Introducing XM Fundamentals (XMF) Certification, A Valuable Credential For Every...

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Introducing XM Fundamentals (XMF) Certification, A Valuable Credential For Everyone

Maggie Mead and Bruce Temkin , January 26, 2022

As more companies adopt Experience Management (XM), it’s important for an increasing number of leaders and employees to understand the key principles of XM. That’s why XM Institute is excited to announce the launch of the XM Fundamentals (XMF) Certification! This training-based certification covers the fundamental principles of XM and how to apply them to build and mature successful XM, CX, and EX programs. XMF is a great opportunity for anyone interested in XM to learn and demonstrate their commitment to XM.


How the XMF Certification Works

XMF is a training-based certification that is open to everyone, no matter how much experience or knowledge they have in XM. The process requires taking these three online courses and then successfully completing a 40-question multiple-choice exam:

  • Experience Management Foundations: Essentials for Operationalizing XM
  • Building and Maturing Your CX Program
  • Building and Maturing Your EX Program

There is a $100 fee to sit for the XMF Certification exam, which is administered through our online proctoring partner. Visit our training page to learn more about the certification and each of the courses in the certification journey.

Who Should Get an XMF Certification?

XMF Certification is a perfect opportunity for all XM professionals who want to sharpen their XM knowledge and display the badge as an example of their XM expertise. In addition, we also recommend the XMF for these groups: 

  • XM core teams. Whether you have a team focused on XM, CX, or EX, it would be valuable for all members to go through the certification process together and share their learnings along the way. You may want to make it a requirement for all current and future members.
  • XM advocates. We often recommend that organizations use an XM ambassadors program to help build grassroots support. These part-time members of your XM team can learn a lot from the XMF, and you can use the process as part of their onboarding into the ambassadors program. The certification can be positioned as a valuable benefit for the program members.
  • Key stakeholders. While it may be good for all executives to go through the XMF process, that’s not a practical goal. Instead, you can identify the few leaders who are likely to propel your efforts and see if they are willing to either take the XMF themselves or send members of their team through the training.
  • Offsite participants. If you’re bringing a group together to discuss your XM efforts, it may be helpful to establish a common knowledge base across them. Why not assign the XMF as a prerequisite for the meeting.

How is XMF Different from XM Professionals Certification?

In addition to XMF, XM Institute also offers the XM Professionals (XMP) Certification, which is only available for XM professionals with strong XM experience. XMP is equivalent to other professional certifications such as CPAs for accountants and PEs for engineers. This graphic outlines some of the key differences across the certifications: 


If you’re an experienced XM professional with real-world experience managing one or more core experiences of business – customer, employee, product, or brand – and have had primary responsibilities that cut across the six XM competencies, we suggest that you pursue the XMP Certification. Learn more about how to apply and frequently asked questions.

Get Started On Your XMF Today!

XMF certification can be accessed on XM Basecamp, which is the Qualtrics hub for online training. You’ll need a Qualtrics account to access XM Basecamp, but don’t worry if you’re not a Qualtrics user. You can easily register for a free Qualtrics account.

If you’re also interested in learning about the Qualtrics product, then you can purchase the Qualtrics Platform Essentials + XM Fundamentals Certification bundle and get both exams for only $100. Learn more on XM Basecamp.

The bottom line: Break into XM with the XM Fundamentals certification!

Maggie Mead, XMF, is a Program Manager with Qualtrics XM Institute

Bruce Temkin, XMP, is the Head of Qualtrics XM Institute


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