id,分情况讨论即可,但要注意各种异常情况:

void do_bgfg(char **argv) 
        printf("%s command requires PID or %%jobid argument\n", argv[0]);

    if (!isdigit(argv[1][0]) && argv[1][0] != '%') {            // Checks if the second argument is valid
        printf("%s: argument must be a PID or %%jobid\n", argv[0]);

    struct job_t* myjob;
        myjob = getjobjid(jobs,atoi(&argv[1][1]));
            printf("%s: No such job\n", argv[1]);
        myjob = getjobpid(jobs,atoi(argv[1]));
        if (!myjob) {                                 // Checks if the given PID is there
            printf("(%d): No such process\n", atoi(argv[1]));

        myjob->state = BG;
        printf("[%d] (%d) %s",myjob->jid,myjob->pid,myjob->cmdline);
        myjob->state = FG;


这样就过了test09test10。接下来test11test12test13分别测试Forward SIGINT Forward SIGTSTPRestart stopped process 都能正常通过,若每通过,因该是前面某些测试有问题,解决后即可。test14是测试JIDPID的错误输入的情况,较容易通过。test15将前面所有测试情况放一起,也顺利通过,而test16是测试tsh能否处理不是来自终端而是来自其他进程的SIGSTPSIGINT信号,顺利通过。

最终代码见下,该实验主要涉及加载、进程控制、信号等基础但很重要的知识,涉及到异常控制流、进程、系统调用、信号处理函数与非本地跳转等并发编程的知识。并发的同步问题是关键,利用信号屏蔽与还原就能解决。此外阅读 man 手册了解系统接口使用细节对完成实验很有帮助。

 * tsh - A tiny shell program with job control
 * <Put your name and login ID here>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <errno.h>

/* Misc manifest constants */
#define MAXLINE    1024   /* max line size */
#define MAXARGS     128   /* max args on a command line */
#define MAXJOBS      16   /* max jobs at any point in time */
#define MAXJID    1<<16   /* max job ID */

/* Job states */
#define UNDEF 0 /* undefined */
#define FG 1    /* running in foreground */
#define BG 2    /* running in background */
#define ST 3    /* stopped */

 * Jobs states: FG (foreground), BG (background), ST (stopped)
 * Job state transitions and enabling actions:
 *     FG -> ST  : ctrl-z
 *     ST -> FG  : fg command
 *     ST -> BG  : bg command
 *     BG -> FG  : fg command
 * At most 1 job can be in the FG state.

/* Global variables */
extern char **environ;      /* defined in libc */
char prompt[] = "tsh> ";    /* command line prompt (DO NOT CHANGE) */
int verbose = 0;            /* if true, print additional output */
int nextjid = 1;            /* next job ID to allocate */
char sbuf[MAXLINE];         /* for composing sprintf messages */

struct job_t {              /* The job struct */
    pid_t pid;              /* job PID */
    int jid;                /* job ID [1, 2, ...] */
    int state;              /* UNDEF, BG, FG, or ST */
    char cmdline[MAXLINE];  /* command line */
struct job_t jobs[MAXJOBS]; /* The job list */
/* End global variables */

/*error handling function */
pid_t Fork(void);
void Execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[], char *const environ[]);
void Kill(pid_t pid, int signum);
void Sigemptyset(sigset_t *set);
void Sigaddset(sigset_t *set, int signum);
void Sigfillset(sigset_t *set);
void Setpgid(pid_t pid, pid_t pgid);
void Sigprocmask(int how, sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oldset);
/* Function prototypes */

/* Here are the functions that you will implement */
void eval(char *cmdline);
int builtin_cmd(char **argv);
void do_bgfg(char **argv);
void waitfg(pid_t pid);

void sigchld_handler(int sig);
void sigtstp_handler(int sig);
void sigint_handler(int sig);

/* Here are helper routines that we've provided for you */
int parseline(const char *cmdline, char **argv); 
void sigquit_handler(int sig);

void clearjob(struct job_t *job);
void initjobs(struct job_t *jobs);
int maxjid(struct job_t *jobs); 
int addjob(struct job_t *jobs, pid_t pid, int state, char *cmdline);
int deletejob(struct job_t *jobs, pid_t pid); 
pid_t fgpid(struct job_t *jobs);
struct job_t *getjobpid(struct job_t *jobs, pid_t pid);
struct job_t *getjobjid(struct job_t *jobs, int jid); 
int pid2jid(pid_t pid); 
void listjobs(struct job_t *jobs);

void usage(void);
void unix_error(char *msg);
void app_error(char *msg);
typedef void handler_t(int);
handler_t *Signal(int signum, handler_t *handler);

 * main - The shell's main routine 
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    char c;
    char cmdline[MAXLINE];
    int emit_prompt = 1; /* emit prompt (default) */

    /* Redirect stderr to stdout (so that driver will get all output
     * on the pipe connected to stdout) */
    dup2(1, 2);

    /* Parse the command line */
    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hvp")) != EOF) {
        switch (c) {
        case 'h':             /* print help message */
        case 'v':             /* emit additional diagnostic info */
            verbose = 1;
        case 'p':             /* don't print a prompt */
            emit_prompt = 0;  /* handy for automatic testing */

    /* Install the signal handlers */

    /* These are the ones you will need to implement */
    Signal(SIGINT,  sigint_handler);   /* ctrl-c */
    Signal(SIGTSTP, sigtstp_handler);  /* ctrl-z */
    Signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler);  /* Terminated or stopped child */

    /* This one provides a clean way to kill the shell */
    Signal(SIGQUIT, sigquit_handler); 

    /* Initialize the job list */

    /* Execute the shell's read/eval loop */
    while (1) {

    /* Read command line */
    if (emit_prompt) {
        printf("%s", prompt);
    if ((fgets(cmdline, MAXLINE, stdin) == NULL) && ferror(stdin))
        app_error("fgets error");
    if (feof(stdin)) { /* End of file (ctrl-d) */

    /* Evaluate the command line */

    exit(0); /* control never reaches here */
 * eval - Evaluate the command line that the user has just typed in
 * If the user has requested a built-in command (quit, jobs, bg or fg)
 * then execute it immediately. Otherwise, fork a child process and
 * run the job in the context of the child. If the job is running in
 * the foreground, wait for it to terminate and then return.  Note:
 * each child process must have a unique process group ID so that our
 * background children don't receive SIGINT (SIGTSTP) from the kernel
 * when we type ctrl-c (ctrl-z) at the keyboard.  
void eval(char *cmdline) 
    char *argv[MAXARGS];/*Argument list execve() */
    char buf[MAXLINE];/*Holds modified command line */
    int bg;/*Should the job run in bg or fg? */
    pid_t pid;/*Process id */
    sigset_t mask_all,mask_one,prev_one;

    strcpy(buf, cmdline);
    bg = parseline(buf, argv);
    if (argv[0] == NULL)
        return;/* Ignore empty lines */

    if (!builtin_cmd(argv)) {
        //blocking SIGCHLD in if status,otherewise it maybe has bugs
        Sigfillset(&mask_all);/* add every signal number to set */
        Sigemptyset(&mask_one);/* create empty set */
        Sigaddset(&mask_one, SIGCHLD);/* add signal number to set */

        /*  block SIGINT and save previous blocked set */
        /* avoid parent process run to addjob exited,before fork child process block sigchild signal,after call addjob unblock  */
        Sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_one, &prev_one); /* Block SIGCHLD */
        if ((pid = Fork()) == 0) {/* Child runs user job */
            /* restore previous blocked set,unblocking SIGINT */
            /* child process inherit parent process' blocking sets,avoid it can't receive itself child process signal,so we must unblock */
            Sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev_one, NULL); /* Unblock SIGCHLD */
            Setpgid(0,0);// set child's group to a new process group (this is identical to the child's PID)
            Execve(argv[0], argv, environ);//this function not return ,so must call exit,otherewise it will run forever
        }/* Parent waits for foreground job to terminate */

        Sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_all, NULL); /* Block SIGCHLD */
        int st = (bg==0) ? FG : BG;
        Sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev_one, NULL); /* Unblock SIGCHLD */
        if (!bg) {
            //because sigchld_handler was called above,it call waitpid,so don't call and circular wait wait
            printf("[%d] (%d) %s", pid2jid(pid),pid, cmdline);

 * parseline - Parse the command line and build the argv array.
 * Characters enclosed in single quotes are treated as a single
 * argument.  Return true if the user has requested a BG job, false if
 * the user has requested a FG job.  
int parseline(const char *cmdline, char **argv) 
    static char array[MAXLINE]; /* holds local copy of command line */
    char *buf = array;          /* ptr that traverses command line */
    char *delim;                /* points to first space delimiter */
    int argc;                   /* number of args */
    int bg;                     /* background job? */

    strcpy(buf, cmdline);
    buf[strlen(buf)-1] = ' ';  /* replace trailing '\n' with space */
    while (*buf && (*buf == ' ')) /* ignore leading spaces */

    /* Build the argv list */
    argc = 0;
    if (*buf == '\'') {
    delim = strchr(buf, '\'');
    else {
    delim = strchr(buf, ' ');

    while (delim) {
    argv[argc++] = buf;
    *delim = '\0';
    buf = delim + 1;
    while (*buf && (*buf == ' ')) /* ignore spaces */

    if (*buf == '\'') {
        delim = strchr(buf, '\'');
    else {
        delim = strchr(buf, ' ');
    argv[argc] = NULL;
    if (argc == 0)  /* ignore blank line */
    return 1;

    /* should the job run in the background? */
    if ((bg = (*argv[argc-1] == '&')) != 0) {
    argv[--argc] = NULL;
    return bg;

 * builtin_cmd - If the user has typed a built-in command then execute
 *    it immediately.  
int builtin_cmd(char **argv) 
    if(!strcmp(argv[0],"quit")) /* quit command */

    if (!strcmp(argv[0], "&")) /* Ignore singleton & */
        return 1; 
    if(!strcmp((argv[0]),"jobs"))/* jobs command */
        return 1;

    if(!strcmp((argv[0]),"fg") || !strcmp((argv[0]),"bg"))/* bg/fg command */
        return 1;
    return 0;     /* not a builtin command */

 * do_bgfg - Execute the builtin bg and fg commands
void do_bgfg(char **argv) 
        printf("%s command requires PID or %%jobid argument\n", argv[0]);

    if (!isdigit(argv[1][0]) && argv[1][0] != '%') {            // Checks if the second argument is valid
        printf("%s: argument must be a PID or %%jobid\n", argv[0]);

    struct job_t* myjob;
        myjob = getjobjid(jobs,atoi(&argv[1][1]));
            printf("%s: No such job\n", argv[1]);
        myjob = getjobpid(jobs,atoi(argv[1]));
        if (!myjob) {                                 // Checks if the given PID is there
            printf("(%d): No such process\n", atoi(argv[1]));

    Kill(-myjob->pid,SIGCONT);//send continue signal 
        myjob->state = BG;
        printf("[%d] (%d) %s",myjob->jid,myjob->pid,myjob->cmdline);
        myjob->state = FG;


 * waitfg - Block until process pid is no longer the foreground process
void waitfg(pid_t pid)
        usleep(1000);//sleep one second

 * Signal handlers

 * sigchld_handler - The kernel sends a SIGCHLD to the shell whenever
 *     a child job terminates (becomes a zombie), or stops because it
 *     received a SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP signal. The handler reaps all
 *     available zombie children, but doesn't wait for any other
 *     currently running children to terminate.  
void sigchld_handler(int sig) 
    int olderrno = errno;
    sigset_t mask_all,prev;
    pid_t pid;
    int status;
    while((pid = waitpid(-1,&status,WNOHANG | WUNTRACED))>0){
        // WNOHANG | WUNTRACED return immediately
        if (WIFEXITED(status))  // normally exited,delete job
            sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_all, &prev);
            deletejob(jobs, pid);
            sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev, NULL);
        else if (WIFSIGNALED(status))  //terminated by signal, delete job and print message
            struct job_t* job = getjobpid(jobs, pid);
            sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_all, &prev);
            printf("Job [%d] (%d) terminated by signal %d\n", job->jid, job->pid, WTERMSIG(status));
            deletejob(jobs, pid);
            sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev, NULL);
        else  //stopped,change the status
            struct job_t* job = getjobpid(jobs, pid);
            sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask_all, &prev);
            printf("Job [%d] (%d) stopped by signal %d\n", job->jid, job->pid, WSTOPSIG(status));
            job->state= ST;
            sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &prev, NULL);
        //actually there is WIFCONTINUED,but we don't care about
    errno = olderrno;  

 * sigint_handler - The kernel sends a SIGINT to the shell whenver the
 *    user types ctrl-c at the keyboard.  Catch it and send it along
 *    to the foreground job.  
void sigint_handler(int sig) 
    int olderrno = errno;
    pid_t fg = fgpid(jobs);
    errno = olderrno;

 * sigtstp_handler - The kernel sends a SIGTSTP to the shell whenever
 *     the user types ctrl-z at the keyboard. Catch it and suspend the
 *     foreground job by sending it a SIGTSTP.  
void sigtstp_handler(int sig) 
    int olderrno = errno;
    pid_t fg = fgpid(jobs);
    errno = olderrno;

 * End signal handlers

 * Helper routines that manipulate the job list

/* clearjob - Clear the entries in a job struct */
void clearjob(struct job_t *job) {
    job->pid = 0;
    job->jid = 0;
    job->state = UNDEF;
    job->cmdline[0] = '\0';

/* initjobs - Initialize the job list */
void initjobs(struct job_t *jobs) {
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++)

/* maxjid - Returns largest allocated job ID */
int maxjid(struct job_t *jobs) 
    int i, max=0;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++)
    if (jobs[i].jid > max)
        max = jobs[i].jid;
    return max;

/* addjob - Add a job to the job list */
int addjob(struct job_t *jobs, pid_t pid, int state, char *cmdline) 
    int i;
    if (pid < 1)
    return 0;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++) {
    if (jobs[i].pid == 0) {
        jobs[i].pid = pid;
        jobs[i].state = state;
        jobs[i].jid = nextjid++;
        if (nextjid > MAXJOBS)
        nextjid = 1;
        strcpy(jobs[i].cmdline, cmdline);
            printf("Added job [%d] %d %s\n", jobs[i].jid, jobs[i].pid, jobs[i].cmdline);
            return 1;
    printf("Tried to create too many jobs\n");
    return 0;

/* deletejob - Delete a job whose PID=pid from the job list */
int deletejob(struct job_t *jobs, pid_t pid) 
    int i;

    if (pid < 1)
        return 0;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++) {
        if (jobs[i].pid == pid) {
            nextjid = maxjid(jobs)+1;
            return 1;
    return 0;

/* fgpid - Return PID of current foreground job, 0 if no such job */
pid_t fgpid(struct job_t *jobs) {
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++)
    if (jobs[i].state == FG)
        return jobs[i].pid;
    return 0;

/* getjobpid  - Find a job (by PID) on the job list */
struct job_t *getjobpid(struct job_t *jobs, pid_t pid) {
    int i;

    if (pid < 1)
    return NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++)
    if (jobs[i].pid == pid)
        return &jobs[i];
    return NULL;

/* getjobjid  - Find a job (by JID) on the job list */
struct job_t *getjobjid(struct job_t *jobs, int jid) 
    int i;

    if (jid < 1)
    return NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++)
    if (jobs[i].jid == jid)
        return &jobs[i];
    return NULL;

/* pid2jid - Map process ID to job ID */
int pid2jid(pid_t pid) 
    int i;

    if (pid < 1)
    return 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++)
    if (jobs[i].pid == pid) {
            return jobs[i].jid;
    return 0;

/* listjobs - Print the job list */
void listjobs(struct job_t *jobs) 
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < MAXJOBS; i++) {
    if (jobs[i].pid != 0) {
        printf("[%d] (%d) ", jobs[i].jid, jobs[i].pid);
        switch (jobs[i].state) {
        case BG: 
            printf("Running ");
        case FG: 
            printf("Foreground ");
        case ST: 
            printf("Stopped ");
            printf("listjobs: Internal error: job[%d].state=%d ", 
               i, jobs[i].state);
        printf("%s", jobs[i].cmdline);
 * end job list helper routines

 * Other helper routines

 * usage - print a help message
void usage(void) 
    printf("Usage: shell [-hvp]\n");
    printf("   -h   print this message\n");
    printf("   -v   print additional diagnostic information\n");
    printf("   -p   do not emit a command prompt\n");

 * unix_error - unix-style error routine
void unix_error(char *msg)
    fprintf(stdout, "%s: %s\n", msg, strerror(errno));

 * app_error - application-style error routine
void app_error(char *msg)
    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", msg);

 * Signal - wrapper for the sigaction function
handler_t *Signal(int signum, handler_t *handler) 
    struct sigaction action, old_action;

    action.sa_handler = handler;  
    sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); /* block sigs of type being handled */
    action.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; /* restart syscalls if possible */

    if (sigaction(signum, &action, &old_action) < 0)
    unix_error("Signal error");
    return (old_action.sa_handler);

 * sigquit_handler - The driver program can gracefully terminate the
 *    child shell by sending it a SIGQUIT signal.
void sigquit_handler(int sig) 
    printf("Terminating after receipt of SIGQUIT signal\n");

 * my functions with error handling

 * fork error handling
pid_t Fork(void)
    pid_t pid;

    if ((pid = fork()) < 0)
        unix_error("Fork error");
    return pid;

 * execve error handling
void Execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[], char *const environ[])
    if (execve(filename, argv, environ) < 0) {
        printf("%s: Command not found.\n", argv[0]);

 * kill error handling
void Kill(pid_t pid, int signum) 
    int kr;

    if ((kr = kill(pid, signum)) < 0)
        unix_error("Kill error");

 * sigemptyset error handling
void Sigemptyset(sigset_t *set)
        unix_error("Sigemptyset error");
 * sigaddset error handling
void Sigaddset(sigset_t *set,int sign)
        unix_error("Sigaddset error");

 * sigprocmask error handling
void Sigprocmask(int how, sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oldset)
        unix_error("Sigprocmask error");

 * sigfillset error handling
void Sigfillset(sigset_t *set)
        unix_error("Sigfillset error");

 * setpgid error handling
void Setpgid(pid_t pid, pid_t pgid) {
    int rc;

    if ((rc = setpgid(pid, pgid)) < 0)
        unix_error("Setpgid error");

本文由博客一文多发平台 OpenWrite 发布!

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