Uber Clone App using State Machine in Xamarin Forms

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.xamboy.com/2022/01/28/uber-clone-app-using-state-machine-in-xamarin-forms/
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Uber Clone App using State Machine in Xamarin Forms


For the last few months, I have been writing about State Machine. As the final article of this series and the first article of the year, I’ll show you how to implement State Machine in a real-life scenario, using as an example an Uber Clone App. 

A few years ago, I did this sample of an Uber Clone app, so I’ll take this sample and modify it to use a State Machine. 

Let’s start

As I mentioned in a previous article, the first step when working with State Machines is to define the states that will be handled.

These states can be represented using an Enum:

Create another Enum to define the triggers for each state:

Let’s code

After installing the Stateless package, we create the State machine and configure the initial state:

public class MapPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { public MapPageViewModel() { var _stateMachine = new StateMachine<XUberState, XUberTrigger>(XUberState.Initial);

_stateMachine.Configure(XUberState.Initial) .OnEntry(Initialize) .OnExit(() => { Places = new ObservableCollection<GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction>(RecentPlaces); }) .OnActivateAsync(GetActualUserLocation) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ChooseDestination, XUberState.SearchingDestination) .Permit(XUberTrigger.CalculateRoute, XUberState.CalculatingRoute);

... } }

To connect the State with the UI, we expose a State property that will represent the current state:

namespace UberClone.ViewModels { public class MapPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { public XUberState State { get; private set; }

public ICommand FireTriggerCommand { get; } private readonly StateMachine<XUberState, XUberTrigger> _stateMachine;

public MapPageViewModel() { var _stateMachine = new StateMachine<XUberState, XUberTrigger>(XUberState.Initial); ... FireTriggerCommand = new Command<XUberTrigger>((trigger) => { if(_stateMachine.CanFire(trigger)) { _stateMachine.Fire(trigger); State = _stateMachine.State; } }); } } }

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2009/xaml" x:Class="UberClone.Views.MapPage" > <Grid RowSpacing="0" x:Name="layout" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" RowDefinitions="Auto, *"> ... <local:SearchContentView IsVisible="false" Grid.Row="1" x:Name="searchContentView"> <local:SearchContentView.Triggers> <DataTrigger TargetType="local:SearchContentView" Binding="{Binding State}" Value="{x:Static helpers:XUberState.SearchingDestination}"> <Setter Property="IsVisible" Value="True"/> </DataTrigger> </local:SearchContentView.Triggers> </local:SearchContentView> </Grid> </ContentPage>

Now that we have the UI + ViewModel connected, we can define the rest of our states:

namespace UberClone.ViewModels { public class MapPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged { ... public MapPageViewModel() { var _stateMachine = new StateMachine<XUberState, XUberTrigger>(XUberState.Initial);

CalculateRouteTrigger = _stateMachine.SetTriggerParameters<GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction>(XUberTrigger.CalculateRoute);

_stateMachine.Configure(XUberState.Initial) .OnEntry(Initialize) .OnExit(() => { Places = new ObservableCollection<GooglePlaceAutoCompletePrediction>(RecentPlaces); }) .OnActivateAsync(GetActualUserLocation) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ChooseDestination, XUberState.SearchingDestination) .Permit(XUberTrigger.CalculateRoute, XUberState.CalculatingRoute);

_stateMachine .Configure(XUberState.SearchingOrigin) .Permit(XUberTrigger.Cancel, XUberState.Initial) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ChooseDestination, XUberState.SearchingDestination);

_stateMachine .Configure(XUberState.SearchingDestination) .Permit(XUberTrigger.Cancel, XUberState.Initial) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ChooseOrigin, XUberState.SearchingOrigin) .PermitIf(XUberTrigger.CalculateRoute, XUberState.CalculatingRoute, () => OriginCoordinates != null);

_stateMachine .Configure(XUberState.CalculatingRoute) .OnEntryFromAsync(CalculateRouteTrigger, GetPlacesDetail) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ChooseRide, XUberState.ChoosingRide) .Permit(XUberTrigger.Cancel, XUberState.Initial);

_stateMachine .Configure(XUberState.ChoosingRide) .Permit(XUberTrigger.Cancel, XUberState.Initial) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ChooseDestination, XUberState.SearchingDestination) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ConfirmPickUp, XUberState.ConfirmingPickUp);

_stateMachine .Configure(XUberState.ConfirmingPickUp) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ChooseRide, XUberState.ChoosingRide) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ShowXUberPass, XUberState.ShowingXUberPass);

_stateMachine .Configure(XUberState.ShowingXUberPass) .Permit(XUberTrigger.ConfirmPickUp, XUberState.ConfirmingPickUp) .Permit(XUberTrigger.WaitForDriver, XUberState.WaitingForDriver);

_stateMachine .Configure(XUberState.WaitingForDriver) .Permit(XUberTrigger.CancelTrip, XUberState.Initial) .Permit(XUberTrigger.StartTrip, XUberState.TripInProgress); State = _stateMachine.State;

_stateMachine.ActivateAsync(); }

private void Initialize() { CleanPolylineCommand.Execute(null); DestinationLocation = string.Empty; }

private async Task GetActualUserLocation() { try { await Task.Yield(); var request = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.High,TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5000)); var location = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(request);

if (location != null) { OriginCoordinates = location; CenterMapCommand.Execute(location); GetLocationNameCommand.Execute(new Position(location.Latitude, location.Longitude)); } } catch (Exception) { await UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync("Error", "Unable to get actual location", "Ok"); } } ... } }


That’s all for now.

Check the full source code here.

NOTE: This code has a lot of room for improvement, I made this quick sample just to show the concept.

Happy Stateless.

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